"I wonder if I can get a Vulpix," Kara tapped her chin and wondered aloud. "I always thought it was adorable and Ninetales is just beautiful."
Anime & Comics · Daddy
sauce? for research of course
His form looked calm and peaceful, a martial artist would call it vulnerable.
Movies · Emmanuel_Capricorn
meh, semantics
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Anime & Comics · Azazyel
sorry for grammar mistakes english isn't my first language
Even the inhibitor collars didn't work on him, though according to the Bat it's because we don't have enough data on his powers to actually code a collar to work on him.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
I like to think that they think/meant it's because his metahuman gene is mutated and is directly connected to his speech center So by coding it they meant adjusting it specificly for him so he could speak and not activate his power.
Even the inhibitor collars didn't work on him, though according to the Bat it's because we don't have enough data on his powers to actually code a collar to work on him.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
no his skin is Scream resistant his insides are not. You can see his skull and brain got destroyed but his skin was still intact
Black Bolt's power differ a lot from Black Canary's powers, medical tests show his powers are directly connected to the left hemisphere of the brain, connecting directly to the speech zone of the brain. Results for containment are inconclusive, further testing is required, though results show that tear gas if administered quickly enough, should cut off his ability to speak and scream, and should this not be enough adding a well-timed blow to the trachea should do the trick. Alternatively should this not work, the best way to disable his powers would be to distract him. His sister is an excellent blind spot, as is his fear of killing everyone. Taking hostages is also a good distraction, particularly if he knows them, should this prove to be ineffective, battle relocation is essential, while his powers are dangerous he himself is a human with minor superstrength, relocating the battle to an enclosed zone should limit the use of his powers out of fear of killing himself, recommendation, underground location.
Anime & Comics · CORNBRINGER
Dark skin in H culture is Tan, Fake tam(spray), Light Brown and brown skin and Black.
''I don't know what you, a midget in a fursuit are into. But any other man, when met with a hot dark skinned woman, a bunny no less, that's got thighs that could crush boulders, the only thing that goes through their head is their willingness to perish at that moment.''
Anime & Comics · BeaulenSmith
"Calm down there is more, 'the blade once assembled can only be used once, the magic it leaks draws danger so we decided to break it into sections, once one book is found the others will appear. Find the piece that belonged to me and the others will come to you, I beg you to team up and kill him once and for all! That is my last wish - Cristoforo Colombo" Kol finished with a wide smile
TV · Booggie
"Foes and false friend are all around us south of the Neck, Lord Ryswell. For three hundred years we had to be considered equals to the cats of the west who ruled their lands for less than five centuries, to the former thrall who couldn't even bring all his bannermen under his banner once in three centuries, to the pigeon who after six thousand years still doesn't have control of all his lands, to the grasping stewards who filled their bellies while we were starving and enduring the bite of winter, to the dear who is just the bastard of the flying lizards, to the squids scums who are nothing more than glorified pirates. Lannister, Tully, Arryn, Tyrell, Baratheon, Greyjoy, who are they to us ? We are the Blood of the First Men, we defeated the Night King and his army eight millennia ago and will do it again while the Andals will continue their petty squabble over an ugly chair. Soon we shall be free once again. The North Remembers, Roger, Wyman, the North Remembers and the mummer's farce is almost done."
Book&Literature · ElderKwon
Try, "Dial" (Omnitrix in Marvel), it already has even a sequel Dial: Resumed, It's good and doesn't fall for the same trope of being ben 10 just in another Universe
Anime & Comics · Baph0met