if u want nincada is a good one after it evolves into shedinja and ninjask for there abilities. spinarak has insomnia to prevent sleep
Also any ideas about what kind of boost Bug Type Pokemon could give?]
Anime & Comics · Greyninja27
why not a digimon more variety from just one instead of a limited single line
Anime & Comics · gacha927
why not echidna or slaanesh
Anime & Comics · TheMaster726262
ar - at
This paragraph has been deleted.
Anime & Comics · ForestOfDarkness
if u want nincada is a good one after it evolves into shedinja and ninjask for there abilities. spinarak has insomnia to prevent sleep
Also any ideas about what kind of boost Bug Type Pokemon could give?]
Fairy Tail: The Pokemon Summoner
Anime & Comics · Greyninja27