Two strangers, a human, and a monster, find themselves stranded in an unfamiliar land or perhaps an entirely unknown world. Their arrival in this alien place has stripped them of memories from their former lives, leaving them with nothing but their names and a strong sense of loyalty to one another.
While they find other people similar to them, a feeling of misplacement stings their thoughts endlessly and they embark on a journey to unravel the mystery behind their inexplicable relocation.
After 25 years of neverending work for clients with robotic prosthetics, a cloned laborer named Savan Forg thinks they could acquire some upgrades. The current norms won't allow someone like them to purchase them, and other markets don't want the hassle of selling to their kind.
The only option that could work for them is to, voluntarily, take part in a competition held by the eight remaining mega-companies on the planet. Held once per year, Savan resigns from their current post and enters as a patient-competitor in the R.O.C (Robotics Operations Challenges) for the needy.
Hi, happy to hear that. I have an insta, but I don't post that often. You could message me there-
Gray Familiar
Fantasy · pablocosta