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81.25% "My Destined One" • Tensura X Arifureta / Chapter 78: Ch 76: New City and Arrival at Tortus

Capítulo 78: Ch 76: New City and Arrival at Tortus

The Shield Continent is the Home of a single County that is Governed by Corrupted Individuals.

In a battle Field the last of the Remaining Celestial named Ivan was Standing on the battlefield his Army of demons Is being annihilated one by one by the opposing army that came from the other content that they once thought was easy to invade.

His allies Have all been killed his Dragon Which is supposed to be the strongest was Defeated by a man With Blonde hair.

Now he is Kneeling on the ground in front of him were Three Girls One had Loong Silver hair, one had black, and the other had White they looked down at him as if he was an Insect.

"Surrender now, you and your army had been Defeated," Luminous said To Ivan

"Never once My Partner was Finish with that black-haired guy she will Come and kill all of you next," Ivan said not wanting to Surrender he was hoping that Asmodeus will win against Diablo but all of his Hope was shattered when Diablo Arrived.

"Your partner Won't be coming To help you, Human," Diablo said as he approach Ivan who was on the ground.

When Diablo was in front of Ivan, He turned his attention towards the three girls and bowed.

"My ladies I have finished my Work," Diablo said

He didn't say that He let Asmodeus go since he knew that Asmodeus won't ever bother them again He knew that she was a coward beyond compare and if she even decided to Attack again He would be the one to erase her existence.

"Good Job Diablo," Luminous said

Shiraori and Kurumi just give him a nod and a Smile

"No way," Ivan said as he was trembling in fear

The Girls hearing this turn their attention back to Ivan who was kneeling on the ground

"We won't Kill you but, I believe that The people that you made suffered will have another word to say," Shiraori said

Then the people from the Resistance Step forward the girls and the Tempest Troops along with the Soldiers from the Easter empire Backs away to give way to the Resistance.


After everything had clam down a meeting was held to address the Treaty between the Two Continent.

The people from the Shield Continent give the Tempest and the Eastern Empire A Plot of their Land The land that was given to Tempest and the Eastern Empire was big enough to make 2 new cities each.

The Golden Dragon That Veldora Defeated decided to Join Tempest and ask to be Rimuru's Sabordenate which Everyone agreed on taking him in.

After a few days, Benimaru Despatched a team To construct new buildings on the new land they had to obtain They will call it the City Of Water since it was Very close to To the ocean and It had a blue River connecting to the ocean.

Even though the place is still Under development many Demi-humans and Humans decided to migrate To the Place and in just a Span of a few days the Population reach a thousand.

Luminous, Shiraori, Kurumi and Diablo decided to stay in the Shield Continent to help lead the Construction team that is being Led by Geld.

Benimaru and the others returned to Tempest On the orders of Luminous and she also Contact Roy and Louis she says that she will go to where Rimuru is.

You may ask how will they get to Rimuru Well Luminous had an ability that let her travel From one Universe to another as long as she had been there once.

In Luminous case she asks Diablo About the place where They had been Recently summoned by Rimuru, Diablo then Shared his Memory with Luminous And there she Found in Diablo's memory the Heiligh Kingdom.

"Thank you for your help Diablo I'll leave the development of this new city to you and Geld," Luminous said

"But my lady are you sure You won't Take someone else with you?" Diablo ask

"I'm not going alone, I'm going with them," Luminous said as she Points at Shiraori and Kurumi

"I understand Please have a safe trip," Diablo said as he bowed

Luminous then walks where Shiraori and Kurumi are standing.

"Are you two ready" Luminous asks

"I am ready," Kurumi said

"I will finally be able to see him again, I'll be sure to give him a Scolding when we arrived," Shiraori said with fire in her eyes

"Please go easy on Love," Luminous said

The three just laugh and then they get ready Once they are in Position Luminous activates her Ultimate skill Witch allows her to travel to any place that she had been Or a place that she Saw Perfectly from someone else memory.

Her Ultimate skill is Strong but there's a downside to it, It consumes almost 85% of Luminous full Magicule Capacity and with her Current Magicule state she can only use it once every 10 Months.

By using her Ultimate skill Goddess of the Night Nyx The three of them got covered by Blue and Purple light after the Light Died Down they are now in a Training ground The soldiers around them are in shock since they appeared out of nowhere.

The first one to Recover from the shock was The Captain of the Knights Meld.

"Who are you? Where did you three Come from?" Meld asks The three while taking His fighting stance

"There's no need To be on Guard Human we are not an enemy," Luminous said

"How can we believe you?" Meld said he didn't let his guard down since he thought that they might be a Demon

"Don't worry we dint came here for a fight were just looking for Someone?" Kurumi said

Meld and the Knights dint listen but before they can Do anything a voice rang out

"Meld-san wait"

The voice belongs to Aiko Hatayama Teacher of Rimuru and Nagumo

"Miss Aiko These people can be an enemy that the demons send," Meld said

"Just wait Meld San," Aiko said as she steps forward the students that came with her also Stands on guard but the boys are having A Nose bleed the moment they saw Luminous, Shiraori, And Kurumi the girl then look at them with discuss.

"Ano May I ask who you three are?" Aiko asks

"Oh I'm sorry for not Introducing our self, My name is Luminous Valentine," Luminous said

"I'm Shiraori" Shiraori introduced herself

"Tokisaki Kurumi," She said as she Bowed

"Ehh Tokisaki are you Japanese?" Aiko asks which Suprise the Students and also some of the Knights that know about The Heroes being a Japanese

"Yes I am a Japanese" Kurumi said

"Then are you a Summoned hero?" Aiko Asks


"Wait you don't know about..." Aiko was trying to say something but Luminous Interrupted Her

"Forget about Where we came from, We won't hurt you guys so We will be on our way we have to find Someone," Luminous said Which Shiraori and Kurumi agree

"Then maybe we can help you find that person that you want to find, just give us a description of how they look," Aiko said Meld wanted to Protest but choose to keep quiet.

Meanwhile, the boys are Completely Determined to help The three Girls Witch They even called them Goddess that can Rival Chloe herself.

"Then if you find Someone with Long Blueish hair and Golden Eyes please let us know," Luminous said

Aiko hearing That Description froze since she only knows one person who had Loong Blueish hair and Golden Eyes.

"Is the one you are looking for named Rimuru?" Aiko ask

When the three Girls heard the name Rimuru they Imidiatly ask Aiko countless questions

"Yes, where is he right now?" Luminous asks

"Please tell us where he is"Kurumi and Shiraori Followed up

"W...wait I'll tell you where they went but please calm down first," Aiko said

"Ahh We are sorry We lost our composure," The three said

"It's Ok, Well Rimuru-kun is not here right now He and the others went to The seas of Trees to challenge the Labyrinth there," Aiko said

"I see thank you," Kurumi said

"Umm Can I ask you something," Aiko said

"Sure if it's something that we can Answer" Luminous replied

"Well, what is your relationship Rimuru-kun?" Aiko Asks which also caught the attention of all of the students and also the knights that are on the training grounds

"""He's our Fiancé"""

The three said at the same time

"ahh I see You three are his Eh"

Aiko takes a few minutes and then


Everyone screamed in surprise and most of the boys were cursing Rimuru for Having so many Beautiful Fiancé.

"He already Has Chloe-san, Sakura-san, and Ciel-san now them Just how many Finance does Rimuru-kun have," the girls ask amongst them self and The boys were already lying on the ground because of shock.


Meanwhile, Rimuru who was in The Giant tree together with Hajime and the others they ware stacked in an empty cave

"Is this another dead End" Kouki ask

"Hajime let's keep..." Rimuru Is speaking when he suddenly stops

"Is there any problem Brother" Hajime ask

"No nothing let's Hurry up," Rimuru said With excitement

"What gotten into him?" Hajime ask and Yue and the others Just nodded

"Well they are here now so I guess he would be Excited," Chloe said

"Who is here?" Shizuku ask

"You guys will know after we Cleared this Labyrinth" Chloe said And Walks towards Rimuru who found a Magic Formation on the Ground.



Sorry for late upload I'm currently waiting this on My school after my mid term so it's a bit messy.

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