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2022-05-07 入りました Global
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1 hours ago
Replied to Alter04


Minato's words had a profound impact on Duy. He was used to being underestimated and seen as a second-level shinobi due to his inability to use jutsus. The sincere recognition and respect from Minato for his abilities and dedication to taijutsu touched his heart.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

1 hours ago
Replied to Mitsurei_Raizen

above average? kakashi had elite jonin chakra without sharingan he had kage kevel reserves yet he could only make 5. kushina is 8 she isn't comparable naruto is the son of 2 kage level shinobi if you consider the fact kushina while dying geld the nine tails with her chains. and he's a half uzumaki he's a jinchuriki he has ashura chkra and will. he's the mc. kushina is not comparable at all above average equates to 1 clone max. she needs 100× more chakra too explain the 50 clones sge would need kage level reserves by age of 8. naruto also had kyuubi to prevent him from dying of brain damage

She extended her hand with the shadow clone seal, quickly she used the jutsu, summoning several clones. "These clones can help you," said Kushina.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

1 hours ago
Replied to chaotic_overlord

because ge also had kurama and ashura will

She extended her hand with the shadow clone seal, quickly she used the jutsu, summoning several clones. "These clones can help you," said Kushina.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

3 hours ago
Replied to LuciferMorningStar

exactly and he was especially scouting during 3rd war where duy got his fame so it makes sense

Minato couldn't help but be surprised and impressed. The young man before him was Might Duy, a legendary figure in his teens. Minato knows this guy is mocked in the village and will be so for many years, he is only recognized when he dies, which he always thought was terribly unfair. Minato knew Duy's story, that he was the one who developed the Eight Gates technique and how, in a legendary fight, he faced the 7 swordsmen of the mist and emerged as a hero saving his son and other ninjas and killing 4 of the 7 sword lords of Kiri.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

3 hours ago
Replied to hfssfgfy_6161

tbf they already are. in one piece if they were garp level that's a big nerf. as 8th gates is a naruto thing that puts him at six path level so moon level.

"1998...1999...2000!" The teenager counted his push-ups, each number marked by visible effort. Upon reaching the 2000 mark, he burst out in an enthusiastic yell, "Long live the power of youth!!!!" The passion and fervor were palpable, even contagious.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

3 hours ago
Replied to Charlie_English

not exactly as rhe clones die from slifhtest dmg. example a sword cutting fo the head or cutting anywhere or piercing. he wouldn't truely remember experiencing death as the clone would poof on contact with the blade before it truely cuts. hence the user would only feel some form of papercut or smt. in a exploding tag depending how intsant it is abd it only being a memory he'd probably get a headache for 5 seconds max maybe get a burning sensation as jf he didn't use shnscreen or smt like that.

Minato, having already considered the risks, assured her: "It may be, but I'll use my clones to create them. If something goes wrong, the clone explodes, and I learn. It's quite an advantage." Minato informed.

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Naruto - Minato Namikaze SI

Anime & Comics · RaccoonLeague

9 hours ago
Replied to trueidiocy_577

no it doesn't if you deviated your conclusions must still result in smt that concludes the original argument. since your deviation still hasn't prroven the point it doesn't count especially when we weren't even arguing about the deviation i was arguing about connecting the deviation to the argument not the deviation itself you did not answer the argument with anything that would determin. you as a victor . heck we still haven't compleyed the main argument ALL OF THIS IS SIMPLY A PART AND I MEAN A PART OF THE FULL ARGUMENT. which still isn't completed. you can't just talk about smt we're arguing about then just bring up a unrated fact and act like you won. oda wrote one pieve isn't a argument as ik he did that and agree with it it's not a argument and isn't even related that's like saying kishimoto wrote naruto and toritama dragon ball. i don't gabe to prove that it's not even what im arguing about so you can't add it in a debate. but if i bring up a statement and then deny it's validity just because the author never said ot yet you reguse to do the same and simply reply with im coping for not seekng something that's canon doesn't it make you a hypocrite? you made a feat with a different character as a example but did not bring any statement that supports the character were actually talking about having that capability. it's like if i suddenly saud that naruto has the ability to creat a moon along with every otsutsuki simply because hagoromo could. it's not valid cause theoretically they have the strength and chakra but that doesn't mean they have the ability too. one of them can literally destroy the moon and people say he's weaker than kaguya and six path madara even though his feat was on higher level than the other 2. which is why i can't use those as argument. i can't say that naruto has regeneration from Kurama and start putting it on the level of the 10 tails. i can't say that minato and jiraiya can use rasengan so suddenly both of them can also do rasenshutiken. i can't say that since ashura and hashirama had woodstyle that narito the reincarnation of ashura who is ancestor of the uzumaki and senju suddenly means naruto has woodstyle. it's not balid and is a headcanon. cool luffy dod something similar to life return it is not a confirnation of seimei kikan it could be something similar and oda confirms that all the straw hats could do it.

A week had passed, and Goro sat in the stands of the Exam Arena, his gaze fixed on the battle unfolding below. Sasuke was facing off against Gaara, their fight having everyone watching hooked. To his right sat Asuma, his arms crossed as he watched intently. On his left was Kurenai, who, like Asuma, was fully focused on the fight.

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Anime & Comics · DrWright

10 hours ago
Replied to trueidiocy_577

ignore half of what you said and focus on the first thing you said. nika fruit. ... so you agree that the fruit is part of what makes him stronger than zorro? prophecy boost? that's literally a fancy way of saying plot in anime with bonus plot armor. zorro trains harder you missed that fact too. i see more zorro physique training on screen then i do of luffy. my argument was how does the body being inheritable truely help against planet and moon busters like the otsutsuki💀? i then after reading the fic showed an example to further prove my piint and you arrgued that hard work is needed yet on screen i barely remember luffy ever doing training on par with zorro and luffy has stronger physique then zorro. according to wiki the fruit is part of the reason luffy is so strong. so i asked you to explain luffy which i placed a gif smt you misunderstood and decided to explain why he was fat which wasn't really a question so when you answered with seimei kikan being able to move body organs which didn't even contradict my point as in anine there is no mention of luffy knowing the technique. saying that he learned it from garp is headcanon as anime hasn't confirmed it and it still doesn't prove luffy being stronger than zorro aside from fruit. you argued with kidd and luffy doing it which still wasn't confirmed in a qna with oda when asked a question similar he confirms that ALL straw hats could use somethinh SIMILAR to life return with just a glass of milk ehich also included zorro 💀 so i don't see how this proves that the fruit isn't the reason why luffy has bettet physique then zorro who trains way more and way harder than luffy ON SCREEN. which leads to another part. if according to you and me where we both are in accordance that the light fruit abilities shouldn't be inheritable and the fruits effect physique to some extent this would mean they also get a weaker one piece body then someone with the fruit. and they also receive 0 knowledhe onntheir added bonus assice from any teaching the mc eould give this is assuming the mc even knows how to gain half of them himself which is called plot as most aren't fully explained in anime. the only proof you have of luffy having seimei kikan is literally one part of seimei kikan what ablut the other abilities. even ofa himself never confirmed it was actually seimei kikan maybe it's another ability ehich again is also smt that zorro has so it's not valid for the argument. and you never took into consideration that the mc isn't going to turn his kids into training slaves so how they gonna get these abilities before 17??

A week had passed, and Goro sat in the stands of the Exam Arena, his gaze fixed on the battle unfolding below. Sasuke was facing off against Gaara, their fight having everyone watching hooked. To his right sat Asuma, his arms crossed as he watched intently. On his left was Kurenai, who, like Asuma, was fully focused on the fight.

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Anime & Comics · DrWright

10 hours ago
Replied to trueidiocy_577

canon never confirmed anything you said it's something called headcanon something that isn't normally taken seriously in debates.

A week had passed, and Goro sat in the stands of the Exam Arena, his gaze fixed on the battle unfolding below. Sasuke was facing off against Gaara, their fight having everyone watching hooked. To his right sat Asuma, his arms crossed as he watched intently. On his left was Kurenai, who, like Asuma, was fully focused on the fight.

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Anime & Comics · DrWright

10 hours ago
Replied to trueidiocy_577

no you didn't you ended the argument with your surender the moment you said that i win the whole situation was over in your situation ee didn't even start with the 1st war so you can't say you live to 40 as we never continued plus you included my situation to yours basically making it a comparison debate in which case since you surrendered in yours that means i win. that's literally how ot works. you even approved the fact I'd live till 40 and said it was VALID. i don't see what point your trying to make.

A week had passed, and Goro sat in the stands of the Exam Arena, his gaze fixed on the battle unfolding below. Sasuke was facing off against Gaara, their fight having everyone watching hooked. To his right sat Asuma, his arms crossed as he watched intently. On his left was Kurenai, who, like Asuma, was fully focused on the fight.

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Naruto: I Copy Skills

Anime & Comics · DrWright