The 'God' part of outer god is different, they're just referred to as Gods because of their overwhelming power and abilities. They are the furhest thing from 'Divine.'
… Right, BB was an Outer God. Someone like Ankherseram, who was limited to this planet, would mean absolutely nothing to someone like BB who could casually interfere with the Multiverse- as shown by the fact she'd even brought me to another world in the first place.
Anime & Comics · Ezras_Hargrave
It's a common trope in fanfics to use elements from the manga like 5/8 gym leaders being part of or affiliated with Team Rocket in order to give it a darker and more 'realistic' feeling to it.
Heh, he was one of Team Rocket's three top executives.
Anime & Comics · NahinS77
She was clad in a pair of tight black shorts that clung to her hips with thigh high black boots. She wore a purple corset that showed off an ample amount of cleavage with purple sleeves running from her wrist to her biceps, a choker around her neck snugly completing the look. Her hair was still done up in her usual front ponytail, it allowed one to see the entirety of her face at just how stunning she actually was.
Anime & Comics · Ezras_Hargrave
TL;DR, Use fear as a motivator, not as a restraint.
Alex let out a laugh. "Yes, who isn't afraid? It's natural for humans to be afraid of things they don't know, that makes sense, but one thing I learned on my farm is that it's better to use the fear of tigers to build a fence so that the foxes don't kill the chickens. Often the tigers we're afraid of may even be killing the foxes without us knowing, but because of that tiger we have a fence that protects the chickens from less dangerous things."
Movies · NunuXD
I ate the same food almost every day for a decade, and I only got tired after that decade... I still came back to it like 5 years later.
Alex really loved the taste of CupNoodles, but eating the same thing for two weeks was making him a little queasy.
Movies · NunuXD
Ohh, I know this game. The way we played it is you distribute the cards, and then the last card is placed faced up on the table, and then you can only place down either the same card, or a card that is one number above or below. You can place up to 4 cards at a time, and you place them face down on top. If someone thinks you're lying, they can say 'Bullshit' and then you pick up every single card, and the next person can put down any card.
The first player, who is the one holding the ace of spades, will start the game by discarding that card along with the aces in their hand on the table. Then the player after them will discard the 2's in their hand, then the next player will discard the 3's, and so on and so forth. The game will continue until a player has no more cards, making them the winner.
Anime & Comics · Ked18
I'm so tired of these responses that this is the last time I'm going to reply to this... THEY ARE NOT PLANET DESTROYERS. What I define as a Planet Destroyer is someone who can blow up the planet with a single attack. Acnologia and the Dragon Gods- at their peak- are Nation Destroyers. They could eventually destroy the planet, yes, however it would take active work in order to do so. Whereas a Planet Destroyer only needs one attack to destroy a planet.
I paused… That… Wasn't so bad, actually. Yes, there were MANY dangers, but in comparison to other worlds… Fairy Tail at least didn't have any planet destroyers.
Anime & Comics · Ezras_Hargrave
Entei = Fire Emperor/Flame Emperor. So they are the Fire Emperor Pirates.
"The Entei Pirates! That's what we'll call ourselves from now on!"
Anime & Comics · Novelette_Seeker
They bout ta try and assassinate this man...
"You have a package. Please come downstairs to sign for it."
Anime & Comics · InsomniaWL
Small mistake in the chapter, Luvia was replaced by Akira's name everywhere.
"Maiya..." Akira observed the now fully matured Maiya. Even without Natalia, Maiya had learned to take care of herself. Her current demeanor was a result of Akira's influence, and he knew exactly what she was thinking.
In DxD Starting with Sign-Ing in as the Red Dragon
Anime & Comics · Roaaaa