JJK Narrator:Except for Sukuna and Naruoko, of course.
He hopes that fact will soon change. Not that he expects his own son, Yoshiie, to become a Special Grade. Rather, he is placing his hopes in Mitsunaka's son, Yorimitsu, also known as Minamoto no Raikō, The Fastest Sorcerer in History.
Anime & Comics · Bored_MC
AMon bringing trauma to the Tower is peak fiction
"I don't mean you aren't human. You are as human as anyone else. But your personality is determined by Gustang's writing still. It is dominated by it." He said. "Tell me. Do you want me to give you humanity?"
Others · Yesnth
Traumerei will probably dip when he hears about Urek in the lower floors. These guys get the timbers from him
No conclusion.
Others · Yesnth
It probably won’t. His OP Sharingan/Byakugan hybrid eyes may be the solution here to living longer. His perfect movement is already a step in the right direction. Maybe when he can use Sun breathing in constant mode he’ll live to 50 max. He really overdrafted in that fight tho
Seiji himself did not have a permanent injury but Kanae's new loss affected him as if it happened to him. So that should light up a new spark of hatred and motivation.
Anime & Comics · Emmanuel_Capricorn
Will we get an update schedule after you’re done stacking up on Patreon, or will u just do mass releases? Btw an Omake would be fun in modern times, talking about Sukuna and Narauko’s rivalry or something. Or even Megumi being made fun of by Gojo by drawing paralells.
Tbh it wouldn’t make much sense. In real world the Emperor is a descendant of Amaterasu, so in DxD it’s probably true. He would’ve taught him about the supernatural world if that were the case.
What’s up with you?
Shadow of the Abyss
Fantasy · Lord_Damocles