waiting for next chapter ….
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
I love the books of Aimee Lynn. It‘s the 5th for me. I love them all. Fantastic writing. Characters you fall in love with and never ever want to part with.
waiting , waiting, waiting. I love this book, but it kills me
son not som 😀
Accustomed to betrayal amongst even the most intimate of bonds back in the eclipse domain, father against som and mate betraying mate, Neveah did not find this as difficult to accept as it was for the dragons.
Fantasy · JHeart
okay the mystery how they first met is solved finally
Alpha bullshit 🤣😂🤣
Falek's smile fell of his face like it had never been there, and Etan looked smug, though he stifled his smile. Shaking Falek's arm one more time, he turned and ushered Ayleth forward. "The ladies always get to go first," he said quietly, cutting a glance a Falek, that Ayleth didn't understand.
Fantasy · AimeeLynn
2 cliffhangers in one chapter!
we have to wait another day, too
growns - R is missing 😀
After a few minutes of ordering the servants in and out to gather items I didn't even recognize at the same time she very carefully folded the gowns Kaitleen had sent, Abigail declared the packing done. Then she turned to face me.
THE CHOICE: My King or My Knight?
Fantasy · AimeeLynn