
LV 3
2024-01-23 入りました Global
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Moments 366
1 days ago
Replied to burntcracker

I don't exactly remember this plot. But if I am not wrong, this is due to some compensation due to Harry getting credits for the wrong reasons. And this is different from canon because the MC in canon is Harry Potter. Now, image if someone else is MC, someone who could become the next voldes? I am not saying that the gesture mustn't be appreciated, but changing his views of dumbles just due to this?

This revelation portrayed Dumbledore in an entirely new light, prompting Skyler to reflect on his own assumptions about the respected Headmaster.

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Anime & Comics · Scaramousse

6 days ago

All that running around finally did bear fruit ig

6 days ago
Replied to burntcracker

Now, that would just be greedy tbh. Just because Dumbledore stands at the peak of the world, he can make deals without giving anything in return? That, one should be grateful just because he smiled at you?

This revelation portrayed Dumbledore in an entirely new light, prompting Skyler to reflect on his own assumptions about the respected Headmaster.

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Anime & Comics · Scaramousse

7 days ago

Thought he would say "me" but not for this reason lol

"While our greatest minds will be working diligently on reusable rockets, cheaper fuel and better engines I can fly the satellites into orbit myself."

THE BOYS: Reborn As The Homelander

THE BOYS: Reborn As The Homelander

TV · freedomfic

7 days ago
Replied to HaremHater

Well, thank you for stating the obvious. It's a comment section, not an airport.

I wouldn't willfully hurt anyone as I wasn't malicious. I liked to help people because I always thought that if you weren't part of the solution, you were part of the problem.

Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)

Ultimate Cypher (Marvel)

Anime & Comics · Anubis_Creationz

1 months ago

This idea is good. Don't know why some are saying it's BS. Even if the news is completely false, there will still be some lucky people willing to try.

"We can create a treasure of sorts to donate to a certain institution, then we leak the news of the donation on a global scale. I'm sure that numerous criminals would be interested in having it for themselves. Then, all we have to do is wait for our turn to strike. As for how many criminals would turn up, that depends on how valuable our treasure is. If it's only of average value, a few would turn up, but if it possessed some special characteristic, say the ability to return one to their youth or to increase one's strength drastically, then waves of people would come for it.

Seized by the System

Seized by the System

Sci-fi · Mu Heng

1 months ago

Everything is good except translation which goes downhill after 300+ chapters.

1 months ago

Yes boys are annoying but when girls are annoying, it suddenly doesn't matter.


It was- annoying to say the least, but the girl was just a kid who was excited to be here. So I couldn't really blame her too much and we shared a lot in common so far, so I spared her from my opinion.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

1 months ago

MC : I am cool Readers : Childish Idiots : MC can do what he wants Author : I only like Idiots

"What a boring show, can you two leave it alone, I did not come here to listen to two stupid kids bicker," I said in annoyance. This angered both parties and of course, the hot-headed Idiot Ron Weasley just had to step in. but as soon as his mouth opened to say something Professor McGonagall walked back and silenced us.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien

1 months ago

because Hermione meets Potter and Ron when searching for the frog

Soon an ugly looking toad came flying from somewhere and landed on my hand. I was completely disgusted and threw it at Neville who caught it just in time. "thank you so much. My name is Neville Longbottom, whats yours?" he said extending his hand nervously. I looked at it and then at him before smiling and shaking his hand. "My name is Thomas Knight, I'll be going then. Make sure to keep your toad in your hands ok?" I said before patting his shoulder and walking away. Why did I help him? I wondered before shrugging and continuing to walk. I should get extra karma points for that one, I thought with a chuckle.

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Harry Potter: World on Fire

Movies · Plug_O_Stien