Dr_Purple - Profile



LV 4
2022-07-25 入りました Global

バッジ 6

Moments 180

Replied to InmateOfYharnam

The king has to agree to the law of suprise too. That's why there are not many witchers since the normal folk don't offer the law of suprise as a token they mostly give money.... A few hundred years back it was different they would take the law of suprise and the Witcher would ask for the child....

Baron Burt bowed to the queen and addressed the guests. "Indeed, this stranger has made a peculiar request. But in the face of the Law of Surprise, we cannot simply ignore it. According to this ancient law, a savior has the right to claim any reward they desire."

Witcher: The Half Elf

Witcher: The Half Elf

Book&Literature · LIl_wretch

Replied to AstralFear

Yeah the king could've promised a few thousand gold rather than accepting the law of suprise.....

Eist frowned, his voice firm. "If it is true, then the promise must be kept," he declared. "Otherwise, I would question your commitment to your word. If you, as a ruler, disregard such a vow, how can we trust your other promises, including those made to your allies?"

Witcher: The Half Elf

Witcher: The Half Elf

Book&Literature · LIl_wretch

Replied to Grammy

parallel meaning in a reality where the femboy is an actual female.....

"I'm decent with a sword and can hold my own in a fight against anything up to a 2nd grade curse, but I also have a pretty good cursed technique. It's called 'Rhythm Enchantment'; I can choose a target to empower and grant them absolute focus, kinda like forcing them into 'The Zone'. I have to channel it through dancing but it's pretty strong if I can pull it off." Izumi explained, almost seeming like he was bragging at the end.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man.

Jujutsu Kaisen: Reborn as Potential Man.

Anime & Comics · HeliosTheDepressed

Replied to myeyeshurt

like back in the day it was a big no no for women to ride in a carriage for too long because it risked miscarriage let alone a dragon.

Aegon said calmly, "I know this decision upsets you, but I need you to understand the gravity of the situation." Rhaenys replied skeptically, "Gravity or impulsiveness, Aegon? Explain to me why we should stay behind while you face this threat alone." Aegon earnestly explained, "It's not about facing it alone or with Pop, Rhaenys. I need to ensure the safety of our family. The Wall is not just a barrier; it's a symbol of protection that is weakening. I can't risk your life or the life of the child." Rhaenys retorted, "And what about our capabilities? We're not defenseless. We've got dragons, and I can handle myself in a fight." Seeing Rhaenys being stubborn, Aegon gave up and said, "Fine, it's up to you to choose the safety of your child or not. And it's up to you to answer Pop when the time comes." After saying that, Aegon left the council room.

Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Game Of Thrones: Another Dragons

Book&Literature · AmouxCreationsX


Why would they want to give away their crown princess to another kingdom.... Why not just marry in a husband from a powerful vassal so that ciri keeps her throne and they get a powerful vassal that will not rebel.

"The just King Edrin of Angren wishes for his son, Prince Thorne of Angren, to form a matrimonial alliance with Princess Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon! So that we may create a powerful alliance between the two nations!" He exclaimed while everyone was stunned by this. Cirilla looked shocked that her name was being announced and was about to rush to kick the man, but Madara stopped her.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to RedShiniKaze

Well he didn't feed on blood.... Just impaled a few hundred people tho.

Bet the Queen hated that- Arya thought. Of course, the woman hated anyone without the name "Lannister,"- that much was clear. It made Arya feel better about the tact and good graces she had compared to the Queen if the woman was so bad at hiding her contempt for the world at large- how she had managed to have three kids by the Fat King, she could scarcely imagine. But the way Steve became a little uncomfortable at the batting eyelashes made it clear he wasn't used to this- and when she asked for stories of his home, she had asked for stories of battles he had fought. He had politely declined; at first, he shared stories he had read; of the giant Paul of House Bunyan and his great blue auroch Babe. He told her of Lord Edmund Dantes and his quest for revenge. Finally, after asking for a scary story, he told her of the Immortal Lord Dracula, who fed on the blood of the innocent and the small band of heroes dedicated to stopping him. It took much pleading and assurances that she wouldn't have nightmares; she had enjoyed the story, but it was only after much nagging that he finally started telling her about his own battles. He spoke often of how he was nothing without his men, his "Howling Commandos," and how the "Red Skull" was as terrifying an enemy as one could imagine. When pressed for details, he told her of the Red Skull's monstrous appearance- even better, with a quill and parchment he produced a drawing of his greatest foe. The "vampire" of his story hadn't effected her, but knowing the demon in the picture had once lived truly did frighten her, and she finally had a nightmare where a black shape of a man topped with a demonic fire-red, fleshless skull was standing over her bed. She managed not to cry out before awakening.

Captain America Thaws out in Westeros

Captain America Thaws out in Westeros

Movies · OrangePanther

Replied to _Scarlett_Dawn

Nah no middle class person is buying a house either way in that city.

Finally, Korea was a good place to live in if you had money. The house here was bought for roughly around $10,000, the car was more expensive naturally but housing was cheaper. 

The Architect [Solo Leveling]

The Architect [Solo Leveling]

Anime & Comics · Ink_Verse

Replied to Lord_Azathoth

i might be missing something what even happened?

- Get out of the village, demon! - I was distracted from my musings by a loud childish cry.

I'm reborn as Rudeus Greyrat

I'm reborn as Rudeus Greyrat

Anime & Comics · FanFictionForge

Replied to TheUltimateP1e

I mean as a queen she has to. Being a princess has it's pros and cons.... This is one of the cons.

"Cintra is not like Skellige, where you marry for love. Cirilla has her duty, and she must fulfill her role when she grows up," she said with a firmer tone, looking at her husband.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to aftermath

She posted a picture after this whole media outrage and she looks the same as she did before.

Firstly Wolverine will have the powers he normally has on Earth-616. Secondly, the MC will not have the knowledge of 'The Boys' world, so he will make decisions that will heavily affect the plot without knowing how. Thirdly, this will be a long-paced story and will not reach the main plot of the show for some time, as I want to build his character up and show his changes through the years. Finally, I may do a romance, though I am unsure if I will and who it will be, though it will not be a harem story. I hope you all enjoy and welcome back to those who have read any of my other FanFics. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar

Replied to 3_breads

Bruh what is the mistake in this paragraph.....

Seeing his frown, the Crown Prince explained, "The Nanman Kingdom sent their Crown Princess Fenghe and Princess Fenghe this time with a very clear purpose. They have already stated in the national letter that they want Crown Prince Fengyi to marry a princess of the side family and Princess Fenghe to be my concubine. If not, she can marry a prince. If it's a prince, she has to be the main wife."

Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl

Hide And Cultivate In The East Palace, Only To Find The Prince Is A Girl

Eastern · Mechanical Claw

Replied to Just_Jam

Nah i just saw an article on it.... That's just her makeup, she didn't get any plastic surgery

Firstly Wolverine will have the powers he normally has on Earth-616. Secondly, the MC will not have the knowledge of 'The Boys' world, so he will make decisions that will heavily affect the plot without knowing how. Thirdly, this will be a long-paced story and will not reach the main plot of the show for some time, as I want to build his character up and show his changes through the years. Finally, I may do a romance, though I am unsure if I will and who it will be, though it will not be a harem story. I hope you all enjoy and welcome back to those who have read any of my other FanFics. 

Wolverine in The Boys

Wolverine in The Boys

TV · Anomander_Adaar

Replied to UthredofBebbanburg

This would fr happen in the medieval times if they are high enough on the ladder and have some favours.

"They are asking you to demand the North to buy food from them. Their merchants lost a lot of money because the North no longer bought food from them. They are now buying their food from Lys for a quarter of the average price."

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

I Only Want to Enjoy Life But My Little Sister Want Me to be King

Book&Literature · Fangrove

Replied to TheUltimateP1e

He can't go on making every ruler mad.... This is his only high income job....

"I will try to be more careful," Madara said, nodding. After all, he was living there, and even he recognized that he should be respectful to the host and their rules since he had decided to stay.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

Replied to TheUltimateP1e

Fr my guy got murked by a Witcher.... Not to mention near madara he is nothing.

This was Vilgefortz of Roggeveen, one of the most powerful and influential mages of the time, if not the greatest of all. This man intends to increase his powers and has been after the blood of Princess Ciri, who possesses the so-called Elder Blood, a gene that emerges in the descendants of Lara Dorren, and he intends to acquire this power.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague


Shouldn't it be trial of grasses.....

"No. And I don't know the exact reason, but this boy is much more mysterious than the message says. Here it mentions just one more piece of information, also that the boy has superior skills with weapons, far beyond his age, fighting even with the lord commander, with years and far more experience, yet the boy still stood his ground like any other royal guard of Cintra in a fight with him. The letter also notes that he might be a witcher from a trial of herbs, something reasonable to explain how a boy has so much strength." He finished his observation.

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

The Witcher - Uchiha Madara!

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague
