"Hold on me" follows the journey of Kuro, a lonely high school student burdened by failure, and Aine, a mysterious newcomer with a flair for the dramatic. As their friendship blossoms amidst the challenges of school life, secrets unravel and mysteries deepen, setting the stage for a thrilling tale of friendship, love, and self-discovery. With each twist and turn, Kuro and Aine must navigate the shadows of their pasts and confront the forces determined to keep them apart. Will their bond withstand the tests of fate, or will the darkness consume them? Dive into this captivating novel filled with laughter, tears, and unexpected revelations that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.
Amidst the shadows of a cryptic college, students grapple with enigmatic rules, encountering chilling mysteries and ominous occurrences. As they delve deeper, they unearth a sinister truth that threatens to consume them in darkness.
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Hold On Me
Anime & Comics · Neko_Fighto