LV 0
バッジ 6

Moments 26
1 years ago

These are my thoughts until chapter 20, do keep this in mind, I don't read FL novels, so I'm not familiar with how these stories usually go. So for the story, I feel like not too much attention was brought to world building in those 20 chaps, but although it wasn't much, what is shown is interesting so far. Now for the characters, the way they talk and interact with each other is great, it's all realistic and witty, the way you write events is also great, you know how to keep the tension, so excellent quality writing there, Update stability is not the usual one chapter everyday, the author takes a few days from one chapter to the next, but the quality of the chapters make up for it so it's fine. The characters are designed well so no complaints, although I might've missed it, but descriptions of how they look in detail is missed, same with locations and such. Now for the plot, the FL, although its interesting why she is acting that way, being so clingy and all that, but we aren't given enough reason to care for her, she is too bratty, clueless, naïve and stupid, I get it, it was all by design, she was a sheltered princess after all, but still, she is annoying in these 20 chaps, hopefully her growth gets her to become a proper human. The ML is likeable, as well as the other characters introduced in the camp, so yeah, I don't have much else to say here, except that their relationship is interesting so far.

1 years ago

I must mention that I'm posting this review as a ml reader, so keep that in mind. Lets talk about the world first, everything was explained pretty well, the different realms, one for humans, the other for the angels, the creator and all other higher beings. The village is great too, it felt real, but all of this isn't the focus of this story atleast so far, the focus is the characters, and since so far it appeared to be a slice of life, romance type of novel. Writing quality, great, nothing to complain about, sentence structure and everything in the writing regard is much better now after the rewrite. Now, lets talk about the main thing about the novel, the dynamic between the FL and her angel stalker the ML, he is interested in her and is stalking her everyday, while she struggles to go through life, with that brat peter chasing after her, in the rewrite it makes me hate him much more, which I like, now for the other characters, all of them are well written, and their interactions so far are good too, as well as their designs. So the Plot, the plot is lacking in excitement in the beginning, but I guess that is how it is with a slice of life kind of novels, I'm judging this on only the 13 chaps btw, I know that in the future a lot of big stuff are going to happen but yeah, so we have the ticking time bomb being peter, and her marriage, and the possibility of the Mc's getting together, that is what drives the story forward, although I said it's lacking in excitement but it's great, after all the FL is really likeable so I easily began rooting for her, TLDR: Good romance focused novel, go read it.

1 years ago

Michael is growing bald, losing his hair like that.

1 years ago

I love the new five chaps, nice job.

1 years ago

The edited chaps are much better so far, great job.

1 years ago
Replied to Sonu_Siraj

It should have shown up by now, also only slight changes to how some of the chapters are written.

1 years ago
Replied to Black_Eyes140

The novel has already been reuploaded, but it will take some time for it to show up, this novel will be deleted in some time, as the new one will be the main one, hopefully it goes smoothly and you would soon see it pop up again.

1 years ago

First of all a major thing you would have to slug through is the first few chapters which is filled with infodumps, and although I say that, those infodumps explain a very interesting world, a world of cultivation, sci-fi and different races fighting against a never ending wave of monsters called the devourers. Writing quality is excellent, although there exist some huge walls of texts but the writing itself is very good, way better than what you see on this site, I don't think I even saw one noticable mistake in grammer. The author updates daily, with many chapters sometimes at a day, so five stars there. Story development, I would go for three stars as the pacing of the story is a little off, as its constantly bombarded by a lot of info dumping causing the story to not flow as much as it possibly could, its 40 chapters in and we barely know anything about the mc, he is like a blank slate so far, we understand bits and pieces of his personality but nothing else, as for his ultimate goal, it came off as rushed with no buildup. Character design is great, very much so, most of the characters introduced are likable, except some that are inherently annoying, on purpose mind you, while some are straight badass, specially that Archon, and the MC's father, so yeah good stuff all around, nothing more to say here. Here comes the best part about this novel, the world background, I love it, although slightly generic with the other human like races, being elves and dwarves, the others are more intriguing, but I wont spoil that for you, now comes the big bad, the main enemies are special, I like the way they were designed and their capabilities, with them causing the hollow planets, all of it, five stars, the world also has sci-fi elements as its some time in the future, space travel, visiting different planets, and the current event with the mc with him going to the FORGE, good stuff, most likely by the time you read this review the author would have already fixed the infodump situation. TLDR, Good novel, go read it.

1 years ago
Replied to TheAncientOnell

Hmm, I see, so the guilt feels forced huh, I wanted to write this scene since it relates to chapter 83 and 84, the family meeting where the truth of what really happened is revealed to family, which would've had more of an impact, and also the ending of chapter 82, but I do agree on the guilt side of ur advice, it might be too much, even if you take into account chapter 82, I'll edit that, thanks for telling me all of this and I hope that you would give my novel a second chance since it picks up the pace quite well after they reach the Academy.

1 years ago
Replied to Sonu_Siraj

I just split up some chapters, they were too long.
