thank you
thank you
thank you so much
Smart author create exciting and suspenseful stories. I like the part where there are a lot of incredible power elements. Fighting can't be wait the next chapters
When I first read it, the conflict was already hot. This author is cool and the storytelling style is also fun, not monotonous and makes you feel comfortable🤗
aku yakin si mbok ya si Sukma. aduh duh
Si Mbok mengangguk dan membiarkan Kirana beranjak ke kamarnya kembali. Wanita tua itu tersenyum, lalu dengan satu kedipan mata penampilannya berubah menjadi rapi kembali. Dia pun beranjak ke dapur menyiapkan sarapan pagi untuk tuannya.
Urban · Yuli_F_Riyadi
bos bos. bikin gregetan
thank you so much
woww. amazing
Zombie Reincarnation Birth Purpose
Games · Rainzanov_words