Well Rested: While this perk is active, all your skills will grow 10% faster.
Anime & Comics · daoistofeverything
Nah, the OG commenter meant you putting "[ ]" these while Tony was talking to Jarvis.
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage
Dobby hesitated for a moment, his gaze dropping to the floor. "It is tradition, Harry Potter, sir. House-elves were taught long ago that serving wizards is their purpose. It is what they are told makes them happy. But Dobby knows it is not the only way."
Book&Literature · Eternal97
Spurt spurt spurt spurt splurt splurt spurt splurtt Spurt spurt spurt spurt splurt splurt spurt splurtt
Anime & Comics · Pinto_sh
Adrian be like:
In her kitchen, Lucy was cooking dinner, while worrying about her son's fast progress "Maybe I should talk to professor Charles about him she sighed " ever since he became two years, she noticed his incredible powers, being able to raise tables and chairs above his head, he had the strength of a normal adult at the age of three, at the age of four he asked his parents for a personal gym, they weren't able to get him all the equipments, but whatever they got him? He was able to work out with them, at some point even his father wasn't able to lift as much as Aiden
Anime & Comics · Gilgamesh9669
That was a good one.
The one iron-clad rule in the Blake household was: no one can eat in their rooms, The rule had been established from numerous occasions when Aidan would just wolf down his food so that he would get back to training or studying, One day, his mother caught him doing just that in his room laughing to himself, cramming big chunks in his mouth before they were even chewed it was the final straw, She was not going to let her son skip enjoying his meals, childhood, and food just to hurry through, as if table pleasure were another list to check off, And so the rule stood, with no room for argument
Anime & Comics · Gilgamesh9669
In a fit of rage, I smash the bat into the first camera guys back, breaking his spine, and as I fall, I pull the knife from my side and stab it into camera guy two's leg pulling the blade down with me and carving a deep gash down the length of his thigh. Exhausted and delirious from blood loss I fall to my back as the world starts to turn black 'At least I ruined those eshays lives' I thought as darkness encases my vision and I pass out.
Video Games · InfamousFudge_Yt
It was said that they grew up together and they’re very familiar to each other.
"Don't worry, I'll marry you when I return!"
Anime & Comics · TranslatorS
Tsunade was only eighteen years old, prime, and confident. She was young, beautiful, and had a natural strong dominance. Moreover, she was already starting to develop… her boobies.
Anime & Comics · TranslatorS
Seriously, Spidey, you need a new pick-up line.
"Alright. Defenders, Stand tall!"
Marvel : Web Of Evolution
Anime & Comics · UndeadSage