"She took the dagger, stabbed the Prince, and turned back into a mermaid returning to the sea."
General · Beautiful Crescent
Jiang Jinsang had no clue, it wasn't Tang Wan that set him up, but his own mother!
General · Beautiful Crescent
me too 🤣😂🤣
After hanging up, Mrs. Jiang couldn't stop laughing:
General · Beautiful Crescent
Jiang Jinsang ate more carrots that day than he had all year!
General · Beautiful Crescent
his heart need fixing 💖🤩
The heater wasn't broken; the heating effect seemed fine. What exactly needed fixing?
General · Beautiful Crescent
huh...you said it clear honey 🤔🤣💖
"people said that when a man gave you flowers it mean that he likes you. Based on your story, you just have his body, but not his heart!"
General · vineeee
"I think he must have taken the wrong medication."
General · Beautiful Crescent
Shhh! Don't tell my parents.
Urban · Sunny_Shumail
I refused to wear a wig since my eye area would be covered with the jewelled mask crafted from the finest of satin in a royal blue shade. The rhinestones and peacock feathers had been used to decorate it with ribbons to hold it in place. She half-tied my hair with hair pins, styling them so they stayed away from my face but let my curls flow on my back. They contrasted so well with my dress.
Urban · Sunny_Shumail
Jiang Jiu raised an eyebrow, "From what you said, the boss treats her very specially. With his temperament, if Miss Tang really laid hands on him, he'd just lie down and welcome her misbehavior."
Pampered by Short-Lived Bigshot
General · Beautiful Crescent