

LV 4
2021-10-06 入りました Global
バッジ 4

Moments 859
1 days ago

Kaidou didn't neglect his DF mastery though he isn't Kaku. but Kaidou can't awaken his DF due to his will not being in sync with his DF. the Azure dragon is a benevolent being that symbolises prosperity and fortune, Kaidou is a tyrannical being that symbolises despair and terror. Kaidou could never awaken his DF due to these factors, it's like asking why Charlos the celestial dragon can't awaken the Nika fruit.

2 days ago

Kaidou always cared for Yamato, the fact he didn't kill Yamato over the years for being such a troublesome brat is proof enough. it's just that Kaidou is Kaidou, he expresses his love differently to normal people and he believes his greatest gifts he can give Yamato are strength, power and will.

2 days ago

surprised Rob lucci didn't become stronger but his will probably got crushed not to the extent of gecko moria

4 days ago

don't really get why Aerion is trying to hunt that dragon with just Vermithor. this version of the cannibal is extremely experienced in dragon combat, has Vermithor even slayed 1 dragon in combat? it's as large as Vermithor in a fight and even more temperamental and cunning than vermithor. At this point, Aerion should get this information to Viserys, get Vhagar as the muscle and Caraxes as the bait. Then Jump the Cannibal cause Aerion is seeking death at this point, unless he rolls a Nat 20, it's very likely Vermithor and Cannibal will kill each other if not kill then the survivor will likely be left permanently crippled by the end.

11 days ago

don't see why Aemond agreed with him at all. Vhagar is the big thing that is detering the Blacks from taking Kings landing from the Greens. If Aemond flies to the north, it would take him several days to go to Winterfell, negotiate the Starks to side with him and then to come back. If Borros was a Black and just tricked Aemond to make a hefty journey, he can send a raven to Dragonstone and Kingslanding would be conquered by 2-3 days while Aemond is trying to negotiate the Starks to his side or coming back. Without any blood being spilled so far on both sides, Aegon would give up when he sees Caraxes, Meleys, Arrax and Moondancer flying above Kings landing and take the L. After that it's just Vhagar and Tessarion against Meleys, Caraxes, Syrax, Arrax and Moondancer. That's the Greens dead. Borros here even said he is 'loyal' and doesn't need to arrange a marriage which makes his offer incredibly suspicious due to his lineage and his father being an ardent supporter of Rhaenys.

14 days ago
Replied to Daoistd9QJca

Getting close to a VERY promising Red Dragon Emperor isn't a bad tradeoff at all since the marriage would never go through since Rias can just go cry to her brother.

14 days ago

Riser should be using this opportunity to get close to Jon and become his friend. now that he knows Sirzechs is opposing this marriage, it's only a matter of when for Sirzechs to exert his influence and nullify this marriage arrangement. Unless Riser can charm Rias soon and make her WANT the marriage, there is no point.

24 days ago

yeah no, Kaidou and Orochi delayed not just because of Oden's might but also because of his connections. Oden was just fresh off the Voyage, if he said he needed help to deal with Kaidou, the Roger pirates would have turned around and Oden could call WB to lend a hand. At this point, Kaidou was probably trying to delay the inevitable confrontation as long as possible so the ties between Oden and the Roger & WB pirates would fade with time. If the Roger pirates were still a thing, Kaidou would have made those ships, extracted as much wealth and resources as he could and left Wano with Orochi following. Also the final battle with Kaidou and Oden, Oden got a mid-battle Haki bloom, overpowered Blast breath when he was previously losing the clash, surprised Kaidou and landed Togen Totsuka. A haki bloom is completely unreliable, whats to say that it's not Oden who receives the Haki bloom but Kaidou instead? I won't get into a powerscaling but Oden could have broken out of the prison and went for round 2 with Kaidou if he could beat him in a 1 v 1, Kaidou had no hostages to force Oden into compliance but Oden didn't. And Oden had conqueror's haki, for me that's pretty much acknowledgement that Oden didn't think he could beat Kaidou, give Kaidou a run for his money certainly but beat? no Otherwise, Oden let his wife be killed and his country suffer for 20 years to fulfill a prophecy and that kind of a man isn't someone that can possess conquerors.

1 months ago
Replied to The_Illuminated

you need to, with Aegon's marriage outside of the Targaryens and Sunfyre's bigger size and Daeron taming Vermithor, the Blacks will be assured that the Green will try to usurp. Maybe not go into a civil war but bring enough of the Noble Houses of Westeros into the Greens side and pressure Rhaenrya to surrender by showing the overwhelming support that Aegon possessed. which was the Green's main plan in OTL, crown Aegon, get enough of the Noble houses on Aegon's side and pressure Rhaenrya to surrender. the major mistake they made was they took the Grand council as fact when it was repeatedly shown that the Lords chose Viserys over Rhaenys by a massive difference, this is including how the Targaryens snubbed the North so they voted for Rhaenys as big middle finger to him and Rhaenys had her uncle Boremund backing her up. But they didn't realise was that the Lords PREFER a Male but are fine with a woman inheriting as that has happened in rare scenarios.

1 months ago

bro isn't Chadahn I guess.

For some reason, my horses were the first thing people aimed for when they tried to stop me and it didn't really take much effort to kill one... At one point, I'd stopped riding altogether because I felt too sorry for the poor things but I can't do that.

A Song of Grace & Fury

A Song of Grace & Fury

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