DustyFlame - Profile


LV 3
2023-02-19 入りました Global

バッジ 2

Moments 85


Author really loves tyrants 😂

So fuck being an underdog.. He was going to become a goddamn Tyrant!

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Continuation of the mob boss quest xD

The group of people looked extremely proud, domineering and their hostile gazes landed on the crowd as if they were looking for someone.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Legit until he meets other heroes from earth who get the reference as well 😅

Why the name Vasemir? Because anyone who knew about the Witcher franchise knew about the mentor of the legendary Geralt of Rivia. Vasemir was the one who taught him everything he knew so Kahn found it reasonable to use that name and create a fake character for his fake background.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Cause he looks like a living wallet even though he has no penny left 😂

Snapping himself back to reality, Kahn had noticed that many people sitting in the hall were looking at him with surprised gazes as if he had something they desperately wanted.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


He could still take the money. A random person walking by could have done it. Who doesn’t like easy coins? Of course he shouldn’t flaunt his new wealth afterwards, goes without saying

Kahn couldn't even loot their weapons or any money these people had on their person as that too would arouse suspicion and eventually create unnecessary trouble for Kahn. He was no noob like those reincarnated MCs who made these rookie mistakes and left a trail behind.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


He triggered the “mob boss“ chain quest


"If you kill me... My brother will find you. And your death will be very painful. He's one of the strongest people in the city. Nobody dares to fight him one on one." said Illya, trying to weasel his way out using his mighty brother's reputation, who was the leader of the Groundhog Adventurer team.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor



Kahn quickly used the Side Hopper ability he created after he combined the Long Stride & Sprinter ability during the previous 2 days when he was traveling towards the Flavot city with the caravan.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor



[It's because the subordinate is a being of a very high specie, bloodline, and rank compared to the host. Since it inherits the traits of its species and the bloodline of a Godbeast, the host is nothing but a weak and lowly creature in its eyes. 

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Thanks buddy. Good to know that the embryos corpses will be put to efficient use to build Frankenstein‘s monster with it. Really reassuring, I feel the parental love in this selfless promise 😶

"I'm sorry. This is the only I can make sure that your children didn't die in vain. And whatever comes out of this procedure, I promise you that I'll make it so strong one day, that even the Ancient Godbeast like the Basilisk will not be able to stand on even grounds with it. That will be my penance…" he spoke with a resolute voice.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Yummy… eating the cores 10 hours after death… the bodies won’t smell at all…

Khan opened his eyes and looked around. He was still in that same place and the bodies of the 3 wolves were lying in the same places where they died. Kahn finally felt like he had the strength enough to get up.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


The pose has priority. Too bad nobody saw it.. just like his clothes 🤨

Suddenly a naked body of a man jumped down from the void crack and landed on his right knee and right fist on the ground, stabilizing himself in just a second.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


I guess that’s not Kravel‘s blessing…? :´)

Unbeknownst to Elric, another Red ancient and divine pattern appeared on his back but didn't emit any light.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor



From now on... my name is Kahn." Elric declared.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Yeah character and class design let’s goooo

He was given a choice to even choose in which way he was going to enter Vantrea.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor



"Well then, here's something else. It's not a Blessing but some of my knowledge you will find very useful while venturing inside Vantrea." Kravel said.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor



God of Darkness humphed slightly without showing the jealousy he was feeling. Because Elric didn't do that to him so far at all. Instead, he said fuck off, bastard, motherfucker, stupid, moron, and many things he forgot to count.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


Jep, he is already a super soldier

Because what Kravel gave him wasn't just mastery of weapons or abilities to dominate his enemies in battle... What he gave him was the biggest headstart anyone could ask for if they were thrown into an unknown world.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor


So it’s a bluff 😂 But to be honest: it should be really useful. Attitude makes half the fight after all

Emits an aura of Dominance and Supremacy 5 times stronger than the targeted enemy. The pressure and murderous aura will be sensed by all those who stand in the close perimeter of the host. The area affected will keep increasing with an increase in the host's personal strength and rank.

Hero of Darkness

Hero of Darkness

Fantasy · CrimsonWolfAuthor
