The world of Demons, unlike many humans believe, has similar structures as their own, and develops in similar ways. Due to a surge of alchemical and mechanical knowledge, the world of Demons, the Abys
Read NowDo you want to write the next hunger games or lord of the rings? Maybe your old school and you like Charles Dickens. Well, I hate to tell you but you're dreaming. That is you're dreaming without me! H
Read Now"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light,
Read Nowtwo storage units. The main storage unit to be tidied was the second one. In it were 30 to 40 boxes of books. Godzilla and Big Quinn worked hard tidying up the storage unit. Charles Chalmers came ov
Read Nowdickens ridiculously buffed by Charles, even if the World Boss was only level 20, but the visual, of watching that many crazed, angry, demonic chickens running through the forest, seeking out BLANKs p
Read Nowtwo children's voices, and Gwyneth speaks with them. "Pity us. Pity the Gelth. There is so little time. Help us." The Gelth said. "What do you want us to do?" The Doctor asked. "The rift. Tak
Read Nowtwo strong arms held her close. Once again she had fallen asleep at Eric's, but that morning she couldn't stay and have breakfast with him, even though he was the best pancake cook. She got up very
Read Nowcities. Arthur understood more about the underwater cities and how these secret societies functioned. He was able to deduce and calculate the locations of the other cities and found a way to attack an
Read NowIf you're a big reader then you've probably read a mixture of very short and very long books in your lifetime. And you've probably wondered how long some of your favourite stories are. But because tim
Read Nowtwo packets of condom, some mint and chewing gum and a small metal flask filled with whisky. "What the fuck is this?" I held a packet of condom in my hand. He merely shrugged. "You never know. T
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