Webnovel Author: Subject876 - Fanfic Collection



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Totally not Ren dover

2022-07-04 入りました Global

バッジ 4

Moments 595



Unblinking eyes, he's dodging every attack by a strand of hair, getting into unnatural stances and fighting back from even more impossible and strange positions. There's no Martial Art in what Hector is doing.

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon


oh, i take back my previous comment

Everything to mislead. I cannot be careless. Maybe they have a program on the internet that alerts them if someone writes certain names.

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon


bro your parents died yesterday...

And these geniuses were my main research focus. I can't look up very specific and secret names with my meta-knowledge. But I can research scientists, people famous enough that it wouldn't be strange for a young geek like me to be interested. (I also did some stupid research between one and the other. As entertainment: manga, anime, porn...)

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Meta Essence Gacha in Marvel

Anime & Comics · EvansKannon



Jon understood what his brother was saying. He realised the failing of Valyria was in using their magic to subjugate the rest of the world and its people instead of freeing them. Harrion had used his magic to conquer two islands of the Iron Islands. Once he did that, he gave them the benefits of trade and abolished the old ways of the Ironborn. All across the North, Harrion spread his magic and gave their people wealth and comfort. He gave them the opportunity to rebuild themselves, and Jon realised that was the true power of magic – freedom!

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre

Replied to Daybreak_6987

dragons are undoubtedly cooler, the ship seems stronger, I mean it has a shield that tanked hits from the drowned god. that's a feat that none of the dragons could replicate

According to some rumours, Harrion Stark was rich, powerful, a dangerous foe with his unique magic and, most importantly, the owner of a sky fleet that puts the dragons of House Targaryen to shame! There was also the fact that her uncle spoke highly of Harrion Stark, and the Stark boy was her uncle's student. While she misliked her father's decisions, she trusted her uncle never to lead her astray.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre


Ironically, this was also Rhaegar's last word.

"Lyanna!" Robert gasped as a searing pain lanced through his abdomen before darkness claimed him.

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Dragonlord (HP × ASOIAF)

Book&Literature · Dragonspectre



Brooks and Miguel were standing in the cafeteria at school. Brooks had his hair slicked back and an open button up over a black t-shirt with jeans and sneakers. He was pretty muscular and handsome. Miguel was standing next to him and mumbled "Where we gonna sit?" Brooks scratched his neck and said "I don't know, but I'm itching for a cig."

Cobra Kai Never Dies

Cobra Kai Never Dies

TV · Monkey_Godking


dude, what do you mean theory? It's a fact...

It's an interesting theory, which would explain why Hermione ends up in Gryffindor when she's clearly a Ravenclaw.

Wizard Diaries : New Blood

Wizard Diaries : New Blood

TV · Galeitynd



I was awoken slowly by the slight panting I heard above me. I cracked an eye open to see a massive wolf looming over me, it's tongue hanging out as it's surprisingly intelligent eyes looked down into my own.

Game Of Thrones: Tommen The Great

Game Of Thrones: Tommen The Great

TV · Kenny_Landers

Replied to GuyTB

nah, ancient valyrians also married siblings

'And she fucking called me brother?! Wait, we are Valyrians of old, so does that mean that… oh shit!'

Game of Thrones: The First Elven King

Game of Thrones: The First Elven King

Book&Literature · KojiSan


that's what I thought, when knights of vale insta travelled from vale through the chaotic and lannister occupied riverlands, up the neck without anyone finding out. I still don't understand how it happened or why did sansa not tell jon about it earlier

Already, a huge divergence was made by his own actions and the ramifications of his actions are unknown at this point. Besides, he felt that the shows bungled up the entire timeline by making people appear through wormholes or something.

Daeron the Worthy (Jon Snow SI)

Daeron the Worthy (Jon Snow SI)

TV · Dragonspectre

Replied to Daoist452371

and tywin was greatly feared throughout the seven kingdoms. He wasn't even that good of a military commander but people still avoided offending him after reyne-tarbeck

"Yet, you could have spared those who surrendered and the servants," there was a tinge of defiance in Roderick's youthful voice.

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx


Looks like Shagga, Son of Dolf is smarter than he thinks he is.

Timett, son of Timett, walked to the rock where Shagga was resting. Shagga might not be very smart, but he was at least not stupid enough to burn out his eye, like Timett. Having two eyes was always better than one in a fight!

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx


tommen: It don't bite


"Yes, Ser." Tommen started scratching the lioness' soft underneck, and she closed her eyes and mewled in pleasure. "There's no need for a cage, she is harmless. Lady Prowl has never hurt anybody."

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx

Replied to Zhawan2002

It kinda makes sense. The more inbred you are, the madder you are.

"Thank you, Archmaester. I have much to think on for now. We'll speak again on the morrow; council dismissed," Aegon said tiredly and poured himself a cup of wine from the nearby pitcher.

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx



In desperation, Greatjon grabbed a handful of snow and threw it into his enemy's eyes. The fucker gave a blood-chilling shrill and started slashing blindly towards the Umber with one hand and wiping his face with the other.

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx


powerful enough to injure a dragon, hopefully

Wood itself could only bend so much, before breaking. A few hundred pounds of draw weight was not satisfactory enough. Thankfully weirwood brimmed with magic and was perfect for runic inscriptions. How powerful would a shot from a bow with thousands of pounds draw weight be? Jon carefully started carving the reddish wood with his bronze dagger, intent on finding out.

The Dragonwolf

The Dragonwolf

Book&Literature · Gladiusx
