DaoistLCcJAh - Profile


LV 4
2023-06-14 入りました Global

バッジ 4

Moments 33


you could choose the gold standard system later

"They're fiat currencies. They have no inherent value and the only thing backing them is the trust people have in the government. Now tell me, what country out there is going to have the slightest trust in us, not counting Dwargon, given that we're a country of monsters and are just recognized by Dawrgon, which is the only reason others will take us somewhat seriously?".

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Anime & Comics · BeIi4l


rhaegar would have spared the Tully if Tywin intervened

For a while nobody says anything, while I seethe in anger, Rhaegar Targaryen in the North, the very thought makes me want to kill him.

Shadows of the Realm: Rhaegar's Resolve (ASOIAF)

Shadows of the Realm: Rhaegar's Resolve (ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Perseus_Blackfyre

Replied to Bilal_Amrani

Valyrian feature is common in essos, that could explain it, they could hide in plain sight

"Bah! A smithy? Right, the entitled Dragonspawn is as likely to start working, much less in a smithy as I am to go to bed sober. Those are some trashy rumours. Nevertheless, send money to assassins and have them find and kill both of them as soon as possible. I want their heads beneath my feet!", His Grace shouts and then stands up. He has been drinking already and it's not even midday. 

Viserys Fulgrim Targaryen

Viserys Fulgrim Targaryen

Book&Literature · Daoist0kxr4h


not sure about the Korean war. I remember that both the US and USSR didn't want a war and preferred the status quo in the peninsula

As it was found that USSR interfered in India's election, hoping for Communist party to become stronger, it led to condemnation by USA, which offset the Korean War two days ago as Soviet controlled Korea invaded US controlled Korea.

India: I became the First PM of India

India: I became the First PM of India

History · FanficWorld07

Replied to THE_BOI_NC

I prefer my steak medium rare

"That was different." I noticed that this was my chance to impart to her the teachings of someone very important. "Listen princess, when cooking a steak and someone asks you to make it 'well-done' you ask them politely yet firmly to leave. That goes even for someone like RImuru."

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

The Time I Reincarnated as the King of Knights?!

Anime & Comics · BeIi4l

Replied to StupidMinotaur

human emotion is a fickle thing

"I hate to say it, but yes. That woman is Kazir's mother. Kazir has already talked to me about his mother and told me that the woman is very cunning. He warned me to stay away from her."

Hollywood What If

Hollywood What If

Movies · pujimaki


Beria the pedophile and r*pist deserved much worse

Stalin, who signed Beria's execution document, immediately signed a document appointing Sergei Kruglov as People's Commissar of Internal Affairs as Beria's successor.

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes


In real history, the battle of Stalingrad was pretty brutal

After the news of defeat at Stalingrad broke, just as voices of criticism and condemnation of Hitler and the Nazi Party erupted throughout Germany, public opinion against Churchill and the government is now seething in various parts of the UK.

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes

Replied to Hanpower

but a pretty decent tank, it was even converted into a self propelled howitzer by the British

The M3 medium tank, created through the blood, sweat, and tears of Ordnance Department researchers, was created based on the existing M2 medium tank. Unlike the M2, which had a weak 37mm main gun as its main armament, it was quite powerful thanks to the 75mm M2 tank gun mounted on the hull. Firepower could be projected onto the enemy.

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes


Big mistake on Halifax's decision.

Churchill, who lost face due to the now-deceased former Prime Minister Chamberlain's revelations, but was able to maintain his ministerial position thanks to Halifax's consideration, decided that it would be beneficial in the future to focus on developing weapons rather than appearing in public for the time being in order to restore his tarnished image. .

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes

Replied to Lord_Fate_Master

it was more of a gamble, Ataturk was an experienced military general but the Turkish army he led was ill equipped and lacked proper training. If it wasn't for disunity between the allied forces, he might have been screwed.

"Turkey suffered great damage during World War I and the War of Independence, and has not yet fully recovered from that damage. And Islamists who oppose reform are still rampaging everywhere.

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes


wait, this actually happened??? the Belgian actually hired a German company to build a fortress against the German army

The blueprints had already been leaked to Germany because the outsourcing required for the construction of the fortress had been outsourced to a German company.

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes


there are Norwegian collaborators???

As the German-Norwegian forces fought the Anglo-Norwegian forces at Bergen, Trondheim, and Narvik, fierce fighting also took place in the North Sea.

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes


the reason why the Japanese liked to use the banzai charge in WW2, because it was surprisingly effective against KMT troops who were poorly equipped and low in morale, it was ineffective against US troops and its' allies because they had much better fire power and discipline

The Japanese army was easily defeated by using ignorant and reckless old-fashioned tactics such as the Banzai charge, but the Indians never attempted the Banzai charge that the Japanese army favored.‌​‎‍

Became Hitler

Became Hitler

Book&Literature · 4Eyes
