You got great allies Maple! All that’s left is the “lizard in the cave”
Kaede stood in silence, her mind racing as the Bovoid leader and the Equinoid leader both knelt before her. The sudden shift in their demeanor was almost surreal. One moment, they had been staunch enemies, prepared to fight to the bitter end, and the next, they were swearing fealty to her without hesitation.
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
Unfortunate. Maple had to get involved. Don’t worry tho, the Ant’s did well despite being outnumbered
Standing between her and the Bovoid was Kaede, her back turned toward Aurina. The Bovoid's massive axe ground futilely against Kaede's shoulder, unable to pierce her.
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
I forgot the names. Is she actually one of the queens or are they assuming?
The Bovoid grinned through bloodied teeth, his voice a rumbling growl. "Is this all you've got? I expected more from the Ant queen."
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
They would be powerful allies to have it seems.
Her eyebrows rose. They were coordinating now, attacking her in tandem, forcing her to split her attention between the raw power of the Bovoid and the lightning-quick precision of the Equinoid.
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
The other book. I like this book WAY more then the other one.
Pick two of the current books to be dropped.
アニメ·コミックス · Iros
I dislike you now. Have a meme:
My mind was now fully me. There was no distinction. All of the passive processes my subconscious carried out were under my control. At the same time automation was still applicable. It was as if I had gained control of the smallest parts of my body. Comfort slithered into every single ounce of my being as I slowly felt my Telekinetic abilities, Techno-psychic powers and faint Empathic power be flexed and strained against.
ゲーム · Alex_Simmonds
I retract that statement to a degree. I just got told that these guys are A- rank. They may just be the strongest force if you don’t include Maple’s or the Slimes future forces.
The Bovoid leader snorted, steam erupting from his nostrils. "Hah! As if! The Bovoids are the strongest force in all of Jura!" His deep voice boomed across the battlefield, thick with confidence. "Bowing down to a so-called master? Don't make me laugh! If this is all you've got, you and your pitiful army are about to be crushed!"
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
That’s not good for us at all. Luckily, all they need is about 500-2000 more ants so they can win. I believe even you! Show Maple you don’t need her for every little battle!
The realization hit Aurina like a hammer. They had allied against the Antari. The combined force now numbered close to sixteen thousand. Against them, the Antari were like a handful of grains standing against an oncoming tide.
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
“Strongest force” Y’all are barely fodder enemies.
The Bovoid leader snorted, steam erupting from his nostrils. "Hah! As if! The Bovoids are the strongest force in all of Jura!" His deep voice boomed across the battlefield, thick with confidence. "Bowing down to a so-called master? Don't make me laugh! If this is all you've got, you and your pitiful army are about to be crushed!"
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory
And the very start of canon. I can’t wait till Maple and Mr slime meet!
Kaede nodded. "It is as you fear. A few minutes ago, Veldora's presence completely vanished from the Great Forest of Jura."
Bofuri (The Strongest Shield Of Tensura)
アニメ·コミックス · SaberGlory