Flor looked to the side at the serious Ant Queen and blushed deeply. 'Ahhh! She is so cool! My wife is so cool!'
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Flor smirked and commented. "Affection."
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Flor smirked and commented. "Affection."
Fantasy · Mortrexo
At the side, Ignatia finally couldn't hold back her laughter and exploded. "Hahaha! Oh, Flor, you look so adorable! Look at your little angry face~. Hahaha, being jealous of your daughters-in-law is not quite healthy, eh?"
Fantasy · Mortrexo
The Sylvans felt a lightbulb turning on in their brains. "Ohhh!"
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Flor was tapping the table with her finger in a rhythmic manner, her eyes scanning the four Sylvans sitting formally in front of her. She had discovered, or well, been told by Liu Shu about most things that have happened, making her heart feel a complex array of emotions. The first one was the typical one for most parents. 'My baby is so young, and I have not pampered her enough yet! You dare try and take her away for me!?'
Fantasy · Mortrexo
Chapter 330. Revealing it to Flor And Ignatia.
Fantasy · Mortrexo
"I'm not that old, you know, and my name is Amado Sanzu. I'm indeed not a fighter, but I would like to switch sides."
Anime & Comics · Maerry
"Yes, he was one of the Inner. His name was Boro."
Anime & Comics · Maerry
Once the sight of the roots entered their eyes, everyone confirmed what they thought was unthinkable. These were indeed Lady Tianlian Liu Shu's roots. The boss murmured, his face wearing an incredulous expression. "Impossible…"
Ascension of the Sylvan Cosmos
Fantasy · Mortrexo