
LV 4
2022-01-21 入りました Global
バッジ 5

Moments 5
1 years ago

ohhhh God this writing is insane I'm losing my speach because of thisI think this is it for me

The shout of the losers was heard as they escaped. All those who tried to flirt with Angela and Kayla left the guild in pain. I hope we won't meet again. Because if they come at us, I can give them something worse than being kicked in the nuts. Although it will be painless, it could be much worse. But with Kayla here, I'm sure even if I did something at them, she will keep kicking them. Because when the guys leave and I take a peek at her face, she wear a smile that gives me shiver.

The Only Aura User In Magic World

The Only Aura User In Magic World

Fantasy · asuya

1 years ago

how 100 yearsthe daughter is 20 to 30 years something

After having a nice family moment and while they of course had many things they wanted to talk about, first things first, they wanted to clear the misunderstanding that happened more than one hundred years ago, the one which led Tomas to believe he lost the love of his life, and Tamara to believe Tomas was dead all this time.

The rise of the pervert primordial

The rise of the pervert primordial

Fantasy · Barion_Trident

1 years ago
Replied to sect_master

s rank

'Yup, I was a B-Rank magician in my previous world, though it isn't strong enough, I was quite decent if I say so myself,' I thought inwardly and checked my status screen.

Conquering The Novel

Conquering The Novel

Fantasy · Enigma0

1 years ago

power of emotions like amon

Spoiler: Lightning is not the only attribute he will awaken, try guessing the other attribute and comment your guess below.

My Godly Ascension

My Godly Ascension

Fantasy · ALU_cArD

1 years ago
Replied to Tom_Handson

which novel? ?

The Conquerors Path

The Conquerors Path

Fantasy · Chaosking