Thanks for the advice! I'll revise it and try to be mindfull of it from now (:
Thank you for pointing it out, I corrected my words and grammar.
Yeah I know. Maegor is prob my favorite king in asoiaf, the actual savior of his dynasty. But I dont like the whole unresonable kin slaying, so I wanted to give this a twist of my own :) You're right that it takes away some of the original conflict so I plan too add diffrent ones. Thank you for taking youre time to write a comment, I really do appriceate it.
So far I really enjoy this story. All the characters are lore accurate and the MC is quite uniqe by not really wanting the throne. I really hope the author doesn't drop it. My only reall issue is the slow rate of updade.
I'm at the half point of the story and I have to say that I'm disappointed. The start was good and the whole thing with slow approach to each gradian and leaving albedo to last was a good idea but when we actually got there it was super frustrating. -A little spoiler but still, you should know- I get that he's feeling guilty but really? Sleeping with Calca before Albedo? It just felt like a cucking of Albedo instead of a harem, and that’s coming from someone whose a fan of harem stories. And for what? getting a failing kingdom he could've gotten anyway? The harem tag is also not true. The MC doesn’t get ANY action until around chapter 240, and every girl that wants him is given to someone else. I got that Evil-eye is even fu**ing Pandora's Actor because she thinks its Momon...* WTF?! MC feels like he an emo teen (-_-) thers a difference between human and spineless. I actually quite liked the story but it just ruined the whole experience for me.
I'm currently in dental school so I only post when I have free time. In the coming weeks I'll have exams so I wouldnt be able to post. By the way, I fixed the inconsistency :)
Maegor The Terrible
Book&Literature · SquidWard