oh that guy, I will be honest, I do not have the best memory, I tend to have a better memory when it comes to me reading something, but I blame his name for being so forgettable
Taira is a little bit below Zen'in Naobito, who is one of the best of the modern era, though he would beat her 9 times out of ten. Yoshiie is currently weaker than Nanami, but he's kinda like pre enlightenment satoru in that he just needs to break past a certain barrier and then he'll be about even with Zen'in Naobito.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
ah, what was his technique again
Taira is a little bit below Zen'in Naobito, who is one of the best of the modern era, though he would beat her 9 times out of ten. Yoshiie is currently weaker than Nanami, but he's kinda like pre enlightenment satoru in that he just needs to break past a certain barrier and then he'll be about even with Zen'in Naobito.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
thank you, I like to believe that not enough stories do big enough plot twists, like this one ASOFAI(A Song Of Fire And Ice) uplift fanfic, it would have been an interesting twist if the mc was kidnapped
Hiruzen turned to the ANBU-nin. "I care for no one less, but we can't let Danzo escape. We must catch him today; cripple him if you must, but don't kill him."
Anime & Comics · FictionOnlyReader
Who is Yoshiie?
Taira is a little bit below Zen'in Naobito, who is one of the best of the modern era, though he would beat her 9 times out of ten. Yoshiie is currently weaker than Nanami, but he's kinda like pre enlightenment satoru in that he just needs to break past a certain barrier and then he'll be about even with Zen'in Naobito.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
Who is Ise no Tayū and what is their technique?
To add some perspective, Ise no Tayū, the weakest of Narauko's class of first years, is ranked as Semi-Grade One and is about equal to Nanami Kento, a Grade One of the modern era.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
well, as Kevin said, it is all based on emotions, so thinking just overcomplicates everything
Her Cursed Energy boils beneath her skin, raging in a way it hasn't before. She can feel it answer her call more easily than before, as if what once took intent now only needs instinct.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
That is op indeed, but I wonder, which would win, her or Mahoraga
Her Innate Technique is called Fragile Understanding. It allows her to become untouchable by anything that she understands completely. Combined with her Eyes of Truth that allows her to see the Truth of everything around her, and it is a fearsome combination
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
You are an idiot then, all the talent in the world means nothing if you never even touch upon it, also talent is a very broad thing which can extend far beyond what you may imagine and can take countless forms
That is not something she could just accept. Talent is all that matters in this world. Without talent, you are nothing. Just a tool to be used by your betters and an obstacle to be overcome or ignored.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
Nah, that's not bias, she's just a b****
He knows in his bones that there will be nothing friendly about that spar. At least not from her end. But then again, maybe he is being a little bit too bias, he can at least admit that much.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
and that matters to me how?
Taira is a little bit below Zen'in Naobito, who is one of the best of the modern era, though he would beat her 9 times out of ten. Yoshiie is currently weaker than Nanami, but he's kinda like pre enlightenment satoru in that he just needs to break past a certain barrier and then he'll be about even with Zen'in Naobito.
Ten Shadows in the Heian Era
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC