if you want the raw translation then here you go 剑道真解
raw Name : 我在超凡世界火炮洗地 ....,.................................
无限沸腾 if anybody needs it..............................
is it me thinking it's odd because the MC is only a few days old
it is overall a good novel and quite interesting If anyone of you guys have limited patience and can't afford to wait. Then here is the raw: 曾经,我想做个好人
if a person needs to survive two months without food, he needs to lay down and do nothing. Not a single moment like a vegetable 🥒
Lin Yue had read the statistics. A human could survive for two months or even longer without food.
Sci-fi · Little Gourd Vajra
光明壁垒 ….…....................................................................
Light Fortress
Sci-fi · Wrestling Panda