DaoistSword_Dragon - Profile


LV 4
2022-10-19 入りました Global

バッジ 5

Moments 439



"I guess I made a little girl cry," Kaguya thought with a slight smile as she walked down the road, playing with a strand of her hair. "But I have to admit, that felt pretty nice."

Dimensional Kaguya Ōtsutsuki

Dimensional Kaguya Ōtsutsuki

Anime & Comics · Dao_Of_Heaven

Replied to MyMumCallsMePig

I've encountered one irl.

I summoned a flying snake and immediately ordered it. "Observe the situation and report back to me ASAP!"

Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Anime & Comics · MyMumCallsMePig

Replied to Daoist_Dan

guy too needed 8 gates to boost his strength.

After all, in the world of ninjas in the Naruto world, without relying on chakra, the physical qualities of ordinary ninjas were insufficient compared to strong individuals in the One Piece world.

Become Kizaru in Naruto World

Become Kizaru in Naruto World

Anime & Comics · nyawdao3

Replied to Mambo_number_4

chat gpt for the clutch

Sure, here's a revised version of the chapter with better English while preserving the essence of the original fanfiction:

One Piece : Buggy Breaks The Human Limiter!

One Piece : Buggy Breaks The Human Limiter!

Anime & Comics · PirateKing24



"A sunny day… The last time I basked in the sun was… a thousand years ago."

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense

Replied to Anitimesc


tree and fire what a strange combination

"To let this tree thrive and pass on the Will of Fire, someone must stand up to shield it from storms. I am glad Konoha is about to gain five more sharp blades."

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense

Replied to DaoistcaqwL5

great changes are always not about betterment.

Jiraiya, while willing to teach the younger generation a bit, had become very cautious about taking on students after the Toad Sage's prophecy that "his student would bring great change to the shinobi world."

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Life of a Villain Starting from The Naruto World

Anime & Comics · IHaveNoNamingSense

Replied to antmanFN

tobirama is also a senju

"However, Suguru, it is true that the strong protect the weak. As Special Grade sorcerers, we are the ones on top of the pyramid, holding up the sky of the sorcerer world. But I'll take some words from Satoru. Although we protect the weak, if protecting the weak comes at the expense of us, that is where we draw the line," Hiroshi said.

Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju

Jujutsu Kaisen : Legacy of the Senju

Anime & Comics · Impulsive_69Author

Replied to HOLY_BOB

zore cried in OP

Zoro, startled and crying, hugged Megumi tightly, looking at Toji seated in the front.

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Anime & Comics · Fumiaki

Replied to mantaege

the lonely saucegay?

Zoro smiled faintly, listening to the back-and-forth between his parents. It was another typical, pleasant afternoon.

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Anime & Comics · Fumiaki

Replied to ChaosV

in this case something did happen 😂

How, you might ask? Zoro himself didn't know. In his last memory, he had lost consciousness from bleeding too much. When he came to, he was in a baby's body inside his mother's womb. Not long after, he was born into the world.

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Journey Of Zoro In Another World

Anime & Comics · Fumiaki

Replied to Karma356

it's konoha so they are probably already groomed anyway

Naruto: Swarm System

Naruto: Swarm System

Anime & Comics · Betek

Replied to chel_lay

waste of you existing all these times

Adam blushed slightly and lowered his head, avoiding eye contact with the beautiful girl.

Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Fantasy · Esenel


Queen 👑


"It appears my stalwart retainer has some fixation with slaying foes by his own hand," Fyshelle remarked archly, using one delicate hand to brush aside the golden tresses framing her face. "Very well, I shall leave the final honor to you."

Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

Genshin Impact: I Can Obtain Adventure EXP

Video Games · iRedX43


where should I read it, author san.

From that moment on, Gensou felt like Sun Wukong facing the Buddha's palm, with nowhere to escape as more and more wooden arms targeted him. (I read it, so good piece of work. Highly recommended if you have time.)

I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!

I've Already Confronted the Five Kage, and the System Just Arrived!

Anime & Comics · Zaelum

Replied to SSpextrillex


Kushina's face lit up with a radiant smile. "My son is protecting me before he's even born! Just wait until I tell everyone. He's going to be a genius, I know it!"

Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Reincarnated as Naruto with Sukuna's Powers

Anime & Comics · MyMumCallsMePig

Replied to Reiya9

hiruzen is a stranger to uchiha, but itachi isn't. although he was brainwashed and had little choice it's still a waste of talent, smh.

For all his prodigious intelligence and formidable strength, Colt found it difficult to feel anything but revulsion toward one who could so callously sacrifice his own clan to protect a single sibling.

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Konoha's Medical Ninja: One Punch to beat up Madara

Anime & Comics · INeedRest

Replied to ODlUM

that's all he did 💀

"Yes!" Kazuya responded with a sympathetic expression, though internally, he was full of complaints. Will of Fire? Really? Why wasn't the Third Hokage leading the charge while the Fourth Hokage was busy sealing the Nine-Tails? In other villages, the Kage would be right in the thick of things, but here... well, let the fire burn.

In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

In Naruto World Collecting Attributes

Anime & Comics · ZEN1ST6
