What a fancy way to say that Bethesda got sloppy with player choices
Much to my great surprise her own mood seems to improve at my continued resistance, she sits just a bit straighter and begins her tale "Before you walked upon the snowy lands of your ancestors' foes its fate was clear and certain, things would happen in a certain way and following a certain script written upon the scrolls. The divinations I made for this era had felt far more firm than any I made for those that came before."
Video Games · Rastislav
He looks over my yet unmasked face in curiosity, whatever furious tirade he was about to go on stilling in his ethereal throat for but a moment. Finally, after what was quickly becoming awkward silence he asked "I have seen many Mer during my lifetime, yet I have never learned of those with ashen skin." His voice was accented with the expected hardness of people who consider Rhaltharbarch to be a normal name for a city.
Video Games · Rastislav
That’s what happened to the Dwemer too, they wanted to be gods and transcend the dream of reality and ended up vanishing the entire race
Reyvin didn't even have the time to facepalm when, as if guided by some cosmic prankster, that same adventurer got his head whacked by what looked to be a suspiciously humanoid automaton wielding a Dwemer warhammer.
Video Games · Rastislav
Someone’s about to learn dragonskin
After a moment of reminiscing he claps his hands, his scowl turning back into his usual relaxed smile "Well then, all we can do is give our all in preparing and aiding the child of time" His eyes twinkle once more as he looks back to the dragon "And what better way to start with that than learning how to mimic a portion of the dragon's power."
Video Games · Rastislav
Or maybe something papa Akatosh did, afterall this is the first dragon the Dragonborn encounters so it might be something to do with prophecy. Which could be interesting if it was because then Rayvin would have his first encounter with fate’s influence so he can study and learn how to not let it influence him later
As I bolted once more I realized that I could have probably killed him then and there if I fired earlier, something to ponder when my life was not in immediate danger.
Video Games · Rastislav
I am very happy that the mages here are as powerful as they are supposed to be in lore. If I remember right Vivec was the only warrior that became a god, but that was only thanks to Kagrenac’s tools and everyone else that ascended to godhood were mages
Tolfdir's raised hands descend downwards as a massive burst of green Magicka envelops the thralls, causing every single last one of them to fall to the ground as if their strings were cut.
Video Games · Rastislav
That’s why I got a mod to make Chadfdir the archmage!
He raises a hand to interrupt me "Do as I say Reyvin, it is about time that you learned there is more than one Archmage in Winterhold." And with those slightly ominous words, he walks toward the gate.
Video Games · Rastislav
Elm grabs his hand with the last of his strength, and gazes at the clear sky "Sov-n-gard..." he breathes his last.
Video Games · Rastislav
In a world where Valhalla is real and everyone knows it, I would imagine it is a greater offense to stop your Nord rulers from engaging in battle as that would be depriving them from their version of “heaven”
The sound of an arrow deflecting off Bolgeir's shield brings me back into the present as I take a deep breath and start running into battle, much to my guard's protests.
Video Games · Rastislav
Nice work author! I am impressed you read the in-game book (I think it was called “Of Immortal Blood”) with his story and/or actually looked him up in the wiki. It was always one my favorite things in the game that as a weakling I would read the book knowing I would eventually get to fight the vampire of the story. Really enjoy how immersive you make the story!
"They will try." The rich, cultured voice of the vampire hummed in response "I used to be a hunter myself you know. Swore to hunt down all the vampire clans in fact... only to realize that the priest who taught me was one himself, it was how I attained my immortality in fact, the traitorous fool the first sacrifice on my path to power."
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
Video Games · Rastislav