Whose cade ???
Ability description:{You can directly absorb a portion of the dark essence of any Nightmare Creature killed by you, as well as of any being.}
Others · Panda343
"sigh" women
Instead, she had been treated like a child throwing a tantrum.
Others · Panda343
Your welcome
The trial was that she needs to bring back the ring before the time runs out, it didn't said anything about her not taking any help.
"You passed...."
Others · Panda343
Like Sunny can take shadow essence, Raizel can take someone dark essence which is the dark nature of any creature.
Ability description:{You can directly absorb a portion of the dark essence of any Nightmare Creature killed by you, as well as of any being.}
Others · Panda343
Thanks you
Thanks you
To be honest it just come on my mind, like at 3am, 2 am or something, then i just started writing....And it just started to get better.
To be honest she would, but not to Raizel but Raphael.
that's just how real world works, you need to either find the loopholes in rules or break them
"You passed...."
Shadow Slave: Prince of Darkness
Others · Panda343