Anastasia Harrison, seorang wanita muda yang disiksa oleh keluarganya yang kejam, mengira hidupnya telah berakhir ketika mereka memaksanya untuk menikah dengan Richard, domba hitam licik dari keluarga kaya Wallace. Sementara itu, adik perempuannya yang lebih disukai, Michelle, diatur untuk menikah dengan Xavier, kakak laki-lakinya, yang merupakan seorang CEO. Namun, sebuah kesalahan di balai kota membuat nama mereka tertukar dalam sertifikat perkawinan mereka masing-masing. "Apa ini?! Bagaimana bisa kamu menikah dengan Xavier Wallace?" "Kamu tidak akan mendapatkan makanan atau air sampai kamu menandatangani surat perceraian!" Untuk menambah masalah, tua Mr. dan Mrs. Harrison meninggal dunia, meninggalkan seluruh harta mereka kepada Anastasia dan bukan kepada keluarga lainnya. Ini mendorong keluarga Harrisons ke titik puncak kesabaran. Sebagai imbalan untuk hidup yang damai, Anastasia bersedia meninggalkan warisannya dan meninggalkan keluarga, tetapi keluarga Harrisons memiliki rencana lain yang ada di benak mereka. Mereka ingin menyingkirkannya. Secara permanen. Namun, berkat keberuntungan, Anastasia ditemukan oleh suaminya yang baru, Xavier, sebelum keluarganya berhasil. Bertekad untuk membalas dendam, ia membuat kesepakatan dengan Xavier. "Lanjutkan sebagai istriku dan aku akan membantumu mendapatkan balas dendammu!"
[REIFER INHALT] Er wollte sie mit allen Mitteln ruinieren, aber was passiert, wenn er derjenige ist, der ihr Beschützer in einem feindlichen Königreich wird? Kann sie in einem Königreich überleben, in dem nichts als Feindseligkeit auf sie wartet? Synopsis: Im Jahr 299 des Mondsystems fiel ein geheimnisvoller roter Streifen auf die Erde und landete in einem unbesetzten Gebiet zwischen den Königreichen Eldoria und Selvarys. Die Entdeckung der magischen roten Steine löste einen jahrzehntelangen Krieg zwischen den beiden Völkern aus. Um das Blutvergießen zu beenden, arrangierten die Könige von Eldoria und Selvarys eine Ehe zwischen Prinzessin Cynthia, deren Ruf in der High Society durch einen Skandal getrübt war, und Prinz Lucian, dem unehelichen Sohn des Königs von Selvarys. Prinzessin Cynthia, die als Schurkin und Unruhestifterin bekannt war, hatte erst vor kurzem eine Verlobung gelöst. Trotz ihrer Berühmtheit willigte sie in die Heirat ein, um den Krieg zu beenden und ihr Volk zu retten. Prinz Lucian, der gerade vom Schlachtfeld zurückgekehrt war, verachtete den Gedanken, eine feindliche Prinzessin zu heiraten. Als unehelicher Prinz war es jedoch seine einzige Chance, die Verschwörungen im Palast zu überleben, indem er dem Befehl des Königs gehorchte. Können sie in einer Ehe, die von gegenseitiger Verachtung und Misstrauen geprägt ist, ihren Hass überwinden und lernen, miteinander zu leben? Oder wird die Feindseligkeit, die sie im feindlichen Königreich umgibt, zu groß sein, um sie zu überwinden? Auszug: "Eure Hoheit, warum vermeidet Ihr es immer, mich anzusehen, wenn Ihr sprecht?" fragte Cynthia in festem Ton, während sie ihren Kopf neugierig neigte. "Liegt es daran, dass Ihr keinen Augenkontakt mit mir halten könnt?", fügte sie hinzu, und ihre Worte trugen eine subtile Schärfe. Für Lucian fühlte sich ihre Bemerkung an wie dünn verschleierte Kritik, die er schon unzählige Male gehört hatte. Er klappte den Kiefer zusammen, dann hob er den Blick und begegnete Cynthias Blick mit seinen markanten grün-smaragdgrünen Augen. "Verspotten Sie mich, Eure Hoheit?" fragte Lucian leise und hob Cynthias Kinn an, lehnte sich näher heran, seine Augen spiegelten seine Verärgerung über die harschen Bemerkungen der Prinzessin wider, ihre Gesichter berührten sich fast. "Nun, das macht mir nichts aus. Solange du deine Pflicht als meine Frau ordnungsgemäß erfüllst, habe ich nichts gegen dich. Aber in dem Moment, in dem du deinen Pflichten nicht nachkommst", seine Hand glitt auf ihre Schultern, während er ihr tief in die Augen blickte. "Das ist der Moment, in dem du diese Heirat bereuen wirst. Du wirst es bereuen, in ein feindliches Königreich eingeheiratet zu haben, wo du niemanden hast, der dich vor Schaden bewahrt. Wo nicht einmal dein Ehemann an deiner Seite ist." Ein leises Kichern entwich Cynthia und verwirrte den Mann vor ihr. "Ich werde nichts davon bereuen. Du wirst es bereuen, wenn du dich in jemanden verliebst, den du nicht einmal sehen willst", murmelte sie. Haftungsausschluss: Dies ist Feinde zu Liebenden. Lies nur, wenn du das magst! Band 1: Mit dem Feind verheiratet (abgeschlossen) Band 2: Hass (Abgeschlossen) Band 3: Rache (laufend) Unterstützen Sie das Buch mit Powerstones, Goldenen Tickets und Geschenken!
[MATURE CONTENT] "Am I all right? How can you ask me that when you just bought me?" she cried. "I was trying to save you," he said. But he couldn't deny he wanted her ... *** Hannah's father has always treated her like his property. But now he has gone too far. To pay his debts, her father sold her to an auction house, where wealthy men buy wives. Roman Thaddeus is a billionaire playboy with no plans to get hitched. But when he sees Hannah on the auction block, he knows he needs to buy her before those filthy men get their hands on her. Now Hannah and Roman are trapped in a marriage contract. If they fight back against the Auction House, their lives could be in danger. And soon their hearts are in danger, too.
Celestiel Balahan, first born princess of Icartha is forced to be wed to the cold hearted and infamous Sebastian Blackbeard, the tyrant of the seven seas, king of Calabran and pirate King. She is a broken angel, obsessed with the idea of true love. Unfortunately, fate has more than she asks planned out for her. Sebastian Blackbeard, a man of logic, cursed from birth. He desires only one thing...for this curse to be lifted, even at any cost. A man with a vision. A woman with delusions. Bound together by fate, marriage and the sea. The tides are bound to be unpredictable...ain't it? Character art (Celestiel) belongs to @ronamii_art Character art (Reagan and Leonore) belongs to @LoveStorybookFairy Do follow them in pinterest. Thank you!
[WARNUNG VOR REIFEM INHALT: LESEN AUF EIGENE GEFAHR] Willkommen in der schicken Welt der Elite, wo Seraphina Alaric, ein zartes und zerbrechliches Mädchen, das sich immer auf die Medizin verlässt, um gesund zu werden, nur versucht, eine Chance zu bekommen, bevor ihr Leben durch eine arrangierte Ehe auf den Kopf gestellt wird... Mal ehrlich, wer will sich schon binden, wenn man noch nicht weiß, was man im Leben will? Während eines protzigen Banketts trifft sie auf den rätselhaften Herzog von Everwyn. Und das Verrückteste daran? Sie hat keine Ahnung, wer dieser Typ ist - sie hält ihn einfach für einen mysteriösen Fremden. Aus heiterem Himmel schlägt sie ein geheimes Rendezvous vor, das ihre ganze Welt auf den Kopf stellt, und fühlt sich dabei abenteuerlustig (und vielleicht auch ein bisschen leichtsinnig). In diesem versteckten Moment stürzt sich Seraphina kopfüber in ihre wildesten Wünsche. Aber es stellt sich heraus, dass der Mann, mit dem sie gerade die Nacht verbracht hat, kein anderer ist als ihr zukünftiger Ehemann. Ups! So viel zu einem mysteriösen Fremden - sie hat gerade die Nacht mit ihrem zukünftigen Ehemann verbracht! "Duke, It Hurts..." lädt dich ein zu einem Wirbelsturm der Selbstfindung, einer dampfenden Romanze und dem süßen Chaos der Liebe, wenn du es am wenigsten erwartest. Kann Seraphina sich aus den gesellschaftlichen Ketten befreien, oder wird sie sich in dem Netz verheddern, dem sie zu entkommen versuchte? Begleiten Sie sie auf dieser aufregenden Reise und entdecken Sie, dass Liebe sowohl befreiend als auch kompliziert sein kann. Verpassen Sie es nicht - Ihre nächste Obsession ist nur eine Seite entfernt!
For the sake of his family, Richard married a woman he had never met before. However, his newly wed wife was not only hideous but also viscous, which he only discovered on his wedding day. He thought he would be disgusted by her, but unexpectedly could not help but be attracted to this mysterious woman. What made Richard scratch his head even more, was that her face under the mask seems to be hiding some secret.
Seorang gadis miskin yang lahir dengan penyakit jantung bawaan tidak memiliki banyak harapan untuk masa depan, tetapi hidupnya berubah drastis ketika seorang pria kaya, tampan melamarnya setelah transplantasi jantung. Ini adalah hal yang paling mengejutkan yang terjadi pada dirinya dalam 22 tahun hidupnya. Abigail tidak pernah menyangka bahwa Christopher Sherman, seorang pengusaha muda miliaran dolar, akan mendekatinya dan mengungkapkan keinginannya untuk menikahinya. Dia sangat gembira dan menerima lamarannya. Tapi sedikitpun dia tidak tahu bahwa pria tampan berusia 32 tahun itu memiliki alasan tersembunyi untuk ingin menikahinya. Abigail melangkah ke dunianya dengan penuh harapan di hatinya. Tapi menikah dengannya bukanlah akhir bahagia. Ini hanyalah awal. Akankah dia mampu menjaga hatinya agar tidak hancur? Apa yang akan terjadi jika dia mengetahui motif sebenarnya? ============= "Hidup mudah sebelum aku menikahimu," ujar Abigail dengan kesakitan di matanya. “Aku sekarat, tapi aku bahagia.” "Maksudmu?" Christopher merangkul lengannya. “Berhenti bicara omong kosong dan minum obat,” katanya sambil merapatkan sebuah tablet ke telapak tangannya. Di bawah tatapan menyala Christopher, Abigail merasa ketakutan. "Apakah kau merasa sulit memenuhi tuntutanmu untuk memiliki bayi? Sudah dua tahun, Christopher." Dia tidak menjawab pertanyaannya. Semua yang dia lakukan hanyalah menatapnya, tak berkata apa-apa. “Mengapa aku merasa seperti kau tidak peduli dengan perasaanku?” tanya Abigail. “Tidakkah kau mencintaiku?” Keangannya adalah jawaban yang jelas.
Pada tahun 299 dari Sistem Lunar, sebuah garis merah misterius jatuh ke Bumi, mendarat di wilayah yang tidak diklaim antara kerajaan Eldoria dan Selvarys. Penemuan batu merah ajaib memicu perang selama satu dekade antara dua negara. Untuk mengakhiri pertumpahan darah, raja Eldoria dan Selvarys mengatur pernikahan antara Putri Cynthia, yang reputasinya dalam masyarakat tinggi ternoda oleh skandal, dan Pangeran Lucian, putra tidak sah dari raja Selvarys. Putri Cynthia, yang dikenal sebagai penjahat dan pembuat masalah, baru-baru ini menghadapi pertunangan yang berakhir. Meskipun terkenal buruk, dia setuju dengan pernikahan untuk menghentikan perang dan menyelamatkan rakyatnya. Pangeran Lucian, yang baru saja kembali dari medan perang, membenci pemikiran untuk menikahi seorang putri musuh. Namun, sebagai pangeran yang tidak sah, mematuhi perintah raja adalah satu-satunya cara untuk bertahan dari konspirasi istana. Dalam sebuah pernikahan yang ditandai oleh rasa tidak suka dan ketidakpercayaan bersama, dapatkah mereka menyingkirkan kebencian dan belajar hidup bersama? Atau apakah permusuhan yang mengelilingi mereka di kerajaan musuh terlalu besar untuk diatasi?
Abigail is a waitress working in a high-end club in Country B who dreams of living an ordinary, peaceful life. However, those who have crossed her path mysteriously vanish, never to be seen again. When she receives an offer to marry Elias, she agrees to the arrangement in exchange for her freedom. Elias is a fearsome mafia lord with a notorious reputation that precedes him. His name alone is enough to strike fear in the hearts of those in the underworld, and he is determined to become the chairman of his grandfather's business empire, the most controlling in the world. However, there is one ridiculous condition he must meet to achieve his goal. Elias enters into a contract marriage, a marriage of convenience with no emotional attachment allowed as a prime rule. The sinful encounter between these two self-benefit-driven people takes place amidst bullets, vows, and blood. The question is, who will lose the trial of emotions first? What happens when secrets are revealed, tragedies are reopened from years ago? will their marriage stand?
(Back On Hiatus- I've fallen ill, and I'm backed up with projects and personal issues :( Book one/ Luna By Force- A good deed can literally bite you back. Noelle Clarke a twenty five year old female living in a post apocalyptic world, that has been damaged by a horrible infection. She's orphaned and alone with only her pet dog to sustain her. On one of her runs to get food, Noelle saves a little girl from a group of rogue zetas. Her thanks comes when the little girl bites her, and infects her with the virus known as the Cerberus genes. It only takes a week after her mark appears for the girl's father, an alpha, to come for Noelle. Her life goes from zero to one hundred really fast. As she's welcomed into the Moonraiders pack, and finds herself falling for the silent and cold alpha. But there's more. Her heart feels a deeper connection when she comes in contact with his brothers. Noelle struggles to understand these feelings, and she struggles to survive. In her world, being a Luna is a prize. A prize to be taken by force. Follow Noelle on her journey as she falls in love with three men, unlocks her true potential, and discovers the what really started the infection that ruined all of man kind. This is a different spin on a fantasy werewolf romance. I hope you'll like it. If you do, don't forget to comment to let me know. ------------ Book Two/ Accidental Luna- In a world ravaged by a deadly virus, Noelle Cerberus is determined to build a safe haven for the remaining survivors. Unbeknownst to her, the virus has evolved in another part of the world, creating new challenges. Enter Kiada Moretti, an ex-Navy SEAL who awoke to the pandemic while on the battlefield. Having lost everyone she cared for to the virus, Kiada has given up hope of ever finding peace. But everything changes when her old radio picks up a frequency for the first time in years. Noelle's broadcast carries a riddle, a clue to finding the elusive safe haven. For Kiada, it's a glimmer of hope in a hopeless world. However, her journey takes a perilous turn when she is tackled by two alphas who mistake her for their mate, inadvertently turning her into their luna. Now, with the virus coursing through her DNA, Kiada finds herself bonded to two men she both loathes and fears. As Kiada grapples with her new reality, she must work alongside the alphas and their pack of rogues if she has any hope of reaching the safe haven. Can she overcome her fears and prejudices? Will she discover that not all accidents lead to disaster? And can love truly blossom amidst the chaos? Find out in this thrilling tale of survival, love, and redemption. _______ The photo in the cover is not mine, if the owner would like me to change it, do let me know.
All through her life Eleanor has been told of how ruthless and merciless the night creature tend to be. She has read books and scrolls about what they did and have been told tales of never getting close to those people. But when she turned of age, her heartless father had indeed given her out to the king of this night creatures. On the night of her wedding, rather than her husband, Eleanor was taken by another demon. A more ruthless and mean demon. He's the scariest of them all. The most powerful demon that ever existed. One wave of his fingers and a fruitful land turns into an inhospitable dry land. He is a rumoured living god. He's danger. He's one to be wary of. The one people run away from just at the sight of him. She had summoned him without an idea and a bond was formed. He hated her for tying herself to him. He hated to be disturbed by a mere human princess. He wanted to kill her, to get rid of her, but he couldn't. A mate bond is the strongest of all bond. There's no way out of it. He knew if he harmed her he would be harming himself too. . . "You can stay, but I'll never have anything to do with you. You'll never have my love or affection." And just when Leviathan thought he was done with the human princess, he could feel all of her emotions. Her pain. Her happiness, and slowly, the mighty king found his dark heart drawn to the human princess. . . NOTE: THE BOOK COVER IS NOT MINE. You can also follow me on Facebook or Instagram @sspears on Instagram and @kourtney sspears on Facebook.
"I might look drunk, Your Highness," she gulped. "But I'm not. This is my first and last warning to you. If you don't stay away from me, I will surely destroy you and your people." "Are you sure?" His gray eye interlocked into hers. Hazel rolled her eyes and held the hem of her dress so that she wouldn't trip. She could barely see now, especially with the aid of that terrible headache raking her skull. However, just a slight error and she wobbled all over him. His grip was held tightly to her waist but she pushed him away from her as she said, "Husband, you mistake lust for love. This is a warning, you will regret this." "Wife, there is a lot you need to learn from me. Like knowing how to tell a lie. Nevertheless, I shall give you another two weeks to take an act of revenge on me, if you don't succeed, I won't hesitate to make you mine even against your wish. If you do succeed, I am happy to die in your hands." He continued, whispering along her earlobe since he knew she would be unaware of what they had discussed the next morning, "It is like killing two birds with a stone, I will be able to fulfill my promise about keeping you away from evils. You would be able to protect yourself against me." As he said those words, he clenched his jaw. "It's funny how I am the evil you need to hide from, the one who has and will hurt you the most." *** HAZEL COLESHILL, a 22-year-old vampiress who had a very terrifying past with a werewolf, pledged to protect her clan by sacrificing herself to the werewolves as part of a truce. However, already having an idea of who she was going to battle with, an alpha prince, who is rumoured to be a psychopathic monster, she is pledged on destroying him completely before he does. In short, she would make him obsessed with her and then finally destroy everything that he holds dear. LUCIFEL, a psycho-born alpha prince, was caged as a child by his father to undergo therapy and experiments. He doesn't believe he is insane, thereby figuring out weaknesses in those that treat him and feigning progress to shorten treatment was his best escape. He came across a rude vampiress prisoner and is determined to make life hell for her by making her his pet not until things change and he figures out that he is obsessed with her. Who would believe that just one night of hot sex with that gorgeous thing was enough to change his personality from a cold being to a being who wants nothing but her? He could swear that she definitely bewitched him! But will his obsession turn into something else? However, why does this vampiress look like someone who he promised to protect in the past? The war between the werewolves and vampires seems to be neverending, will these two people end the war between the two creatures, or create a tougher war? EXCERPT 2 "How does it happen?" "Possessing your shadow in the walls is really helpful. Shadows are meant to be the most vigorous reflections. They attack your enemy if you can control them and then hide back in the walls. They break walls and are extremely powerful." Hazel sighed softly before she said, "Let's go back to the last one. Possessing beings just by staring at them in the eyes." "Have you heard about the rule majorly known among humans?" "What rule?" "The rule about," she raised her two index fingers up and then curled them, signaling a quote. "The rule about not looking into a vampire's eyes?" Hazel shook her head. "The rule about vampires possessing humans when the humans stare at them is as old as the mountains, however, it can also be said to be a superstition but it is not a superstition for some special ones among us." Fannie looked at Hazel intently before saying, "Someone like you, Lady Coleshill. You have the ability to possess beings just by staring at them Warning: Mature Content, Sexual Content and Heavy Fantasy.ANNOUNCEMENT: Before you start reading, go through the content,that is, the chapters I have uploaded. Some chapters have been tagged “ DO NOT READ”. Please skip those chapter and do not unlock them. Thank you. Do you realize you just played with fire?” He asked in a deadly tone but Maya was too drunk to know what was going on. “Yh, and I loved the heat.” She replied drunkenly, wrapping her hands around his neck. “You’re going to regret this when you sober up,” he said, trying to peel her off him but she pouted and shook her head like a five year old whiles settling on his lap more comfortably. At least, comfortable for her not him because he was having a hard time controlling his little guy down there. “I need you to show me all the fire you possess, handsome,” she says before giving him a chaste kiss on his lips. “Was that supposed to be a kiss?” He asked with furrowed brows. “Uh...huh,” she nodded with a smile. “Lemme show you how it’s properly done,” he said pulling her chin closer and claiming her lips fully. ———- “The divorce papers will be here soon, make sure you sign them,” Damian said bitterly, without sparing her a second glance. Maya’s mouth opened and closed but no words came out. This came as a pure shock to her. She wanted to pinch herself so hard to wake up from this nightmare. Is this the same man she got married to? Is he the same person who swore his undying love for her? The one who promised to be by her side no matter what? The one who swore to trust her no matter what? “I thought you said you trusted me,” Maya said, her voice coming out in a whisper. “Where did all that disappear to?” “I did Maya.....” “Maya? So it’s Maya now?” Maya cut him off. He had never called her by her biological name ever since they got married. It was always ‘wife’. So what happened now? “It’s no more wife?” She said a drop of tear rolled down her left cheek. “I can’t be married to a murderer,” Damian said coldly and Maya’s already broken heart shattered into pieces. It felt as if her heart had been ripped out. She just wanted to fall on her knees and shout till her lungs hurt. “I’m a murderer now? Is that what you call me?” Maya asked, pain evident in her voice. “That’s what you are,” Damian yelled making her flinch. “I won’t explain anything to you again Damian,” Maya chuckled sadly. “But the day my innocence is proven, this is a promise I’m making to you Damian. I’ll walk out of your life just like you’re doing now and I won’t come back again,” Maya said determination filled her voice. “I’ll wait for that day,” Damian said coldly and turned to leave. The tears Maya had fought so hard rolled down her cheeks as she stared at his retreating back,this was the man she had given her all to. The man she fell blindly in love with and this is how he pays her back??? Filled with an unknown but strong determination, Maya decides to do whatever it takes to prove her innocence even if it means getting help from an unlikely source. **** Maya’s world came crushing when she finds her fiancé in bed with another woman. Out of sadness, she goes to a bar that same evening to drink her sorrows away. What happens when an out of control drunk Maya ends up on the laps of a cold hearted CEO. A dark night, series of misunderstandings, a contract, what happens after she sobers up and realizes what mess she has gotten into. Will she succeed in thawing the cold CEO and make him a bit soft and gentle? He tasted her and now he feels addicted. If her lips and innocent kiss could make him feel this way then what if he went further? What would happen to him if he crossed the forbidden gates. He’s been with a lot of women but no one has made him feel this way. He feel the walls he has built around him crack and his stone cold heart thaws whenever he’s with her. He wants her and would do anything to to have her and make her his. ****** BOOK COVER OR IMAGE ISN’T MINE. CREDIT GOES TO GOOGLE.
Marriage? That was something the twenty-two year old Lisa Smith couldn't think of. All she had in mind was getting her Ph.D. before she reached twenty-five years. Everything aside from that was just a waste of time. Lisa, who everyone knows her to be a naive and a nerd girl had no plans of getting married until her twin sister Lara got entangled with a billionaire. In just a short period of time, she became the Billionaire's substitute. Her sister ran away from the marriage leaving her to clean after her mess once again. But when she finally settles everything in the marriage. She is back. Lara the true wife of Ethan. Lisa is put on a tight spot between her sister and Ethan the man who showed her love and kindness. What will she do? Stay in the marriage or protect the man she now loves? Will she match up to her sister's clever tricks? As she settles down with her husband, secrets begin unfolding one by one. ........ PS the cover isn't mine it's from Pinterest Also an Author to ✓My Masked Husband: I fell in love with the most wanted man ✓My two-faced lover BL
- "What do you want?" "I want to save my children." "And why should I help you?" "Because... you are their father." - Go A Yeong had no choice but to run to the person who, she had been hiding from for five years, to save her children. In return, he asked her to marry him. Between saving her life or saving her children, the answer was obvious to her. But, is she really giving up on her life or upgrading it? Jeong Seo Joon didn't know who the woman he spent the night with was, five years ago, neither he wanted to know. That is, until the woman in question appeared in front of him without a notice, asking to save her children or, should he say, his. And before he knew it, he had a wife and a twin boys.
Among the rich folks of Hua Nation, everyone knew that Qu Xiaowan, the rich daughter of the Qu family, had been in love with Yi Han for many years. Their families were on the same level, and the two of them grew up together. On the day of the wedding, the groom ran off! People either felt sorry for her or laughed at her. Qu Xiaowan, on the other hand, was elated! As long as she completed this wedding, she would no longer be forced to get married. It would be enough to answer to her grandfather. As for the groom who ran off? She could find another one! In less than one minute, Qu Xiaowan found another man after taking a turn around the corner. This man was extremely handsome. He had soft, fluffy ears, a large, fluffy tail, and big, sparkly eyes. He had a pitiful look in his eyes when he looked at Qu Xiaowan, who decided instantly that he was the one! After that, she convinced him to marry her and they went through with the wedding. It was all done! Just as Qu Xiaowan thought she could skip the wedding night, this person transformed. Upon waking up, Qu Xiaowan realized that the man who wouldn't leave her alone and kept hugging her and kissing her was actually the Prime Commander of Hua Nation! "It's time to flee!" Qu Xiaowan exclaimed. One month later, during the opening ceremony of the College of Hua Nation, Qu Xiaowan watched while a stern-looking commander dressed in a navy-blue military uniform was cordially invited onto the stage. She fell silent. "There's a story that someone convinced me to get married when I was feeling sad. She even said comforting words to me," Jing Yu said. "No idea. I've never heard it. It has to be a false rumor!" Qu Xiaowan uttered. A mini version of Jing Yu hopped forward. "Mommy, have you really not heard that story?" Qu Xiaowan was speechless.Kisah seorang pria yang membawa maut dan gadis yang menyangkalnya. ---- Di gunung berhantu di kerajaan itu, mereka bilang ada seorang penyihir yang tinggal. Dia terlahir sebagai putri. Tapi bahkan sebelum dia dilahirkan, pendeta telah menyatakan dia terkutuk dan menuntut kematian dia. Mereka meracuni ibunya untuk membunuh bayi sebelum dia lahir, tapi bayi itu terlahir dari ibu yang sudah mati—seorang anak yang terkutuk. Berulang kali, mereka mencoba untuk membunuh bayi itu tapi dia secara ajaib selamat dari setiap percobaan. Setelah menyerah, mereka meninggalkannya di gunung berhantu untuk mati tapi dia tetap bertahan hidup di tanah tandus itu—Seorang penyihir ‘Kenapa dia tidak mati?’ Bertahun-tahun kemudian, orang-orang akhirnya muak dengan penyihir itu dan memutuskan untuk membakar gunung itu. Tapi Setan datang untuk menolongnya dan membawanya pergi dari tempat yang terbakar itu, karena mati bukanlah takdirnya bahkan saat itu. Draven Amaris. Naga Hitam, yang memerintah atas makhluk supranatural, Setan yang tidak ada yang ingin melintasi jalannya. Dia membenci manusia tetapi gadis manusia tertentu ini akan menariknya ke arahnya kapan saja dia dalam bahaya. ‘Apakah dia benar-benar manusia?’ Dia membawa manusia itu bersamanya dan menamai gadis misterius yang tangguh ini “Bara”, potongan arang yang menyala dalam api yang sedang padam. Sebuah jiwa tercemar dengan balas dendam dan kegelapan neraka, akan bangkit dari abu dan memenuhi rasa dendamnya. ------ Inilah buku kedua dari seri Setan dan Penyihir. Buku 1 - Anak Penyihir dan Putra Setan. Buku 3 - Tunangan Setan. Semua buku saling terhubung satu sama lain tapi Anda bisa membacanya sebagai kisah mandiri.
On dit que les contraires s'attirent, c'est un mensonge. Les contraires se tuent ! Quand un sang chaud rencontre un autre sang chaud, les choses sont destinées à brûler. C'est exactement ce qui se passe lorsque la princesse elfique arrogante et fière, Neriah du royaume d'Avelah, est forcée d'épouser le prince dragon effronté, Barak du royaume de Trago. Le but de Neriah est de s'échapper un jour de son mariage et de s'enfuir avec l'amour de sa vie, Lyle des Niles. Tandis que Barak fera tout pour la garder comme épouse. Neriah est certaine qu'elle est amoureuse d'un autre, mais elle est également certaine que personne ne peut allumer la passion que son mari apporte. Son mari qu'elle déteste plus que tout. La flamme de la passion peut-elle être tirée de la haine ? Cette même passion peut-elle brûler les murs de mensonges, de trahison et de blessures ? Ses cendres peuvent-elles se transformer en amour ?
Wenjay, a Chinese-American of mixed heritage, finds himself jobless and heartbroken. In a bid to stay in China, he enters a sham marriage with Mingyoo. Wenjay, previously a kindergarten teacher and now a writer of heartwarming yuri novels, has a knack for cooking, but he particularly loves the noodles Mingyoo makes. Mingyoo, however, is part of an organization investigating 'super brains'. When Wenjay stumbles upon a dark secret about Mingyoo's sister...
"I do not wish for too big nor too small. Just the right to feel human and be proud of that." Priyanka Kapoor, a 20 years-old lady, faced with a hard life after her father's death, is forced to venture into the worst career she could imagine – dancing in public pubs! With a dancing competition set in place, Priyanka sets her goal of winning to save her family's situation. When an unavoidable accident happens, causing her to miss her competition, Priyanka thinks all hope is lost. But, was it? Or was there more when a dashing stranger who ruined her chances reappears with a strange proposal? Karan, the arrogantly charismatic wealthy young man with a secretively messed up family, who has no regard for the lowborn, and is the eye of every young girl, finds himself marrying a girl from the SLUMS! What could be the main reason behind his proposal? And how did she end up as a Bargained Bride? ***** Excerpt. He brought his face so close to hers, that she thought for a moment, that theirs were going to meet. What was he doing? Who told him she was going to fall for this? "Do not be stubborn, Priyanka" "What do you say about my offer?" "For my brother's health, I will marry…" "Not so fast," a wicked smile appeared on his face. He placed his lips, right before her ears and said "nothing goes for free, here. I have my terms and conditions." "I will provide you with all the money, you need in this world" the Billionaire's voice rang in her ears. "Sign a contract with three rules and save your dear family." "What are these conditions?" "Firstly, you will be a mother to my daughter. Secondly, this marriage will be built on trust, not love. You are not allowed to love another man or woman." "Lastly, you can't divorce me. This marriage is forever and ever" his lips curved into a smile. It seemed he enjoyed tormenting her. "What about…Uhm…sex? Are we going to stay from…" "I never mentioned that, sweetheart. It is not part of the contract, because at the night we are husband and wife…we will teach each other, the wildest things in the world…" *********** Disclaimer: Book cover is not mine, credit goes to the creator. chat me on Discord: Ella_dominic#9871 For now, 14 Chapters/week with the bonus chapter only on weekends.