Ava's marriage was nothing like she had anticipated. Despite being married to the man she loved, she had endured nothing but humiliation and misery from her husband for the past five years. Ela aguentou tudo na esperança de um dia conquistar um espaço no coração dele. Mas seu marido acabou levando-a ao limite quando entregou os papeis de divórcio no aniversário de cinco anos de casamento, alegando que amava outra pessoa. Ele havia tomado todos os bens da família que seu pai havia deixado para ela. A verdade chocante de que o homem pelo qual ela estava apaixonada há dez anos havia causado a morte de seu pai foi o golpe que Ava não conseguiu suportar. Devastada, Ava não queria dar à luz o filho dele que carregava em seu ventre. “Eu te amei de todo o coração e te dei tudo, mas você arruinou a mim e minha família, Dylan Brooks. Não darei o bebê a você. Este bebê é meu e irá comigo para o túmulo. Um homem cruel como você não merece ser pai”, disse Ava enquanto cortava o pulso. “Me arrependo de amar você, Dylan. Desejo nunca te ver novamente na minha próxima vida.” Estas foram as suas últimas palavras antes de mergulhar no colo da morte. Ela pensou que esse era o fim de sua vida. Mas o destino tinha outros planos. Ela acordou no passado, quatro anos atrás, no dia do seu primeiro aniversário de casamento. Como recebeu outra chance de corrigir seus erros, prometeu proteger seu pai e o negócio da família. Ela decidiu cortar todos os laços com seu esposo implacável. Mas espere! Por que Dylan agia de forma tão possessiva e carinhosa? Por que ele declarou que ela era a única que queria como esposa? Ela deveria acreditar nele e dar outra chance? Ou deveria vingar-se dele pelo que fez na sua vida passada? “Por favor, Ava… volte para mim”, Dylan implorou a Ava de joelhos. “Estou disposto a expiar meus erros. Farei tudo para te fazer feliz. Apenas não me deixe, está bem? Diga-me, o que posso fazer para conseguir seu perdão?” Ava olhou friamente para o homem que a arruinou em sua vida anterior. “Você quer meu perdão? Então entregue tudo a mim, Dylan. Quero que sinta a mesma agonia que eu senti.”
Ella glaubte immer, dass sie ein glückliches Leben mit einem liebevollen Vater, einer Stiefmutter und einem vernarrten Ehemann führte. Sogar ihre Halbschwester schien sie mit Freundlichkeit zu behandeln. Aber das war alles nur eine Illusion. Sie alle hatten es auf das große Erbe abgesehen, das Ella von ihrer Großmutter erhalten sollte! Die so genannte familiäre Zuneigung und Liebe waren nur vorgetäuscht. Ihre Stiefschwester und ihr Ehemann waren schon seit langem heimlich zusammen, um Ellas Vermögen an sich zu reißen. An ihrem Geburtstag vergifteten sie Ellas Getränk und stießen sie in den Ozean. Ella ist wiedergeboren worden! Da sie eine zweite Chance im Leben erhält, wird sie nicht wieder in ihre zarten Fallen tappen. Stattdessen wird sie sich erheben und zurückschlagen, um alles zurückzufordern, was ihr rechtmäßig gehört!
The legendary tale of the Xyrin Empire is not about its struggles... or the tempest of another world or some cultivation myth. This is a super-serious, super-hard sci-fi novel about saving the world. Take what I’m saying seriously... Not. Okay, this is just a funny story about a deceptive human emperor, bringing his bunch of slippery alien leaders to have fun saving the world every day. Chen Jun is an unmotivated otaku who turns into the Emperor of an ancient intergalactic magic sci-fi empire. With the aura of a stay-at-home dad, he is nothing but a middle-aged man who adopts a group of lolis... and an army of freeloading aliens that came out of nowhere. Er, what? Ahem. Really though, this is a super-serious story... a super-mega-ultra-serious sci-fi story. For the Empire!Après trois ans de mariage avec une femme infidèle, le multi-milliardaire est chassé de chez lui ! Après le divorce... Son ex-femme infidèle vient supplier pour obtenir pardon en disant, "J'ai eu tort, s'il te plaît donne-moi une autre chance !" Pendant ce temps, son ancienne belle-mère implore, "S'il te plaît reste mon gendre, je ferai ta lessive, préparerai tes repas, et te servirai bien !" “Il est trop tard pour avoir des regrets..."
Xia Muqing is originally an archaeologist when she unexpectedly transmigrates. In another life, she becomes the useless daughter of a reputable family who is mocked and bullied by everyone. A brand new Xia Muqing is reborn from the ashes. From then on, she uses her skills and medical knowledge to subdue beasts and to seek revenge! She uses poison to repay her sister who was born of her father's mistress. She swears to make those who harmed and betrayed her pay with their blood!"Hnnng." A woman's first moan was always a good sign. Even if she tries to suppress it, it can't be suppressed, so she lets out a breath. As she moaned, his wife's head fell back. The yukatas were randomly strewn above the sheets. A wisteria petal was stuck to the back of her neck. He stretched down and bit the flower petal. The petal and skin both crumbled between his teeth. The sweet taste spread in his mouth like an aphrodisiac. "Haa..." Xiao's hand gripped her abandoned yukata. He had already teased her nipples, and they glistened as they perked up. With another surge of desire, Jun Shang cupped her breast once again. His wife's body was beautiful. It was as smooth as a painting. Her perfectly supple breasts, her long and slender hands and feet. More than that, the most captivating features were her fragrance and her pale, soft skin that seemed to melt underneath her hands. 'You're beautiful.' She didn't seem to be touched by his words. There was no reason for her to respond with 'You too' just to be polite. But none of that mattered. Her proud face and her cold eyes. All of it. He liked all of it. And starting today, all of it would be his. "Ahh."
After finding out that her boyfriend was cheating on her, Qiao Sisi slept with a handsome stranger she picked up at the bar, only to wake up and realize that he was Zheng Zeyi, the cousin of her deadly rival, Yang Yueyue. She fled the room in a fluster, and put the embarrassing drunken fumble behind her. Unexpectedly, the cold, roguish Zheng Zeyi came to her with a proposal—enter into a contractual engagement with him! It was a tempting offer Sisi could not resist, and it came with other perks. He could help her get a foot in the door of the prestigious Jinyu Company. It was a dream come true for an aspiring jewelry designer like her! Sisi threw herself into the career opportunity of a lifetime, and as she exchanged barbs with Zeyi, she felt the first stirrings of attraction to him. Meanwhile, the resentful Yueyue was determined to thwart both her ambition and her blossoming relationship with her cousin.(Süß, befriedigend, verwöhnend, viele Ohrfeigen.) Die Ära von Zhang Caishen war zu Ende und er konnte nie wieder auferstehen, so hieß es zumindest. Aber warum schien er immer reicher und mächtiger zu werden, obwohl er jetzt verkrüppelt und von seiner Verlobten verlassen war? Warum hatte er plötzlich so unnatürlich viel Glück? Die Antwort war einfach: seine neue Frau!! Lin Alix hatte kein Glück, was ihre Familie betraf. Sie war die ältere, weniger geliebte und weniger begabte im Vergleich zu ihrer jüngeren Schwester, die ihr alles stahl. Aber das Schicksal griff ein und sie hatte Glück mit ihrem Ehemann, der nicht nur wohlhabend war, sondern sie auch gerne verwöhnte. Angeregt durch ihr unendliches Glücksspielsystem heiratete Alix den ungewollten, verkrüppelten Ehemann ihrer Schwester und trat auf den Pfad einer Gewinnerin im Leben ein. Sie räumte Musikpreise ab, erlangte internationale Anerkennung und rächte sich an ihrer grausamen Familie, während sie zu Pekings neidischster Ehefrau wurde. "Bist du verrückt, du hast freiwillig einen verkrüppelten Mann geheiratet?", fragten ihre Freunde. "Ja, aber habt ihr gesehen, wie sehr er mich verwöhnt?", fragte sie zurück. "Sie wird ihn betrügen, er ist ein Krüppel und kann seine ehelichen Pflichten nicht erfüllen", tuschelten die anderen. Alix sah den so genannten Krüppel an, der Nacht für Nacht in ihr Bett kletterte, und lachte. Tut mir leid, er war mehr als fähig. "Schatz, ich bin hier, um meine ehelichen Pflichten zu erfüllen", sagte er immer kokett, wenn er sie umdrehte. Dieses Buch nimmt am WSA teil und die Autorin freut sich über jede Unterstützung. Haftungsausschluss: Dies ist ein Werk der Fiktion, nichts sollte mit der realen Welt verglichen werden, egal wie ähnlich es ist. Sie können auch meine anderen Werke hier auf Web-Roman zu überprüfen.
``` Amália, a Ex-Mercenária Interestelar morreu em missão. Ela foi transmigrada para o Mundo do Cultivo Urbano e se tornou o "sacrifício" da família Rodriguez. No seu caminho de vingança, ela conheceu um homem estranho que lhe perguntou sobre o "Coelho Branco". Ela pensou que seria a última vez que o veria, mas jamais imaginou que o destino os uniria de uma maneira inesperada! Essa foi a história de como Amália se elevou de um mero "sacrifício" no Mundo do Cultivo Urbano para uma Grande Figura dos Três Reinos! ```
Hazel Haynes, eine ungeliebte Tochter der Familie Haynes, wird durch ihre Heirat in einen bekannten Skandal verwickelt. Von ihrer Stiefmutter und ihrer Stiefschwester reingelegt, heiratete sie den Verlobten ihrer Schwester. Vor vier Jahren wurde sie von ihrem Mann, der sie für eine intrigante Frau hielt, aus dem Haus gejagt. Vier Jahre später kehrt sie mit drei Kindern zurück und wird Vorsitzende der Haynes-Gruppe. Sie steigt in die Oberschicht auf, freundet sich mit Prominenten an und liefert sich geistreiche und mutige Wortgefechte mit Schlampen und Idioten. Jetzt geht es ihr vor allem darum, einen klaren Schlussstrich unter die Beziehung zu ihrem Ex-Mann zu ziehen. Chase Black, ein Milliardär und CEO der Black Corporation, wurde unerwartet vom Verlobten von Hazels Schwester zu ihrem Ehemann. Vor vier Jahren war er so angewidert von ihr, dass er sich erbarmungslos von ihr scheiden ließ und sie aus dem Haus trieb. Vier Jahre später treffen sie sich jedoch wieder, und er fühlt sich allmählich zu ihr hingezogen, während sie sich vertragen. Als er allmählich seine Vorurteile gegen sie abbaut, geht er ihr in die Falle. ~Auszug~ Chase:Du solltest nicht mit anderen Typen reden. Hazel: Ich habe das Recht, mit anderen zu sprechen, ohne mich kontrolliert zu fühlen. Chase: Du gehörst mir, auch nach der Scheidung. Ich werde nicht zulassen, dass jemand anderes dich bekommt. Ich kann den Gedanken nicht ertragen, dass du mit jemand anderem zusammen bist. Du gehörst zu mir. Ich gehöre dir nicht! Chase: Ich werde es nicht zulassen. Du gehörst für immer mir. Wenn er ihr erneut einen Antrag macht, wird sie dann noch zustimmen? Lies und finde es heraus
****WARNING MATURE CONTENT**** King Viktor is a tyrant ruler who wants absolute and total control over his Kingdom. He gets rid of all who are a threat to his power and all around him fear him. He forces the three most powerful nobles in the kingdom he feels most threatened by to marry his stepsister Princess Kara to keep an eye on them and to take over their possessions. To traumatize and humiliate them, so they are more submissive to his power, he instructs the idiot sex-crazed princess on what to do with them. However, things take a turn for Viktor when Kara suddenly starts to act differently. Courtney is an ordinary salary-woman who suddenly finds herself in a book she’s recently read as a character destined to die, Princess Kara. She’s mortified as she’s forced to find a way to prevent Kara’s death which entails evading the suspicious watchful eyes of King Viktor and the anger of Kara’s three husbands who hate her for all the things she’s done to them. (THIS STORY IS A PSYCHOLOGICAL THRILLER SO EXPECT SOME MESSED-UP STUFF) ***Cover art is not mine***
La anticipada fiesta de compromiso se convierte en el anuncio de una ruptura y un aviso de expulsión de la casa. En un solo día, Anna perdió todo. Por accidente, activó un espacio y tomó las provisiones del negocio para vengarse. Pero, ¿quién hubiera pensado que vendrían desastres naturales? El mundo está cambiando y los recursos se vuelven escasos. Entonces, el estilo de pintar cambió. Mientras otras personas se desesperaban por encontrar algo de comer, Anna seguía cocinando en casa. Cuando otras personas luchaban por comida, Anna yacía en su cama mientras picoteaba sus patatas fritas favoritas. Cuando otras personas se esforzaban por conseguir algo de agua, Anna estaba cómodamente acostada en su bañera. Los parientes vinieron a la puerta pidiendo ayuda. Anna solo los miró fríamente y escupió: —¡Largo de aquí! Su ex prometido también vino, pidiendo reconciliación y amor. Su nuevo hombre lo echó de la puerta y la cerró de un portazo. Luego miró a Anna con una mirada de lástima —Esposa, ¿ya no me quieres? Soy fácil de mantener. Anna miró al hombre que parecía un cachorro y lo acercó con una sonrisa en su rostro. ... Fue solo más tarde que se dio cuenta de que el cachorro en realidad era un gran lobo feroz... ¡Pero las mercancías no podían devolverse! … Notas: la portada es una imagen de IA. Solo la edité un poco.
Ella selalu percaya bahwa dia menjalani hidup yang bahagia dengan ayah yang penuh kasih, ibu tiri, dan suami yang menyayanginya. Bahkan adik tirinya sepertinya memperlakukannya dengan kebaikan. Namun, itu semua hanyalah ilusi. Mereka semua mengincar warisan besar yang akan Ella terima dari neneknya! Kasih sayang dan cinta keluarga yang disebut-sebut itu palsu. Saudara tiri dan suaminya telah bersama secara diam-diam dalam waktu yang lama, merencanakan untuk merebut kekayaan Ella. Di hari ulang tahunnya, mereka meracuni minuman Ella dan mendorongnya ke dalam lautan. Ella telah terlahir kembali! Diberi kesempatan kedua dalam hidup, dia tidak akan terjebak dalam perangkap halus mereka lagi. Sebaliknya, dia akan bangkit dan melawan, merebut kembali segala yang seharusnya menjadi haknya!
Dying in regret, he was reborn back to the time where it all began. While trying to make it right, the mysteries are revealed one after the other. But in the course of fixing things, certain issues are not always straight forward. Especially when it concerns matters of the heart. After making new friends and having a good lover, he gets closer and closer to finding to truth. Only to learn that the reason why his family was destroyed in his previous life was all because of a jealous woman??? ************************************* This is a bl novel. Bl means boy love. The protagonists are two men engaged in a romantic relationship. (Just ftr) .......................................................... This very lovely cover image is from Pinterest. I don't know if I've mentioned it before. It doesn't belong to me. It's the closest thing I could find to the image of mc and ml I had in mind so creds to the original owner.
Choquant ! La célèbre famille Lin à Jinchuan a fait faillite. Le public : Qui en est responsable ? Initié : Le descendant indigne, Lin Wanli ! *** Choquant ! Le souverain de Jinchuan, Huo Guixiao, se marie ! Le public : Qui est la mariée ? Initié : La dominatrice et arrogante Lin Wanli ! *** Choquant ! L'identité de la personne en charge de la Biologie Taixi a été révélée. Le public : Qui est le PDG ? Initié : Est-ce toujours... Lin Wanli ? Ce perdant ?! *** Dans sa vie antérieure, Lin Wanli avait été trompée par sa meilleure amie, manipulée par son père vaurien et rejetée par sa grand-mère. Elle ne pouvait même pas protéger sa fille de huit mois, qui avait été jetée à la poubelle par sa nounou. Après s'être réincarnée, Lin Wanli a désespérément saisi l'opportunité de prendre sa revanche. Elle a également conquis l'homme qui l'a aidée à se venger. C'est juste... Elle a toujours pensé que cet homme s'était aussi réincarné. Jusqu'à ce qu'elle réalise qu'il pouvait facilement lire dans ses pensées. "Monsieur Huo, n'est-ce pas un peu impoli de votre part de vous être réincarné avec des compétences spéciales ?" demanda Lin Wanli. "Quand ai-je jamais dit que je m'étais réincarné ?" demanda-t-il. "Ai-je mal compris ?" "Pas exactement. J'ai bien une compétence spéciale. Par exemple, j'ai pu vous entendre vous plaindre que le lit était trop petit hier soir," répondit-il.
Jiang Yan was at the peak of power and success in the business world. But her hidden enemies had finally caught up to her. In a shocking twist of fate, she was betrayed and killed along with everyone close to her. Jiang Yan thought it was the end, but fate had some other plans. As she opened her eyes, she found herself in her 18-year-old body, a decade in the past. This was her second chance, and she was determined to make the most of it. Armed with the knowledge of her future, she set out to rebuild her empire and take revenge on those who wronged her. "I will rule over everyone," she declared, her voice laced with determination. "I will make them all pay." But as Jiang Yan navigated the treacherous waters of the business world, she discovered that not everything was as it seemed. She had thought her ex-husband, Feng Yuansheng, hated her. However, his love for her went beyond life and death. As she uncovered the truth, she began to question everything she thought she knew about their relationship. Suddenly, a popular superstar appeared before her, declaring, "Jiang Yan, you are my goddess!" A sports star chimed in, "You are my master!" and a certain bigshot said, "You are my saviour!" But the ruthless CEO, watching all of this unfold, simply stated, "Backoff, she is my wife." The unknown person lurking in the shadows, retorted, "Really? We will see!" As she worked tirelessly to rebuild her empire and take revenge, Jiang Yan was plagued by the memory of the unknown person who had saved her life. Who were they? Why had they intervened? But as the pieces of the puzzle started to fit together, Jiang Yan realized that the truth was much deeper than she ever could have imagined. As the identity of the unknown person was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with a shocking realization. The person she had despised the most was actually working to protect her all this time. But as she tried to wrap her head around this revelation, she couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there were still things hidden from her. The truth behind was even more complex than anyone could have ever imagined. As the past was finally revealed, Jiang Yan was faced with the ultimate test of her character. Would she be able to protect everyone close to her? In this thrilling tale of love, betrayal, and redemption, Jiang Yan would uncover shocking revelations about herself and those around her. Join her journey to uncover the mystery of her rebirth and the true purpose of her second chance at life. *** Jiang Yan stormed into Feng Yuansheng's office, her eyes burning with fury. "What the hell, FENG YUANSHENG? Your men just attacked my business rival! I had my own plans for him," she demanded, her voice sharp and biting. Feng Yuansheng reclined in his chair, his gaze locked onto hers. "I couldn't let anyone harm you, Yan. I had to take action," he replied, his voice low and smooth. Jiang Yan's fists clenched, her anger simmering just beneath the surface. "I don't need your protection, Yuansheng. I can handle myself," she retorted. Feng Yuansheng's expression softened as he realized his error. "I'm sorry! I overstepped. It won't happen again," he said, his hand reaching out to take hers. As Jiang Yan looked into his eyes, she saw his sincerity and felt her anger dissipating. "Okay, I'll let it go this time. But don't think you can do as you please," she said, giving him a playful smile. Feng Yuansheng grinned back, pulling her into his embrace as he plotted how to hid his actions from her in the future. "I won't repeat the same mistake," he thought, amused by their game. Note: This novel is part fantasy and sci-fi! With multiple power couples, and the best kind of twist ever! Also, find me on Instagram @kashin_san to see the previews of this book! Book Cover Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/pin/471189179770284164/A million years ago, he had traversed the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, braving countless mysterious Life Prohibition Zones, in search of a way to resurrect that foolish woman, but inadvertently learned one earth-shattering secret after another. Thereafter, he went through nine cycles of reincarnation, strategizing over the world, casting his net across the heavens, with the Myriad Realms as his board! In this life, he had returned from reincarnation, his Qi engulfing mountains and rivers, "It’s time to close the net..."
Jiang Li, an unfortunate, debt-riddled young man died in the apocalypse after getting bitten by an infant zombie. Yet even after death, he was not allowed rest or grief as he unluckily got bound to a 'Crazy Villainess Saving' system! His task? To travel through space and time and save all the female villains in the multiverse. But wait, why does it feel like something is wrong with his identity? And, in every world, why is an odd girl always popping up to distract him from his missions? ........... Pic's not mine. All credits go to its owner. ............ Another story: The Sinners' Queen If you like the story, please vote and comment! If you don't like the story, er, it might be that arc just happened to be not your cup of tea! No worries, you can skip to the next volume/arc since it will be a new story and plot! Give the next arcs a chance! Thank you! XD If you have any requests or violent reactions (hopefully not!), you can find me on Discord: Ifallforblue#54804.82
"Gu Qingqing's heart softened for a moment and she saved someone. Who would have thought that because of this, she would become the disciple of the Holy Fox Spirit Lord, whom countless people wanted to acknowledge as their master. She even gained five senior brothers and started the path of becoming spoiled by the group. Eldest Senior Brother was born with the soul of the sword, and he only had the sword in his heart. He was as cold as the snow on a mountain peak, but he smiled at her and refined all kinds of magic robes for her, protecting her behind him. Second senior brother was proficient in music. He looked gentle, but he was cold. He played music for her all night just to kill his enemies, hoping that she could sleep well. The third Senior Brother was a formation master and a playboy. He was flirtatious but not despicable. He never cared about women, but he was willing to charge through the Ten Heavens Immortal Vanquishing Array just to save her. Fourth Senior-apprentice Brother was a genius alchemist. He opened the furnace only to refine pills, but he was willing to research sugar pills for her, just to make her happy. Fifth Senior Brother was a talisman cultivator who was proud and unyielding, yet he was willing to lower his head for her sake and trample his dignity beneath his feet just so she wouldn't be injured. The male protagonist asked, ""What about me?"" Senior Brothers replied, ""Get lost, Junior Sister is ours!""