One of the best GOT/ASOIAF universe fic.
I'm giving Jon some new abilities—nothing too overpowered, just enough to help him survive the snake pit of southern politics. These powers have started manifesting, but they won't become permanent anytime soon. Magic is resurging, but it's a slow process (think of it like an old maester making his way up the Citadel stairs). After all, we're only at the beginning of the second Long Night.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
It will happen soon don't worry.
I already have Patreon but sadly there is no advance chapter there as I'm too busy at the moment. But hopefully I will be able to write more chapters after I return from my trip.
Wun Wun is not critically injured; there are injuries but not too severe.
Before leaving, he cast a final order. "Maester Wolkan, do everything in your power to save Wun Wun. If he dies because of your incompetence, you'll suffer the same fate as Ramsay."
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
It's surprising to Sansa and Davos, who have just seen him a few weeks before when he was still short.
Of course, I didn't tell them about the ritual. Instead, I spun the same tale I had told before—of the gods bestowing me with strength to fight the dead. It was a convenient lie and one that people were willing to believe. I was just grateful Melisandre wasn't here. If she were, she would undoubtedly press me again about whether I had met the Lord of Light. And I had no desire to answer that question.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
That is his second option. Dragon bones would either be on Dragonstone or King's Landing.
Well, I did ask my readers' opinions at that time. They didn't want silver hair, Jon, so we will have the black-haired Dragonlord.
[Master, the ritual is prepared. The weirwood components form the stabilizing core at the heart of the pyre. The bodies have been stacked, their still-warm flesh holding remnants of battle's essence. And the lake's blood-soaked waters will serve as the final catalyst. Are you ready?] Aether's voice resonated in Jon's mind, heard only by him.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
Was waiting for this comment.
I'm considering giving him Parseltongue in the next ritual, as adding more raw power might make the story less engaging. Instead, this ability could offer unique advantages without overwhelming the balance.
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar
Aye! It was said that she also led a hundred wolves in her pack. Just imagine both her and Ghost's pack combining and attacking with Daeron. HHHMMMMM! I can't wait to write that.
Then he turned his gaze to Ghost's pack—nearly a hundred wolves, perhaps more. He wasn't about to count them. But something was… different.
ASOIAF/GOT : Grey Dragon
Book&Literature · Daeranyx_Drakonar