I wish I could hug Zack 😊😊😊😊🫂🫂
Zack has been in his room since morning, he never got out of the room, he only talked to his parents through his bedroom door when they were going to church and now, they are back, and they still never went inside his room. Zack’s parents they always respected his privacy and his wish, he does whatever he wants anytime even though he never behaved like a spoilt or a rebel child to his parents or to anyone.
Urban · Zarkia Blair
The sulking Nathan☺️
“Okay babe, I will inform my parents,” Erich said whilst hugging Nathan who was already sulking.
Urban · Zarkia Blair
Sam should punish George harder.... it gives me the Semantic Error vibe but this one has its own story... its very good... The book i wish to see on screen❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Good work Author
Wow! I am here for your Volume 2: Anna's kids, Isa, oh my word, that girl she's so mouthful and straight forward, I am really looking forward for your volume 2🙏🥰
Fantasy · Zarkia_Blair