

LV 14
2021-10-02 入りました Global
バッジ 16

Moments 128
3 months ago
Replied to urextrachromosomed

he seems fixed on an earthen boat when he could just make something out of wood though. hell the time he's taking he could hollow out a tree into a canoe or build a wood raft that would have buoyancy for him and his gear. also curious if he has tried to make ice yet, being as he could preserve food/water and use it to help protect the boat.

Leon put that idea on the list of stupid but plausible plans, once again, the only answer he had was to keep training.

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path (COMPLETED)

Fantasy · ExSoldierLv99

3 months ago

to be fair, it's not a bad deal...

3 months ago

Without a doubt.

"Right. Sometimes, I forget that," said Valera. She cocked her head and put a finger to her lip. "Hm. Is that a problem? I believe quite a few men would love to have an ever faithful woman by their side."

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago
Replied to ShaxDNight

so AoT basically

"You won't have to worry about me staying alive," said Aldrich. "I'll be careful. And I do have to give you an answer, no? Can't do that if I'm dead."

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago
Replied to Spiritomb_108

he cant move anyways with the multiplied gravity and it breaks line of sight. although i doubt it would make a difference, just that it would be a smart move not knowing the full circumstances.

His feet sizzled as the water reached them. The water roared violently as it instantly evaporated against Darius's intense heat output. So long as he could instantly evaporate the water as soon as it made contact with the vat, he could prevent the water level from building up.

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago
Replied to ShadyDemoness

hes not talking nukes. they can just shoot a metal rod from space and the freefall speed would be enough to tear through almost anything. thus the tungsten rod.

Anytime a nuke was thrown out, a variant would spawn, often from the radioactive energy of the fallout zone, that was even harder to deal with than what the nuke wiped out in the first place.

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago

Being as they couldn't detect it before it arrived, it doesnt make sense to assume it died...

It also reported that the Panopticon's VSSA (Variant Sensor Satellite Array) could not track down the disaster variant, determining that because it could not detect any Ether signature, that the variant had died, its natural regeneration unable to keep up with its wounds.

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago
Replied to Minervus

its necrophilia between undead so its technically same as normal between 2 humans... not that i would want imagine the possible kinks or activities because of being undead.

"Once my alchemical laboratory has formed, O Elder, I am quite capable of creating a concoction that significantly increases your performance. Many an elderly mage in the Arcanist's Order has asked for my-,"

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago
Replied to Paul_Chaloux

Honestly doesnt feel like hes fully thinking it out.

But then what? Where was the guarantee her mind was still intact? And who was going to bring her back to the city?

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever

5 months ago

i mean he could just have a striker bring her to the city and dump her at the gate or nearby. Even the rogue might be able to without getting attention/attacked. there are options that are available with little to no risk to himself.

But then what? Where was the guarantee her mind was still intact? And who was going to bring her back to the city?

Super Necromancer System

Super Necromancer System

Fantasy · John_Doever