Chapter 498: The Six-eared Earth-drilling Mouse
The wind blew, carrying the dust away with it.
Outside Hong Tian City, an unending line of cavalrymen had arrived, no more than three Li away. There were several dozen rows of them, each one prepared to die. An army burning with righteous indignation alone is not very daunting. However, when that army was such a powerful one, with a great number of soldiers and horses all equipped with high ranking war armors, as well as the aid of two Emptiness Realm Experts, it is terrifying.
At this moment, the seventy-eight thousand three hundred and sixty-two cavalrymen stood together with a united will to fight! Every last one of them were yelling war cries in their heads, prepared to kill the incoming enemy. Slaying one would be well worth your life and two would be gaining a profit! And if you were to kill ten, you would die smiling!
“Fight!” “Fight!” “Fight!”
The cries of the myriad of soldiers shook the hearts of men.
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