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2022-04-15 入りました Global
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Moments 139
5 days ago
Replied to Vidhan_Bhardwaj

It could be but as you said it is just the storage of said knowledge and from what I understand it is technological more than anything.

I sighed, the man beside me was wiser than he let on, and I couldn't help but think that my life could take an even greater turn now than it did millennia ago. It was almost ironic that I was the oldest person in the world and a humble man was teaching me a life lesson. It was obvious that even at my age I still had a lot to learn, I just hope I have the chance to solve my unusual problems.

Transformers Prime: I am Allspark

Transformers Prime: I am Allspark

Anime & Comics · PRIME_PRIMUS

5 days ago
Replied to Vidhan_Bhardwaj

Age does not equal wisdom, it is not enough to be old to be wise, I believe that you need to be open-minded and willing to learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others, along with the experiences you have lived to become wise or at least that's how I see it

I sighed, the man beside me was wiser than he let on, and I couldn't help but think that my life could take an even greater turn now than it did millennia ago. It was almost ironic that I was the oldest person in the world and a humble man was teaching me a life lesson. It was obvious that even at my age I still had a lot to learn, I just hope I have the chance to solve my unusual problems.

Transformers Prime: I am Allspark

Transformers Prime: I am Allspark

Anime & Comics · PRIME_PRIMUS

25 days ago
Replied to demonic_archon

House Targaryen was one of the weakest in Valyria before its fall, the amount of magical and technological knowledge along with all the wealth that may still remain in the ruins of the old empire, could make House Targaryen the most powerful of all. westeros or even the world

1 months ago

It would be very interesting to see that.

I got a question do you guys want a chapter dedicated to the future in modern time. Seeing how house Stark shape history. Example: "A professor in _____ college history is in his class teaching about the founding of house Stark. He shows pictures of the cravings of dwarves and giants. The past of house Stark and it's accomplishments and failures. Best and worst times I. There brutal history….." a small glimps but than again I'm not trying to spoil anything for now. But yeah would you guys want that or no just stick to Brandon's story and the Vikings time.

Vikings: Winter is coming

Vikings: Winter is coming

TV · Aga_tuguy

1 months ago

Both names are valid because Odin's wife is known in both ways.

Sorry just found out I been saying odins wife name wrong. Frigg is her name apologize for the mixup. Sorry if it feels like a filler chapter but that's how it's going to be for a bit but not long. Expect times skips.

Vikings: Winter is coming

Vikings: Winter is coming

TV · Aga_tuguy

1 months ago

Harrenhall - the Black Keep

2 months ago

an excellent chapter, I love how everything fits together in the end

As those who have read the books will know, I made a slight AU with the kidnapping of Elrond's wife. And seriously, haven't you noticed? Vala Varda is the creator of the stars, and Aldril's hair shines like a starry sky when his emotions fluctuate. Moreover, his horse was named Shadow Star and formed a strong bond with Aldril in such a short time.

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Transmigrate to the world of The Lord of the Rings?

Movies · Ax_nevermay_cry

3 months ago
Replied to Shuten

In some versions Hades is the firstborn

I hope new siblings get here soon.

Hades in Marvel

Hades in Marvel

Movies · User_Not_Found

4 months ago

What does the MC look like?

"Eririk! lets go back to Edda " turid said

A NEW THOR (Ragnarok Netflix)

A NEW THOR (Ragnarok Netflix)

TV · bravo_bansal

4 months ago
Replied to Guri_01_09

I agree with the author, if you don't like his way of writing, don't read his fanfic, it is for entertainment and enjoyment, not to see what his spelling mistakes are.

"No no no no. I know that look. You get into your building mode when you look like that. I refuse to be your 'partner' in this project you have planned.", Stannis refused before Robert could explain. 

Robert I Baratheon

Robert I Baratheon

Book&Literature · DaoistWDfd8h