Power Trio Route (Camie + 2)
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
I mean 400 PS is still a lot put people loves your work. thanks for the chapter!!
"You... you beautiful monsters. ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED POWERSTONES?!" I slammed my head against my desk, causing several pens to roll off. "I thought I was being clever with that 400 powerstone challenge. I really did. But you just had to prove me wrong, didn't you?"
Anime & Comics · WisteriaNovels
Thanks for the chapter !
Thanks for the chapter!!
thanks for the chapter!, yes writing emotional scenes are hard, keep up the good work.
thanks for the chapter !!
Thanks for the chapter!! take care of your health.
Good read, good grammar, good use of power system and reasonable development time for MC abilities ( trying hard not spoil it) and Great romance.
Love this comeback !!
"Fine. If you think you have a better chance of beating me in a race, you're sorely mistaken, but it's sweet that you have that hope," Wednesday agreed immediately.
TV · Nathe07
thanks for the chapter!! great start for the rematch.
Princess and her knight(Overlord AU)
Anime & Comics · Xinum_Sensational