Thank you for taking an interest in this story.
Ichika Kurasaki. Again. She's the only character whose gender I changed for story reasons, I have no intention of doing that to any other character no matter how accustomed I am to genderswap.
Immediately the entire class is having a shower of reactions, most of the old students are surprised to see me back, but one student in particular had the biggest reaction of all and that person is a girl with long, spiky orange hair and a delinquent air.
Anime & Comics · GrandMasterBRX
The cat that Ritsuka saw, but we know who it really is.
I immediately look around to see if I can spot the possible enemy, but I don't see anything abnormal other than a black cat with golden eyes behind me.
Anime & Comics · GrandMasterBRX
Kadoc is the one with white hair.
- I'm not surprised he's like this, after all it's a miracle in itself that we're alive. *Sigh* We really are the devil's luck. - Kadoc said making a little joke to liven up the mood.
Anime & Comics · GrandMasterBRX
Daybit Sem Void
- You should feel proud and hold your head high, Fujimaru. You have achieved this achievement, something I could not achieve. - Daybit said this with his serious expression and abnormal tone.
Anime & Comics · GrandMasterBRX
The Storm Border.
Me, Kadoc and Daybit are on the surface of the Storm Border which is flying out of Antarctica.
Anime & Comics · GrandMasterBRX
Yes, there is a cure. The problem is that the process takes a long time to complete.
A/N: Okay guys I know I've been away for a long time. So I'm going to get straight to the point. The reason I've been away all this time is because I caught a damn disease called Tuberculosis.
Video Games · GrandMasterBRX
I know. This isn't my first round with TB. To be honest I'm in better circumstances compared to the first time I had TB.
This will only happen if I decide to stop taking the treatment. Something that is impossible since my mother is on my ass not allowing me to ignore the treatment. Besides, I don't want to die, thank you very much.
I'm doing well. I'm recovering well, I still have problems, but for now the treatment is going well.
Next chapter: Trick of Fate.
Bleach:Licht von morgen
Anime & Comics · GrandMasterBRX