Ciyaaaa - Profile


LV 4
2022-08-18 入りました Global

バッジ 14

Moments 36


to get a rise out of smo: to make smo angry

"But you see, you misunderstand something. I didn't talk to that woman to get a rise out of you. I find her bravery fascinating, especially as she's trembling like a leaf all the while. Even if she weren't connected to you, I would still find myself drawn to her."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


brawl: fight

Breston's lips twisted. "And this coming from you? I remember a time when you'd seek out any brawl you could."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


animosity: hatred, being enemy

Maxi tugged her hood lower as he walked up to Sejuleu Aren. The man held a deep animosity toward Riftan, and the last thing she wanted was to start an altercation by catching his eye. She furtively began gathering her tools.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


mull: think deeply

Riftan furrowed his brow at her soft tone. He seemed to mull over his answer for a moment.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


convene: invite a meeting

"A-Are you saying the Council of the Seven Kingdoms has already convened?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


chum: close friend, buddy

"Apologies if I've caused offense, my lady," Sejuleu replied with mock remorse. "It pleases me so much to see that chum expressing actual human emotion that I'm unable to stop teasing him."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


peeved: get angry, be teased

Feeling peeved, she plucked her quill from its ink pot to continue working. Ten minutes later, however, she had not written a thing. She blew away the strand of hair that had slipped onto her forehead, recalling this morning's mortification and sense of rejection.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim



"There was apparently a rift among them. Between the Ilid and Callid Factions, which I assume are names. The two sides fought, forcing one to leave the ruins."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


ravine: a narrow path around the mountain

She looked at the paladin in puzzlement before realizing he was referring to Livadon's knightly order. Lifting her head toward the ravine's edge once again, she caught the darkly armored knight's jaunty wave.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


drowsiness: being so exhausted, very sleepy

Before long, the mages who had remained at the ruins entered through the tent canvas. They cast restorative magic over the returning party members, and Maxi gained just enough energy to move around. She used it mostly on filling her stomach with the food the knights brought in. Afterward, she drew water from the hot spring and stumbled into the small tent at the reservoir's edge. As she began to wash, waves of drowsiness from the food and warm scrub-down began to crash over her.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim

Replied to SBarman

haha what can I say after hearing a reality?

Lying with her back to him, she gazed up at the swaying shadows on the cave ceiling. Riftan removed his armor and lay down so that he was up against her back. The heat radiating from his steel-like body seemed to penetrate her blanket and seep into her. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she squeezed them shut as if that would suppress her longing.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


penetrate: get inside

Lying with her back to him, she gazed up at the swaying shadows on the cave ceiling. Riftan removed his armor and lay down so that he was up against her back. The heat radiating from his steel-like body seemed to penetrate her blanket and seep into her. Tears sprang to her eyes, and she squeezed them shut as if that would suppress her longing.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim



"Are you… admonishing me for coming to find you?"

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


infiltrate: go there secretly

"Don't tell me you… infiltrated the city?!" Ruth exclaimed.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


abominable: disgusting

"An abominable monster that can take over a human mind," explained Elliot. "Once bitten, its venom deprives a person of their will, turning them into beasts. A trained knight can resist it, but…" His eyes moved to Sidina. "It slows their movements and paralyzes their muscles instead. He is in this state because he continued to fight despite his condition."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


vicinity= around

"Explanations will have to wait. We must search the vicinity first." Riftan's tone was calmer, presumably from relief that Ulyseon was doing better. He continued, "Some of the lamias managed to get away. They will be hiding somewhere, waiting for an opportunity to strike again."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


skirmish: fight

"There was a skirmish here, and quite recently at that."

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim


scorched: to be burned

The mage carefully studied a rock, a grave expression etched across his thin, serious face. When Maxi followed his gaze, she quickly grasped the reason for his comment. The surface of the rock was visibly scorched.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim



Staggering backward, she slumped into Kuahel's arms. She stared up at him in disbelief. The only hint of emotion he showed was an unreadable gleam in his green eyes. He raised a hand over her face. Soon, she slipped into darkness.

Under the Oak Tree

Under the Oak Tree

Fantasy · Suji Kim
