So is Scientia fully dead? Like not coming back in any form. Because I might drop the story if that’s the case
And now she has achieved it. The final death of God's Blindspot.
Anime & Comics · unit_201
Actually it’s Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, Order of Merlin (first class), Supreme Mugwump, Chief Warlock and Grand Sorcerer
~~~(POV: Albus Wolfric Dumbledore)~~~
Book&Literature · easyread
He’s technically both. Fury is way older in the comics and has had multiple bodies
Nicholas Joseph Fury was not a happy super spy at the moment. The world was changing and he could do nothing because of dumb politicians and their mother fucking agendas.
Anime & Comics · EgyptianDio
Yo i didn’t know that Yoda took inspiration from Joe Biden
It's taking all I have not to fanboy right now.
Anime & Comics · ArifuretaForever
I made my way through the Leaky Cauldron and Diagon Alley to reach Knockturn. As I walked some people tried to test me by sending some weaklings to harass me. I let them only see my eyes. My eyes with the color of fire, and made them glow through the shade of my hood while giving them a dose of Legilimency for good measure. Two of the guys that came for me fainted and the the last one stumbled back in fear, fell and actually wet himself. It was really hard to hold back my excitement at how badass I felt as I walked away.
Book&Literature · Alexander_the_grey
Bro just shattered Dumbles entire perspective of life
"Then how, in the name of the Eternal Library of Boccob, did You-Know-Who—and Grindelwald, and all the other Dark Wizards that ever lived—manage to rise to power without, at some point, attempting to kill a child that their mother died to protect? I mean, how many mothers wouldn't die to protect their children? Especially if they lived in a world where doing so made their child literally invincible to dark magic." Milo was idly wondering if he could work something like it into his backstory, which would neatly solve his problem of dealing with the Killing Curse.
Movies · William777
Anime & Comics · Cosmofr0g
Anime & Comics · Cosmofr0g
Obligatory 5 star review. I hope people enjoy this story and any suggestions would be appreciated :)
This hypothetical scenario sounds very interesting and would likely lead to my continued interest in this wonderful story
And now she has achieved it. The final death of God's Blindspot.
Inspired Inventor (Tensura AU)
Anime & Comics · unit_201