Isaac panicked as he felt his death sentence hanging over his head. "Will I... Be sentenced to the guillotine?"
Video Games · Unusual_
Imma just put this here
Hey guys, didn't you know that—
Video Games · Unusual_
Wow the audacity to steal someone's else's work and taking it for your own is embarrassing, you should feel ashamed for doing this. The original author of this fic is flameclaws you can find him in and qq btw.
Chapter 20: Well, Hello There...
Anime & Comics · Lucifer_Void
more Rin please..............................
Sorry but the discord has been deleted
Is chapter 94 up? Discord says it is I can't see it though
CH 4: Going Predator (E1)
Ben 10: The Ultimate Predator
Anime & Comics · That_One_Dead_Ali