Dragonlady_5991 - Profile


LV 4
2022-03-16 入りました United States

バッジ 6

Moments 245


I was right!!!! The poor guy was totally under Radia’s thumb!!!

The man didn't answer it, and Zein, narrowing his eyes, remarked. "No, I think it went further," he said, tilting his head to stare at the summoner keenly. "You're the one who ordered the recording in the first place, isn't it?"

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


Obviously, really Bassena learn to read a room.

"Zein..." the esper tried to swallow the air through his dry throat. "Were you...jealous?"

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


What good is guarding the garden gate if your beloved flower withers and dies alone.

"Gods--" Radia slumped into a chair and buried his face in frustration. "I'm truly...about to hit my limit."

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


Snake puppy!!!


"Are you a snake or a puppy?" Zein commented, caressing the bronze temple with his thumb, and rubbing the leftover scar across the handsome brow.

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

There’s No Love In the Deathzone (BL)

LGBT+ · Aerlev


When you’re creeping out necromancers you know you’re doing something wrong!!!

And as Lu Ran murmured, it only intensified Black Feather's fear. Boss, I need to report! This guy seems really interested in Necromancy, even more extreme than the higher-ups at headquarters!

The King of Beast Trainers

The King of Beast Trainers

Urban · Sounding Stream


Why do I have a feeling that the boy he kissed was a certain Captain?!!

"I think he had black hair, darker eyes. He was funny and kind and liked to hold my hand. During play times he'd make sure no one made fun of me and..." Kellen trailed off as the Captain's smug smile filled his eyes. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


What filthy disgusting pieces of trash!!! When you act like this to the person who helped save your lives you don’t deserve to live!!!! They’re just beasts in human skin!!!

"You never asked for it, right?" Savvy's words were mocking. "Of course you never did, but everyone wants to be a higher Class, Kellen. You weren't an exception to that either. And yet, here you are, freshly paired with the highest compatibility rate with the Esper everyone wants. The first Guide to jump Classes in our country, and you also helped rescue a bunch of civilians and Guides." Her voice was getting louder. "Us, Kellen, you rescued us!" His eyes went wide at her obvious anger. "How the fuck am I supposed to be friends with someone who is so much better than me and makes me feel like I'm worthless all the fucking time? I'm done with this shit. Terry said she wanted to leave on a good note, but I never want to see your face again." Savvy stormed away, leaving just Kellen and Terry standing there. Kellen was frozen, and when he cast his hesitant gaze towards Terry, her eyes only held pity. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


What awful disgusting people!!! It’s one thing to think that but to tell such a genuinely good person that to their face. To rip them up and spit on their kindness and friendship in public is just monstrous. They need to suffer and die horribly for that.

"No." Savvy cut him off. "I don't want to hear your apology or your pity. I don't need it. Do you know how frustrating it is to watch someone you hate on principle be such a fucking good person? To succeed at everything no matter how hard I try my best? And for them to turn around and be so grateful to have you as a friend when you know you're only using them for clout? I feel disgusting being around you, and I'm tired of feeling that way. I'm tired of feeling like a piece of shit every time I get a message from you when I know you're just being sincere when you're reaching out. That's why everyone else stopped responding to you, did you know? We were all using you." She laughed, turning her face away from the shocked expression on Kellen's face. "And you want to know the most fucked up part? It worked. Every fucking time, it worked. Every time we said we knew you, or worked with you, or even mentioned that we were friends with you, we got the fucking jobs. It didn't matter how much work or effort we put in as Guides, no one took us seriously because we were C Class. But as soon as we mentioned the illustrious Woods family, we were in." She spat on the ground and Kellen flinched. "I don't know who I'm more disgusted with. Myself, or society." When Savvy turned her heated gaze back to Kellen, he felt the hatred and anger there like a blow. He stumbled back a step, his expression wide and open. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


Definitely a time reversal ability!!!

"There is no need to apologise, Kellen. You played an important part in yesterday's event. We're grateful that you're okay, and sorry that we started the meeting without you Captain Thatcher. Captain Sergei and I were actually just discussing the newest report on the new gate. There have been no new fluctuations in the new gate, and it appears that on paper it has stabilised as a B Class gate." Uncle Tom put the first door in place, before picking up the other door and placing that roughly into place. The Captain's eyes glowed a brighter yellow for a moment before the doors were back in working order. Almost as if they were back to their original state. Blinking, Kellen didn't let his surprise cross his face. He still hadn't spoken to the Captain about his powers, but after seeing him at work, Kellen had a rough idea. If his hunch was right, it was horrifying that the Captain was an S Class. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


You go Captain consent is sexy as hell!!!!!

"Kellen, I know you aren't in your right mind right now, so I am doing my best to be on my best behavour. You need to focus for a minute." He put Kellen down as soon as they reached the bathroom. He pressed Kellen against the wall, but it was clear from Kellen's dazed look that he wasn't aware of his surroundings. Hoping it would help, he put some distance between them, while still caging the younger man in his arms. Kellen began to whimper, until he took the Guide's hands and placed them against his chest. "Kellen, these are part of the side effects, right? You need my help? I need to know what you're comfortable with. How far am I allowed to go?" He asked, but Kellen couldn't process his question. "How far?" He asked again, but he could tell he wasn't listening. Groaning, he bent his head and began kissing the younger man's neck. The feeling of his skin, plus the minor level of powers that poured into Kellen from the contact, soothed the roaring fire beneath his skin. Kellen let out a blissful sigh, using both of his hands to thread into the Captain's hair and hold him in place. The Captain took that sign as a good one, pressing a few more kisses against his skin before trying again. "Kellen, how far am I allowed to go today?" He spoke the words against the man's skin, desperate for an answer. He did not feel good doing anything without his consent, especially when he was like this. If he had known this was going to happen, he would have gotten his consent beforehand. 

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

(BL) Hunting The Field Guide

LGBT+ · CalyB


Author is a genius!!!

ch 67 Arc 3.15 Trust, a fatal flaw? {Warning: Slight sexual content)

Resolving My Ex-Fiancé's Obsessions {BL}

Resolving My Ex-Fiancé's Obsessions {BL}

LGBT+ · Dark_Scholars


Author is incredibly skilled!!!

Xiao Shu who wanted to give the other a gender-changing pill in case he would get caught, deactivated the transfer panel and closed his eyes. He doesn't care anymore, he would just stay here and cultivate, as long as the Marquis's soul is retrieved and Lord Zamir fulfils his promise, he would be a salted fish.

Resolving My Ex-Fiancé's Obsessions {BL}

Resolving My Ex-Fiancé's Obsessions {BL}

LGBT+ · Dark_Scholars
