así que modificaron la historia para que pareciera que el es el malo
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Fantasy · Hazy_0832
los hombres no miran hacia atrás
Those that turned due to the explosion looked back and shook in fear as they watched Tony casually walking towards them with the flames roaring behind him.
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
nose que tomas para sacar tales historias pero no pares esta historia es una de las mejores de el hombre araña que leído muchas gracias por tu excelente trabajo
Felix Hardy has been killed by none other than the Winter Soldier."
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
gracias por estos espectaculares capítulos
The people watching them for the first time were shocked, unable to believe what they were seeing. If two spider people weren't enough, now there were three more.
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
gracias por tu arduo trabajo
Yo guys want to say one thing don't know what kind off personal vengence these Chinese people have with og ash from starting to the end there was full of og ash bashing it took quite a bit of time to correct all the bashing sure we all had some form of displeasure towards Ash myself particularly don't like the ash who was introduced in black and white series but bashing him for every two or three sentences was worst they even told butterfree doesn't even cared for ash fuckers if he didn't care for ash he wouldn't have shown Im the finale of the series these Chinese people were poisoning the whole franchise I will try to change all these poisons support me guys.
Anime & Comics · stromerthaha
Both Gwen's then looked and pointed at each other in surprise, "Holy Moly there are two of us!"
Anime & Comics · Shadow_D_Monarch3
Pokémon: Reset
Anime & Comics · Raven_King_Raven