They would soon be establishing a company and couldn't wait to be rich. Chris and Bonnie later convinced Liam to celebrate with a small party at a local pizza shop. By the time they returned to their rooms, both of them crashed onto their beds, leaving Liam awake.
Movies · thelightedghost
Liam didn't have any delusions of having romantic relationships at the moment, at least not now. But among the girls he had come across and been forced to interact with, he found Bonnie likable. She was intelligent, mature, and on the good-looking side of the spectrum. Having died at the age of 30 in his previous life, a part of him found it criminal to like any girl under 20 years of age.
Movies · thelightedghost
ma'am, I regret to inform you this, but your boy was a closet hikikomori; he was just looking for an excuse
"You see? Your own student has admitted it. Now I want him expelled. My poor boy has been traumatized by this incident and refuses to go out of his room. I won't leave until my demands are met," Mrs. Gallaghar jumped on the admission and almost screamed at the Principal.
Movies · thelightedghost
regarding whether a strong villain would stay or leave for a better place, that doesn't make sense. Of course, they would stay, why would they move to bigger leagues when they can't even win in their own? Also, even if Japan supposedly has the worst criminals, that doesn’t mean there aren’t dangerous criminals elsewhere. Who's to say they aren’t hiding, waiting for the most dangerous criminal or the strongest hero to fall? Do you think everyone loves the spotlight and would jump to it just because why not? people tend to think from time to time
Anime & Comics · DUSK_IS_ME
trust me on this, in a world where 90% of the population has all kind powers, no, you are not safer in a third-world country 😅
Anime & Comics · DUSK_IS_ME
now, why do you say it as if this were JJK? Quirks aren’t limited to Japan
Anime & Comics · DUSK_IS_ME
Anyway enjoy the chapter. Next arc will cover The Mi:Side arc, and I guess there will be romance.
Anime & Comics · Leip0t
Kenji stopped Cappie from shaking before he said, "I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. With the capabilities the four of you have now, you'll only be deadweight."
Anime & Comics · Leip0t
in fact, fanfic still can exist, it just doesn't have to happen in the sacred timeline
Liam had really come to save Yinsen. The primary reason was that Yinsen was a good soul, but also because Liam wanted to see if the TVA would ever show up for this man. Today, the three teenagers would officially open their company, and Tony had invited everyone to his humble abode to celebrate the deal.
Game in Marvel
Movies · thelightedghost