
LV 2

I wear my shoes without any socks. Imagine how they taste like...

2023-06-11 入りました Global
バッジ 3

Moments 5
11 days ago

Well, well, well. Where tf do I even start with this... First of all, the writing quality. Imagine a homeless hobo who has never seen a single book in his life decides to write. Well, you get this novel. How do you break reader's immersion and ruin their reading experience? I learnt the answer to that question by reading this novel. The author adds 'little'(they are anything but little) notes every few paragraphs, sometimes related, and sometimes completely unrelated to the novel. Since the author has no idea on how to build a world properly, he does that in enormous info dumps WHICH ARENT EVEN INTEGRATED INTO THE STORY. They are just blocks of info, straight out of an author's notes to assist while writing a novel. That aside, the writing quality itself isn't all that much. The language is very basic and the author makes a lot of mistakes while writing. I have no idea how I even managed to read over 200 chapters of this. Moving onto the stability of updates, well ig its better these days. But its a novel that has been around for yrs, so its isnt exactly very stable. Story development is utter nonsense. Don't even bother expecting any good plot from this. There is 0 direction in this story. The author just makes up stuff as he goes. He has got NOTHING planned. Either that, or he isn't good at showing he has plans. There is virtually no foreshadowing or anything. Over 200 chaps in, the author randomly pulls out an outer space plot. He retcons a lot. The character design can be explained in one word. CRINGE. That's it. The MC is your avg 'emotionless' guy who falls for the FML and gets in a relationship with her in 20 chapters. Looking past that, the 'emotionless' guy, keeps is password as 'liaiscute'(lia being his 'gf' who he magically came to love with just a few interactions) and does a bunch of other cheesy ahh stuff on top. The worst part is, THIS IS NOT THE ONLY CHEESY RELATIONSHIP. LINK, OUR SUPER DOPE 'VILLAIN', WAS A CHEESY AHH WIGGA WHO WOULD DO ANYTHING FOR A DEADWEIGHT OF A CHARACTER. THE AUTHOR ABSOLUTELY RUINED A GOOD CHARACTER BY MAKING HIM A USELESS SIMP FOR NO REASON. To top this all off, joining this author's server was the greatest mistake of my life. The server was called "Cult of Goddess Lia" and just saying Lia is mid can get you legit banned from that place. There was news of someone getting into an accident and being admitted into the hospital and the author said, 'may the goddess lia bless him'. Like legit that. This is not even a joke. These ppl are utterly insane and in need of serious help. I wanted to write a review for this novel in detail long ago, but since I was busy, I could only find time to do it know. In conclusion, if you are seeing this, then turn back and forget ever finding out the existence of this novel. I wish you the best of luck. ON TOP OF ALL THIS, THE AUTHOR IS A P*SSY WHO DELETES ALL BAD REVIEWS.

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