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LV 13

Go Wild 😉

2022-01-21 入りました Global

バッジ 11

Moments 3380


It's not necessarily a good thing to be too kind like Edouard... I rather prefer fighting for what I want.

Suzanne expressed her thoughts, saying, "I understand that now. That's why it was surprising to see that you weren't more like Prince Édouard." 

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray


I wonder if Alex heard this conversation 🙄

Mathias found her to be interesting since she didn't seem to like Rose. This woman might be worth speaking to. With all the stress that he was under, it couldn't be so bad for him to take a break just this once. "Prepare a room for me." 

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


You really have to learn to read people better Alexander... Mathias probably will never be on your side when it comes to Rose 😮‍💨

Alexander felt better to have Mathias back on his side. It didn't feel good when they argued and they should be on good terms when they found Rose so their reunion would be sweet.

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167

Replied to _lunamoth

Let's hope he'll eventually come around

Brian stared at Rose for a moment. He had much to say for why he should treat her this way but again he had to think about what Zayne would do should she run and cry to him. "Just watch where you are going."

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167

Replied to _lunamoth


Lucy didn't like that now Finn was interested in the outsider. What would it take for these men to stop thinking about sleeping with someone and have common sense? There wasn't anything special about Rose. Not even her dress was special. 

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


This is news to me... I thought Zoe didn't know about Edouard investigating Mathieu's death🙄

"Why didn't you kill me, Zoe? I told you how badly I wanted to search for the truth behind Mathieu's death. I discussed with you how Édouard is trying to find that out," Charlotte revealed. 

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray

Replied to Nalias


Brian stared at Rose for a moment. He had much to say for why he should treat her this way but again he had to think about what Zayne would do should she run and cry to him. "Just watch where you are going."

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


Whatever trouble you people had in this land is because of the King not the innocents like Rose... Don't you think the same holds true for the people back in your homeland 🤨 So please think wisely before you blame the innocent.

Brian stared at Rose for a moment. He had much to say for why he should treat her this way but again he had to think about what Zayne would do should she run and cry to him. "Just watch where you are going."

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


Are you gonna snitch on Zayne to the King 🤔 if so that may not bode well with you.

Lucy had no choice but to continue on her way to her room. She could relax now that Rose was no longer near Zayne. "The king must know of this," she decided.

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


Being interested in meeting a woman is not the same as wanting to sleep with her... It's not jealousy, she purely delusional 😣

Lucy didn't like that now Finn was interested in the outsider. What would it take for these men to stop thinking about sleeping with someone and have common sense? There wasn't anything special about Rose. Not even her dress was special. 

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


Smart and practical 😉

Finn laughed. Zayne didn't know anything about the growing problem he was going to have to face again. "I already know not to believe your point of view. You're jealous so you are going to twist what you saw to your liking to make her the villain. I know women well and I know you."

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167

Replied to _lunamoth

That would be much better 😂

"Why did Mathias have to be there? I could have bought another dress," Rose said, pulling on the dress she wore to see the state of it. With only two dresses, they would be worn out quite fast. "I should learn how to make dresses, but I cannot leave. Would he be angry if I used one of the sheets?"

The Forgotten Princess Rose

The Forgotten Princess Rose

History · Violet_167


Such fast changes usually don't happen in real life nevertheless I'm happy for the whole family as Rainard will be marrying a woman he loves and who'd care for him equally the way Jane wanted 🤗

"Please forgive us, Tove. We never intended to cause you any harm. The constraints of social class are significant, and it's a battle none of us can easily overcome. Rainard is making every effort for the sake of both of you. I can't bear the thought of my son being separated from me, especially when he's expressed that he wouldn't find happiness in this marriage," Jane apologized to Tove. 

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray


It's too painful to see the people in so much pain when they just started to live happily 😔

Édouard gazed at his father, who suddenly had turned quiet. He had never seen his father in that state before. He was well aware of how short-temper Christian was and such matters would easily escalate his anger. However, he looked completely different now. A quiet person, who already began to mourn for Mathieu's death internally. 

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray



"Édouard, you cannot eliminate every spy of mine. Someone will surely kill Charlotte soon," Casimir stated and bored his gaze into Édouard's eyes.

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray


I think now I get it... Edouard's plan was to have the King eavesdrop the confession Casimir will do in the presence of Edouard but not the King as Edouard can't find a better proof to convince Christian of Casimir's treason.

"Casimir, let's discuss about late Prince Mathieu. How did he die? Can you shed some light on the circumstances surrounding his death?" Édouard inquired, his tone carrying a sense of urgency and curiosity. The prison cell became the backdrop for a potentially revealing conversation. 

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray


Hot water is not recommended for such irritated skin dear..

Suzanne turned to him, concern in her eyes. "A cold bath? But it's autumn. Won't I catch a cold?" she questioned.

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray


Don't tell me... Does the water contains anything harmful to Suzanne 😟

While taking another sip, Suzanne detected a peculiar taste, though she didn't dwell on it too long. Giselle retrieved the glass and carefully set it aside, while a maidservant promptly collected it and carried it to the kitchen.

The Second Husband

The Second Husband

History · Light_ray
