The character is Sergei Razumovsky from the Major Grom comic
Clark Earhart
Anime & Comics · Yuriias
I'm here to stay.
Anime & Comics · Geo_Ruler
Glad to know u will continue this story I like the different take on Shazam and not just making him a Superman, Thor or sentry copy
Dude give props to the actual author On boomvroomshroom
Dont buy this guys Patreon first off the story is terrible all it is, is a sex story and there are other FREE ones on this site and others plus ITS FUCKING ILLEGAL to put characters u don’t own behind a pay wall like for instance iron man now if u had a character named tony stark who had a highly advanced suit of armor that didn’t look like iron man’s suit THEN it’s fine to put behind a pay wall BUT WHEN ITS THE EXACT COPY from marvel comics THEN its illegal AND A THIRD REASON NOT TO READ OR SUPPORT THIS SHITTY FANFIC HE CANT TAKE CRITICISM now I dont mean he will cry like a baby but instead he will call your parents sluts and a WHOLE LOAD OF OTHER CURSES, but not for rude comments BUT FOR PEOPLE WHO BASICALLY ARE ONLY GIVING TRUE AND GOOD CRITICSM
Alright I just read 3 chapters of this and it has potential BUT there are some critiques I would like to say as for instance this story feels rushed not like u just thought of this idea and wrote it immediately with our planning anything about this story but it’s that your saying all these things that we don’t see like when Batman first fought tommy u said that tommy already heard of the Batman yet we never learned of this until the fight. And the fact that tommy already has a grasp of being in a new world and specifically GOTHAM which I can tell you if anyone was to be placed in 1 another world and 2 to be put in specifically gotham I don’t think anyone would be able to acclimate to it in only their second day of being there and don’t think even Gotham will let a kid that doesn’t have ID get a job because a employer will have to do background checks when u try to apply to a job so they know they don’t have a psychopath working for them. That’s mainly it though in my opinion it ok P.S you should make sure to try and read your writing after your done or get someone to do it for you
The original artist is Phil noto a professional comic book artist. You can find more of his art here
X-Men: Catalyst
Anime & Comics · Yuriias