The first lesson after the New Year was Care of Magical Creatures. On that chilly and damp January morning, the students were least looking forward to spending two hours on the grounds, tending to the dull and uninteresting Flobberworm. But Hagrid surprised them by lighting up a bonfire, with flobberworm inside.
Book&Literature · Theuntamed
WTF with his name?
In truth, Robert's relationship with his brother wasn't as strained as he claimed. At the very least, Aberforth didn't refuse to take in the homeless Levitra and Tom.
Book&Literature · Sathish_Mandhana
Damn, that story never ended :(
Lord Eddard Stark was having breakfast with his family in the great hall when a majestic eagle entered through the door, being chased by a few of the family guards, and flew straight toward them before gently landing on the middle of their table.
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V
With his eidetic memory, he can learn these war arts even just by watching. Of course, he still needed to train after learning these moves from others to improve his muscle memory and reflexes. But he was sure that he could learn a hundred times or even more faster than other geniuses.
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V
Why not? Even Dumbles and Voldy use wands, and they are "the best"
Despite his lack of a wand, he was an accomplished legilimen, an art that he had not forgotten when he arrived in this new body and a simple look into the mind of Roose Bolton had told him that the man was a sociopath and didn't feel anything for him aside from a mild attachment.
Book&Literature · Vanguard_V
"You, Dewin, are a child! You know nothing of the world and its dangers! I will not get you killed! Your father would have slain me if I did!"
Book&Literature · Halyx_Stark
Even the king must be knighted, only in his case is just a formality
"Your sister will foster in Bear Island when she's old enough and Jon has offered to make Bran his squire should he be knighted, though your mother has written to her uncle Ser Brynden too."
Book&Literature · Percival_Lannister
Upon seeing her, I had to hide a frown. She resembled the actress that had played her in the movies back on my world, at least superficially. Her hair was greyer (though still wrapped up under that odd, transparent bonnet) and she wore a leopard print shawl over her greyish-white blouse and skirt.
Book&Literature · Mystic_Verse
"Excellent, I've met one or two wargs before nephew but none who could do so that quickly, it's a powerful gift you have, but with great power comes great responsibility, use it well."
Book&Literature · Percival_Lannister
"Oh…" Peter got a bad feeling while looking at Sirius's happy face.
Harry Potter: The Invincible Stag
Book&Literature · Krio_Genix