Sean O'Pry, except with blonde, almost gold hair and gray-blue eyes, has a build slightly bigger than a swimmer's body. I want to awaken in 1975 in Salisbury, Maryland. I will be 23 years old, and my parents and only family died when I was 18. They left me with an inheritance of 20,000,000 pounds and two stories, a four-room house on three acres of land.
Movies · king_100
Wouldve been better to be an enhanced hybrid original, he’d technically be a tribrid after tho due to the magic of hp. But will you give him the other powers of vampires from tvd? (Book) weather manipulation, flight, familiars, etc.
" I wish to become an original vampire from Vampire Diaries with some changes. First, sunlight will not harm me. Second, I don't need permission to enter a house. Third, I can perform instinctual blood magic. And fourth, I want to be able to automatically control my instincts and abilities with a basic understanding of them. All the other factors will stay the same. My name will be Keith Braswell, 6 feet tall and look like
Movies · king_100
I wonder if Finn will stay a normal original or something else🤔
Meh, felt like a wacky hot dog section of dxd where issie peaked on someone.
[Author's Note: Second half of the 6000 word chapter. Was it good? Honest opinion. I think it was good, but that's just me.
Anime & Comics · Emerging
And ketsuryugan as well
Though his eyes now appeared like a normal Rinne-Tenseigan, beneath the surface, they were still the Nine-Tomoe Rinne-Tenseigan—only the tomoe had been hidden.
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
Well he can probably have a little difficulty with full powered rabbit goddess, and a shit ton of trouble with the rest of her clan since she’s the weakest of them🤷♂️
[193] : Copying the Rinnegan! The Nine-Tomoe Rinne-Tenseigan
Anime & Comics · DragonnX
Died you mean?
The whole thing with the bunker is kinda off for me, you stressed the point of the angels and demons are keeping an absurdly high level of vigilance and observation on Sam and dean and you made it abundantly clear that they know exactly how the “story” is supposed to go and what Sam and dean are supposedly doing at all points in their lives but then you have Sam going off script every chance he gets, meeting people he’s not supposed to yet, going places he isn’t supposed to be, like I understand the bunker is useful for helping save lives but this is starting to get complicated and confusing. People who aren’t supposed to live are alive, people who are supposed to be dead are alive, and the whole world that is supposed to be a certain was isn’t going that way, so it just makes no sense on how the angels and demons can’t see all these massive changes to the timeline and to Sam, just no logical way. So all I’m saying is this is kinda off putting.
"Yes sir," And that's how it went. I walked them through everything - well almost everything. Some things needed to still remain secret.
TV · Samael_Son_of_Dawn
You should make him a demigod and then have him progress to this level or it’s gonna be boring and dull 99% of the time
Race: God
TVD: Jeremy Gilbert
TV · xMelGodx