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11.11% (I’m still rewriting this) Dead Redemption: The Baba Yaga / Chapter 1: Ch2: First Step is a Leap of Fate
(I’m still rewriting this)  Dead Redemption: The Baba Yaga (I’m still rewriting this)  Dead Redemption: The Baba Yaga original

(I’m still rewriting this) Dead Redemption: The Baba Yaga

Autor: Tbyte

© WebNovel

Capítulo 1: Ch2: First Step is a Leap of Fate

[ Third Person POV ]


Is the only word that can encapsulate the magnificence of the breathtaking view that stretches into the heart of the Big Valley region in West Elizabeth. Little Creek River. a hidden gem nestled just north of Strawberry town.

Little Creek River was a world unto itself, teeming with life and wonder. The river was a sparkling ribbon of blue, cutting through the lush green of the valley like a knife. And in this pristine setting, creatures of all kinds roamed free, undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of human life.

The fauna danced through the fields with abandon, their coats gleaming in the bright sunlight. They seemed to move as one with the wind, a perfectly choreographed dance that had no beginning and no end.

And as the wind blew, carrying the sweet scent of violet flowers with it, the pollen lifted from the blooms and drifted away, ready to bring new life to some far-off corner of the world.

As one looks closely, a small river can be observed cutting the earth to the east, eventually merging with the Dakota River and flowing onward towards Ambarino. It is almost comical how this river is referred to as such, even though the place bears the name of a mere creek.

The view is strikingly beautiful, with the rippling waters of the river reflecting the vivid hues of the surrounding landscape. The lush greenery and the gentle sway of the trees complement the fluid movement of the water, creating a harmonious sight that is both calming and inspiring.

As one gazes at the river, it is easy to get lost in the tranquility of the scene. The soft rustle of the leaves and the distant sound of the flowing water are like music to the ears, inviting the observer to immerse themselves in the peaceful ambiance.

It is fascinating how the name of a place can be so misleading, with the Little Creek River defying its namesake with its grandeur and majesty. The irony is not lost on the onlooker, and it adds a touch of humor to the already delightful scene.

Amidst the beauty of the Little Creek River, there are numerous creatures that call this place home. Majestic deer, pronghorns, and elk can be seen running around, their graceful movements in perfect harmony with the surroundings. A little doe can also be spotted, blending into the lush greenery with its delicate frame.

Some of these creatures are leisurely munching on the tall grass, enjoying the bounty that nature provides, while others rest peacefully on the ground, their eyes closed in blissful contentment. The Little Creek River is not just a sight to behold, but it is also a sanctuary for these creatures, where they can find respite from the chaos of the world.

As they move around the area, their movements are like poetry in motion, a dance of life that is both mesmerizing and calming. The sun casts a warm glow upon them, bathing them in a golden light that highlights their beauty and grace. The sound of the flowing water is a gentle lullaby that adds to the peaceful ambiance of the place

As one moves to the west, the sound of a horse's hooves can be heard resonating through the air, the rhythmic pounding of the animal's feet creating a symphony in sync with the surroundings. Each step the horse takes leaves an impression on the damp earth, marking its path through the wilderness.

Suddenly, the serene atmosphere is shattered by a piercing scream, the desperate cry of a woman in distress. Her voice echoes across the landscape, tearing at the observer's heart with its raw, hoarse quality. The sound is a jarring contrast to the tranquility of the Little Creek River.

Upon closer look, one could see a disturbing sight: a woman tied to the back of a horse, with an old, creepy-toothless man riding it. The woman's plight is evident from the panic etched on her face, as she struggles against the ropes binding her to the animal.

The man atop the horse seems oblivious to the woman's terror, his face a mask of indifference. The horse moves steadily on its path, the sound of its hooves reverberating through the air, as if announcing the arrival of something ominous.

Disturbingly, no one else seems to pay any heed to the woman's predicament. Pedestrians walk by without a second glance, as if it were an everyday occurrence. The stark contrast between the woman's distress and the nonchalance of those around her is a reminder of how the world can be a cruel and unforgiving place.

On another hand, not far from the road. Amidst the serene beauty of the violet flower field, a medium-sized stone stood, its rough edges casting stark shadows on the surrounding flora. And nearby, lay a pair in perfect harmony - a man and his horse, asleep in each other's company.

The man had chosen a most peculiar pillow, resting his head on the horse's belly. Together, they exuded an air of tranquility that blended with the gentle breeze and fluttering butterfly wings.

The man stood out like a red rose in the midst of a field of sunflowers. Clad in a three-piece black suit with a matching tie and semi-casual trench coat that reached his thighs, the man's attire seemed to embody a strange elegance that perfectly complemented the surroundings. The coat's inner side featured an intricate design of dark red maroon, adding a pop of color to his otherwise somber wardrobe.

Despite his lean and fit figure, the man was far from skinny-boned. His body, visible only through the contours of his suit, appeared to be well-built with bulging muscles, making it apparent that he was not just an average man.

The sight of the man and his horse sleeping together peacefully was a moment of pure serenity that seemed to defy the chaotic world around them. The pair radiated an aura of peace and harmony, almost like they were in their own world, untouched by the atrocities of the world.

As the gentle breeze wafted through the field of violet flowers, the man's medium-length black hair swayed with the wind. A well-groomed beard adorned his chiseled face, which tensed up as he slowly regained consciousness.

His eyes slowly fluttered open to reveal a pair of dark orbs that glistened with confusion and disorientation. Beside him, the horse let out a soft but piercing neigh, as if trying to draw his attention to its presence.

The man's voice was hoarse as he muttered to himself, trying to take in his surroundings.

" I?"


[ John Wick POV ]

I awaken, disoriented and confused. My body feels heavy and unresponsive, and my hand instinctively reaches for my head as a sudden surge of information floods my mind. I grasp my head tightly, trying to push away the asphyxiating feeling that lingers, suffocating every corner of my consciousness.

My thoughts race as I try to make sense of what has happened.

"Where am I? What happened to me?" The memories flood my mind like a tidal wave, crashing and tumbling into each other, causing my head to ache even more.

"Agent 47? Isoniazid INH?" The words are a jumbled mess, echoing in my mind like a haunting melody.

Suddenly, it hits me like a bolt of lightning, piercing through the fog of confusion.

"Helen...Helen died." The realization is like a thousand knives, each one slicing through my heart, tearing it apart with every thrust. The pain is unbearable, overwhelming, consuming me entirely.

The headaches I feel now pale in comparison to the anguish that fills my heart. The grief is like a deep, dark abyss that threatens to swallow me whole, dragging me down into its depths.

A sudden jolt of memory shudders through my mind, and I pause, trying to remember what happened before. I strain to recall the person - or thing - that I encountered.

Despite my efforts, the memories are hazy, as if obscured by a dense fog. All I can remember is that it said something about me being able to meet Helen again if I make significant changes in the new world.

The words "new world" echoed in my mind, and I suddenly realize that everything around me has changed.

The environment, the sounds, the smells, everything is different. A sense of disorientation sets in.

As I try to make sense of my surroundings, I begin to wonder if I've crossed over into a different world. The thought is both exhilarating and terrifying. I can't help but wonder what kind of world I've stumbled into, and what it will take to make the changes needed to see Helen once again.

My emotions are a chaotic whirlwind, swirling and colliding, like a stormy sea. A mix of hope and fear churn inside me, tugging at my heartstrings like opposing forces. I'm desperate to see Helen again, but I'm also unsure of what it might take to make it happen.

Despite the confusion and turmoil, a flicker of determination sparks inside me. I know that I must push forward, no matter what obstacles stand in my way. I must make those significant changes, not just for myself, but for Helen.

For the hope of seeing her once again.

The world spins around me, while I struggle to stand up, my head pounding with a dull ache. I try to get my bearings, but the surroundings are unfamiliar, leaving me feeling lost and disoriented. With shaky legs, I push my weight up, but my body betrays me, and I stumble backward.

In an instant, my senses go haywire, and my vision blurs, going in and out of focus. Panic sets in as I feel my body begin to fall, but just as I'm about to hit the ground, something catches me, and I hear a low neigh from behind me.

The ringing in my ears intensifies, becoming a high-pitched screeching that pierces through my skull like a thousand needles. The world around me slows down, every sound amplified and elongated, stretching out time like a slow-motion movie.

I try to steady myself, but my limbs feel heavy and unresponsive, as if they're not my own. I feel trapped in my body, like a prisoner held captive, unable to move or escape. a sense of crisis rises inside me, and I can feel my heart racing like a wild stallion.

My emotions are a confusing mix of confuse and frustration, as I struggle to make sense of what's happening to me. The world around me feels foreign and alien, and I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or awake.

As I struggle to regain control of my body, I feel a sudden movement behind me, and my skin tingles with the sensation of hundreds of tiny hairs grazing my clothes. It's as if a snout is brushing against me, leaving an imprint in my mind. A second later I sense the ground tremble beneath me as the horse kicks up dirt with its powerful hooves.

I take a deep breath, close my eyes, and focus on the sound of my own breaths, hoping to calm my racing heart and clear my mind.

Slowly, I begin to relax, letting the chaos subside and my senses return to a tolerable level.

I feel my muscles begin to loosen up, and I cautiously straighten my back, testing my balance. The world around me feels unsteady and unfamiliar, but I know that I must push through the fear and uncertainty.

I take another deep breath, this time feeling the cool air filling my lungs and calming my nerves.

As I turn to look behind me, I find myself face-to-face with a stunningly beautiful horse. Her coat is a deep, dark black that seems to absorb all of the light around her. Her long mane and tail flow behind her like a dark river, and her eyes sparkle with an intelligence that seems almost human.

She holds me steady with her head, keeping me from falling and gently guiding me to stand. I stroke her head gently, feeling a sense of comfort and safety in her presence.

"Thanks," I whisper, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Nyx," I decided to name her, after the Queen of the night, as befitting her stunning appearance.

Patting her head, I gaze out at the field of violet flowers that surrounds us, marveling at the sheer beauty of this place. The flowers sway gently in the breeze, their perfume filling the air with a sweet fragrance. In the distance, a wall of trees encircles the field, creating a natural barrier that seems to offer both protection and seclusion.

My attention is drawn to a group of elk that runs in the distance, their movements fluid and graceful. I watch in awe as they dart away from a pack of wolves, their powerful legs carrying them to safety. The scene is both terrifying and beautiful, a reminder of the harshness of nature and the delicate balance that exists between life and death.

As I take in the splendor of this new world, I feel a sense of wonder building inside of me. There is so much to explore and discover.

A few minutes later my eyes widen as I take in my attire. A three-piece suit with a coat, so finely tailored it feels like a second skin. As I knock on the vest, a hard and rigid sensation meets my touch.

"Bulletproof," I whisper to myself in disbelief. It's the weapons that they hide beneath the impeccable suit that surprises me the most.

As I carefully examine myself, I can see the weapon holsters neatly placed on my torso, holding two customized Nighthawk handguns at each side, with fourteen 9mm magazines resting at my waist and on its straps.

At my back, I feel the cold steel of the two Ka-Bar Knives that are strategically placed at an angle that makes them easily reachable.

'It's like I'm prepared for some gang war.' I can't help but chuckle dryly inside my mind,

As I take a moment to calm down, I realize that there is a rush of memories that I can't ignore. I remember strange things, like medical knowledge and the experiences of someone called Agent 47.

It's almost overwhelming, and I feel a deep need to observe every detail around me, as if my senses have been heightened.

It's all so new and foreign to me. I can't help but feel a bit intimidated by this sudden influx of information. I'll need to take some time to adjust to all of this.

Turning my head, my gaze settles on Nyx, the beautiful mare that saved me from falling earlier. I notice a sleek saddle on her back, with two bags hanging on each of her sides.

But it's the pair of guns, a deep black custom-made firearm, an AWM, and HK416 that catches my attention. Its sleek appearance, its lethal power, stirs up something within me. A sense of familiarity that I can't quite place.

It's been a while since I've held a weapon, but the feeling of it in my hand is unforgettable. The weight, the cold metal against my skin, the way it demands respect and attention. I can feel the adrenaline start to flow as I reach out to touch it, a thrill that I can't deny.

As I run my fingers over the cold metal of the AWM, memories of my past rush back to me. The familiarity of the weapon in my hand brings a sense of comfort, a sense of power. I test its weight, balance, and grip, feeling the precision that comes with years of training.

"Beautiful but deadly," I whisper, admiring the weapon's deadly grace.

Strapping it back onto Nyx, my focus switched to the bags on her back. As I reached for the bag, a shiver ran down my spine. There was an unsettling feeling that came over me, like I was about to uncover something I shouldn't.

As I opened the bag, the darkness seemed to swallow me whole, like a void that would never release me. I strained my eyes, but I couldn't see anything inside. I hesitated for a moment, unsure if I wanted to reach in and risk what lay within.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled myself and plunged my hand into the darkness. The uncertainty was replaced with a cold, creeping fear that seemed to crawl up my arm as I searched blindly. But then, my fingers brushed against something cold and smooth. I wrapped my fingers around it, and as I pulled it out, a piece of paper came with it.

The paper was delicate, like it would crumble at any moment. I held it gingerly, afraid that any sudden movement would destroy it. The words were written in a delicate cursive script, but the message was clear.

"A latter..." I whisper as I start to read it,


Dear John,

I'm sorry I can't be there for you. if you still need something, someone, to love, just start with this. because the car doesn't count.

I love you, John. this illness has loomed over us for a long time. and now that I had found my peace, find yours.

Until that day,

your best friend, Helen.


As soon as I finished reading the last word on the letter, a torrent of emotions overwhelmed me. It was like a dam had broken, and I couldn't contain the flood that was unleashed.

My faith, which was already cracking, trembled again, and tears streamed down my face, falling off my chin like raindrops. My whole body shook uncontrollably, consumed by an agony that only grew more intense.

"I miss you." Those three words echoed in my mind, a mantra that wouldn't let go. It was as if they were the key that unlocked the floodgates of my grief. I couldn't remember the last time I cried like this.

The pain of loss was overwhelming, like a tidal wave crashing down on me, leaving me gasping for breath. But as the initial shock subsided, so did my emotions, leaving me numb and empty once again.

As I struggled to regain my composure, a flash of white caught my attention, drawing my gaze to Nyx's side. There, I saw a box placed neatly behind her, its edges clean and it's surface polished. Intrigued, I approached, my steps tentative as if afraid to disturb the box's serenity.

A small box, a letter, and a puppy,

Lifting the puppy to my eye level, I am mesmerized by her beauty. Her light bluish eyes sparkle like stars in the sky, and her snowy white fur seems to radiate a soft glow in the dimly lit room.

As I take in her little long-shape nose, I realize that she is not a puppy but a wolf pup. I can't help but feel a sense of awe and wonder at the sight of her.

As I gently placed the wolf pub down on the ground, her tail wagged excitedly, and her bright blue eyes stared up at me with curiosity. It was then that I noticed the metallic necklace around her neck, which read

"Daisy... of course." I couldn't help but smile at the sight of the wolf pup before me. However, my attention quickly shifted to the letter that lay beside her.


Dear Baba Yaga,

I send to you all the precious gifts that belonged to your late wife, which you can find nestled safely in the box beside your horse.

In case you were wondering, all the items you had picked before, such as your ammo, continental gold coins, several adjudicator coins, and survival kit, are tucked away inside your trusty horse bag. I also add some gold bars to help you a little.

And speaking of your horse bag, it is no ordinary satchel. It is a bottomless wonder that I personally crafted for you, ensuring that only you can make use of its boundless depths. Simply place your hand inside and focus on what you desire, and the bag will provide.

But fear not, should anyone else try to peek inside, they will see only an empty bag, bereft of any contents.

That is all for now. May you continue to thrive and flourish, Johnathan.

"May The Imagination of The Mind always be with You"

From yours truly, T.


As I set down the letter, I turn to the box beside it and my eyes catch sight of its contents. I feel my hand start to tremble as I slowly lift the object from its resting place.

"Helen..." Her name escapes my lips in a whisper, and a salty taste grazes my lower lip as I stare at the beautiful white-golden necklace dangling from my hand. It was my gift to her when we first met many years ago, a symbol of my love for her that she had cherished.

After taking a moment to regain my composure, I delicately fasten the white-golden necklace around my neck. The cool metal seems to offer a soothing weight to my anxious heart, and I am reminded of the woman who was once the love of my life.

"Wait for me," I whisper to the necklace, the words carrying a weight of longing and hope.

If I'm not mistaken, that voice urged me to make a change significant enough to be deemed a valuable bargaining chip for the wish to meet you again. Until then, I must simply keep pressing forward.

"Looks like it's just the three of us now. Nyx... Daisy..." I said, scooping up the wolf pup who was gazing up at me with curiosity and wagging her tail. I mounted Nyx and carefully stowed Daisy inside my suit, my mind already churning as I pondered what I needed to do next. There are many ways to make a significant change, but the question is: what kind of change did that voice mean?

To meet her again, I needed to do something big, something that would be a bargaining chip for my deepest desire. But what was it? The possibilities swirled around in my head, like a turbulent storm waiting to unleash its power.

For now, I just needed to keep moving forward, trusting that the path ahead would reveal itself in time.

'In the end, I still need to find a town first to gather the information I need. I'm still in the dark about what's happening in this world,' I thought to myself.

"Look like we need to find a town, Nyx," I said, running my hand along Nyx's neck.

Nyx neighed in response, and Daisy let out a joyful howl, wiggling her front paw in front of my chest as she peeked out curiously.

"Well, let's go, girls," I said, gently nudging Nyx's belly with my leg to urge her forward.


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